Martial Sage

Chapter 1183: Knowledge is priceless

Students who have graduated from the academy can no longer live in the academy. They have completed their studies and can go out to do things. They must move out of Yuhua Mountain as soon as possible. There are endless carriages along the way, and none of them are bullock carts.

This is the money paid by the royal family. The courtyard of Lizhengfang is ready for this group of students. The students can live for free until the errands are dispatched. The royal family did not deprive students of a college this time.

Even for the worst one, the ministers all agreed that if they were put to work as a supervisor and trained for a few years, they would definitely become useful talents after experience, especially Yan Liben, who believed that students should be assigned to other than the Ministry of Engineering. The department is a waste of resources.

In contrast to these college students, Li Zhi made an exception and admitted 30 students from the prefectures and counties. This year's college entrance examination papers clearly showed that the students in this year's academics were much higher than the previous ones.

Although complaints are still endless, after studying the exam questions of the college candidates, those elders shut their mouths very wisely. One of the guys didn't want the scholarship at all, and was going to enter the college for another three years.

After Tang Hao knew about this, don't mention how happy he was in his heart.

The scripture brought back by Monk Zhikong from Tianzhu was written on the leaves, which is the shell leaf scripture. This thing is not resistant to storage and needs to be stored in a dry and ventilated place.

I don't know who said that a wasteland in Chang'an is a treasure, so the monks built a pagoda in that place, and now they are collecting donations for the bells on the corners of the tower.

It is said that as long as there is wind and the wind blows the bell on the corner of the tower, it is a blessing. The soft ringing of the bell will bring the donor's wish to the gods and Buddhas.

General Yuchi’s family had many daughters, and the wife of Yuchi Palace insisted that the girls in the palace would marry out in the future, one by one from the east to the west, one by one, they need to keep their peace outside, keep a few thoughts, and hang on the pagoda. Bells, praying for the daughters who married out, is a good way.

A total of twelve bells should be hung on the eaves of the first floor of the pagoda, and the entire ninth floor of Yuchi's house was covered by all the bells.

I thought it would be nice to hang copper bells, but it was not until the old lady sent someone to move the silver in the royal palace that the eldest son of the Yuchi family knew that the bells wrapped by the Yuchi family this time were all made of silver.

The bells on the pagoda must be silver, and each one must have a fixed weight, nine hundred twenty-nine dollars. I heard that the copper bells hung before are always missing for no apparent reason, so I hung the silver.

You can hang silver bells, isn't this deliberately recruiting thieves?

Young Master Yuchi and Tang Haoshi were naturally the first to tell Tang Hao about the incident. The next day Tang Hao went to Master Fang Xuanling’s mansion and talked about it, but Master Fang said disapprovingly: " There must be some richness."

Oh, this opened his eyes to Tang Hao.

Fang Xuanling said: "The Tang Dynasty does not lack the silver. In order to send more envoys from the Tang Dynasty, the Fusang Kingdom will send a large amount of silver every year. Can you do the same too."

My goodness, the college starts to charge tuition now? Tang Hao couldn't help being surprised.

"Of course, gold and silver are valuable, and knowledge is priceless. Since they want to learn something real from the Tang Dynasty, it is natural to pay for the silver. Schools all over the country need to be repaired, and the food for government students needs to be improved. The court is in this regard. The budget is small, so if you can subsidize more, you can subsidize more.”

Mr. Fang is right. Previously, when Fusang’s envoys visited the emperor, they brought the promise of Fusang’s queen. If Tang Hao’s academy could accept Fusang’s dispatched Tang’s envoy, the money would be doubled, and the settlement would be made once a year. It’s worth considering if you are a young man. consider.

"Master Fang, let's forget about our college. Even if Fusang exchanges gold for it, I will not agree. Since they are willing to pay such a heavy price, it shows that they are determined to reform. The knowledge transmitted in the college is the most important knowledge. , It’s better not to disclose it."

When encountering major events, Tang Hao was very determined. With high-end knowledge, Tang Hao would not let them out of the academy.

Fang Xuanling heard what Tang Hao said so solemnly, put down the pen in her hand, and said to Tang Hao with a serious expression: "The old man has always been weird. Why is the general full of hatred for Fusang and Goguryeo?"

Not only Fang Xuanling, but in the eyes of many powerful officials in Datang, the biggest disaster in the Central Plains lies in the grasslands. That is the biggest confidant of Datang. The surrounding areas such as Fusang and Goguryeo are also annoying, but they are not like Tang Hao. So solemnly.

Tang Hao was speechless. Someone believed what happened over the next thousand years.

Moreover, Tang Hao, who deeply talked about the "grandfather's paradox", knew that even if he exerted all his strength, he would not change his future direction.

However, General Zhen Guo can still bring joy to the people around him he loves.

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