Martial Sage

Chapter 1184: Wedding Season

Looking through the almanac, it has been a good day recently, so it seems that people around me get together to get married. No, the eldest son of the Yuchi family married the daughter of the Huozhu family.

The eldest son of Yuchi's family married a wife, and it was natural that the spectacle was indispensable, and the guests were full of guests. Whether it is the grandmother of Yuchi's mother-in-law, or the other aunts, they are all smiling today, and they don't care about Xiao Jiujiu in the backyard, as if it is his own son marrying his wife.

More than twelve finely crafted palace flowers were neatly placed on a black lacquered plate. The lady looked at the delicate flowers, whether it was craftsmanship or style, that was much more praised than when she married General Yuchi.

Explain that your life is getting more and more prosperous.

Young Master Yuchi himself is tall and handsome. Being a bridegroom today is even more energetic. The shiny and dark high-headed horse, and Young Master Yuchi's sassy and heroic posture aroused envy and admiration.

The woman’s eyes were full of admiration, and the unmarried girls imagined that if Young Master Yuchi one day accepts the house, he would be really happy to be selected.

The long welcoming party lined up from the streets of Vermillion Bird Street to the end of the street. The wedding dresses of the maids and minions were all made by the masters of Tang Hao Silk Company. The workmanship alone is worth a lot of silver.

The gifts for the bride’s dowry are also very luxurious. There is only one big golden pig, made of 800 taels of gold, and the huge golden pig lies on the plate. All prominent families and the big Miss will have a golden pig dowry. Four people carry the gold. Pig, grinning.

This is a custom, even if the inside of the golden pig is made of other materials, and the outside is covered with a layer of gold foil, the person carrying the golden pig must make an expression of being immovable.

The dowry of the Huozhu Family Miss must be real materials. Even the golden pig-shaped mold is designed by the most famous master in Chang'an City. You must know that this master only designs ten pigs a year, and after each pig is made, The mold was broken.

So when you got married that year, you can get the designer's own golden pig design. This is not a good luck for the new couple.

At this time, the little golden pig lying on the black plate was naive, not to mention how cute it was.

The emcee outside the courtyard chanted the wedding poem loudly, and the big Miss from Huo Zhu's family got on the sedan chair.

Tang Hao went there too. He drank a lot of wine at the wedding banquet. You must know that the "massive" of Yuchi's family is really huge, and it is not fake at all. At the end of the drink, Tang Hao didn't know how he got back.

After waking up in the middle of the night, Tang Hao felt very thirsty. He felt that someone was feeding him water. His eyelids were too heavy to open. Anyway, it was either Li Wanqing or Princess Changle. After drinking the water, Tang Hao rudely served the owner. Pulled up the bed.

Tang Hao yawned comfortably with his soft body smelling of ripe apples, and then fell into a sweet dream.

I slept right up to midday the next day. When I opened my eyes, I saw the person in my arms, my mother, who are these two ladies? This is obviously the new personal maid Biqinglian from Changle. .

The consequence of this incident was that Tang Hao had to put Bi Qinglian in the house and treat him as a concubine.

Princess Changle is nothing. After all, his own father has so many concubines, and he has become accustomed to these things in the backyard, but Li Wanqing murmured.

"Husband, this Biqinglian is already in her twenties this year, and her age is a little bit older, and she will lose her status as a concubine. Would you like to think about it again and find someone younger." Li Wanqing considered Biqinglian's The age is too old.

But seeing Bi Qinglian's shy look, Tang Hao couldn't say anything.

At this point, there was a third wife in the general's mansion. This was what Tang Hao hadn't expected when he smashed his head. The Goguryeo had tried his best and didn't fascinate General Tang, but now a Biqinglian has become the third wife.

Tang Hao accepted Mrs. Sanfang, and the news of the explosion spread rapidly in Chang'an circles. The eldest son rushed back from the field overnight, wanting to see how this new lady is so overwhelming that she can marry Tang Hao, who has always been serious, ignoring her age.

Cheng Gongzi has only been married for less than a month. Hearing about this, he immediately left the charming bride and ran over to watch the excitement.

The folks say, marrying a wife, marrying De, marrying a concubine, marrying sex, and I don't know what kind of third wife can be married to such a masterful prodigy like Tang Hao.

After Bi Qinglian came out to meet, the group of iron men broke up, not because her appearance did not meet the idea of ​​"causing the country and the people", but because she was an acquaintance that Tang Hao was already familiar with.

In fact, when Princess Changle brought Bi Qinglian back to the mansion, everyone thought that this maid had the potential to make progress. Unexpectedly, everyone's eyes were sharp, but Bi Qinglian really became the third lady.

But fortunately, they were all acquaintances. Li Wanqing was very pleased. Before, he had tried to give Tang Hao a lot of attention. Didn't he expect that this suitable candidate would be by his side?

Under Li Wanqing's Zhang Luo, the palace held a simple but exquisite small ceremony, inviting several familiar Tiezi to gather for a banquet, and Bi Qinglian officially entered the door.

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