Martial Sage

Chapter 1185: Science and Paradox

In the bathhouse of the Sixi family, a few irons were soaked naked in the big pool. The Cheng family groaned in pain and said, "It’s boring, I don’t want to go to the palace on duty tomorrow. It’s too boring, too boring, too boring. ..."

"I don't know why I promised my dad to go to Jingzhou. There are sparsely populated and wild animals. I am hunting besides hunting. The bandits of the bandits and lakes have all gone to the depths of Daze. I hate dealing with those bandits, no With a little technology content, I need to fight with more cunning enemies and continue to deal with these lake bandits. I find that my IQ will drag me down one level."

"I'm not bad. I have many books to read. Sometimes my father has to take the lead in matters. He starts to be busy when he opens his eyes. He has to be busy until the lights are turned off at night before he can take a break." Qin Family The son said.

"My father now raises me as a pig," the Li family said triumphantly. "As long as he doesn't cause trouble, he can play chess with his old man at home obediently, but his chess skills are too uncomfortable, I Even if you let him take a few steps, you can leave the piece of armor he killed. I can't win it yet. If he wins, he loses his temper. If he loses, he will laugh at me, and life will be impossible."

"A bunch of lay people, we have flowers in spring, green leaves in summer, fruits in autumn, snow in winter, and beautiful women in our leisure time. Playing the piano and composing poems is boundlessly elegant. The smiles of beautiful women are all beautiful stories. Knowing to appreciate, I don’t know how to endure you laymen for so many years, it seems that I have to continue to endure it."

Young Master Qin got more and more excited.

"It's time to move my bones. I feel that I will get rusty if this continues. I can hear the rubbing of my bones and joints when I walk." The Cheng family complained.

Tang Hao shook his head and said, "The emperor will never release all of us. Last time I went to pacify Goguryeo, but when I went there, I leveled the city directly. Now the full courts of civil and military officials are staring at us. You can't move at all."

At present, the biggest idea of ​​these few irons is to bring one hundred thousand soldiers and horses. Everyone has a clear division of labor. The coach, the vanguard, the left and right wings, and the food and grass soldiers have a clear division of labor. They start from Yumen Pass and march westward. Hit the end of the westernmost sky, and saw what other objects on the horizon could allow them to continue to conquer.

Tang Hao was still relatively calm and realistic. He sat up from the pool together, and saw the few guys who were addicted to their dreams, and said loudly:

"The result of our all the way west is to find that we have returned to Datang, and the place where we landed is Dengzhou."

"Impossible. We went all the way to the west without turning or turning back. Why did we ran back to Dengzhou? That was in the east, you are Lu Chi." The eldest son of the Changsun family said to Tang Hao. Very dissatisfied.

"Dare to make a bet, whether we go east or west, or even south or north, as long as we keep going, we will definitely go to the origin. Believe me, it can't be wrong, this is something someone paid The fact that we can only find out at the price of blood, let's treat ourselves as Life on a big sphere."

"This joke is not funny." Everyone despised Tang Hao.

But Tang Hao despised the ignorance of those princes from the bottom of his heart, but no longer said anything. It was not easy for everyone to get together. Hearing the grumbles of these iron men, each one lived in despair. Want to do it rashly? This hope is far from reach.

Nibbing the corn boiled in the big iron pot of Sixi, these people arrived in the maze, and the leaves of the elm tree had almost fallen off. When Master Cheng saw the dense cobwebs on the branches, he still vomited out.

Huo Zhu applied some potions on these young people and let them into the Lost Woods. This was originally a toy that Tang Hao made casually on a whim, but now it is indeed a dead place in the eyes of Chang'an and even the entire Datang People.

Three jade tiles were found in the misty woods. Tang Hao took out the jade tiles. The son of the grandson family was surprised to find that Tang Hao actually had this thing. With his insight, he found these three jade tiles at a glance. The cards are taken from the same big jade, which means that all three jade cards are real.

A few young people looked at the jade tiles over and over again, and apart from the fact that the jade tiles were of good quality, they couldn't see any difference. Only the son of the Yuchi family seemed to see something famous.

He found that the lines on the jade plate are arranged very regularly, and these lines must represent some special meaning in it.

"This is very similar to the writing of "Yin & Yang Symbols". At the beginning, Jiang Taigong used wooden sticks of different lengths to express different meanings. The meaning of these line segments should be the same, but who knows the first line segment? To express ... 's meaning?"

Tang Hao said at this time: "I decided long ago to take this thing as an academic study of the academy, and it is already underway. Perhaps this thing represents wealth in the eyes of others and represents immortality, but in our academy’s In the eyes, it symbolizes the wisdom of ancient times and the message left to future generations by ancestors."

At this point, Tang Hao looked proud.

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