Martial Sage

Chapter 1205: Frightening Every Step

The crow came again, croaking, very unpleasant.

Tang Hao knew that there must be rotten flesh in the place where there were many crows. He called the guards on patrol, and walked with him towards the place where the crows were the most. Before coming to the front, the crow roared loudly.

He didn't care, the guard cut through the thatch with a long knife and looked around. When Tang Hao walked to the deepest part of the barren grass beach, he discovered that there was a rocky beach with many strange rocks and a long, winding path.

The clever Tang Hao blocked the guard in front of the owner and walked slowly along the path, trying to hide himself behind the guard, sticking out his head from time to time to look around. One guard was caught by the tip of a jujube tree. After the thorn broke the skin, it foamed at the mouth, bleeding from Qiqiao to death.

What kind of poison is this? The legendary drag medicine is not so terrible. In fact, human vitality is terrible. If it is not a nitrile compound, no poison can kill people so quickly, and I don’t know what it is.

In those days, the poisons used for home travel were biotoxins or phytotoxins. The era of using synthetic toxins has not yet arrived. At this time, the guard lying here has no heartbeat and pulse.

Tang Hao was sure that this guy was really dead.

Tang Hao didn't plan to follow in his footsteps. Putting on a gas mask and deerskin gloves, waited for him to pack up, and looked back at the remaining two guards, and found that the two of them had their faces as earthy and trembling like sieve chaff, and the meaning of pleading in his eyes could not be more obvious.

The north wind blew, and snow foam poured into the person's neck. No one felt cold, and the winter clothes of the two guards were soaked with sweat.

Tang Hao peeled off the clothes of the dead guards, lit them and threw them into the clumps of grass. The fluffy thatch burned quickly. He took a short rest on his front feet, and followed everyone behind with the ash on his back feet, like a stroll.

Seeing the words on the stone, Tang Hao walked away from the distance. The crow flew away. There was a gray figure following the crow in the grass. He did not run as fast as the crow. The drug applied on it is wicked again.

The man in gray only ran two steps, and hit three crossbow arrows on his back, with three shots in one fell swoop. This was specially set by the public to make up for Tang Hao's poor accuracy. The gray man's hair and eyebrows were all burned out, but the man was not dead yet.

In addition to trembling all over, there was heartbeat and pulse, but his mouth was full of plant dust. Tang Hao opened his mouth and found that his mouth was burning badly. The guard was about to chop off this guy's head.

General Zhen Guo hurriedly stopped and said: "Leave him, we need intelligence, this guy is very important."

"Can't kill? General, this dog's mouth was burned out, even if I wake up, I can't ask anything. We are in a dangerous place, and it is a burden to bring him, so it is more convenient to carry our heads." The guards are straightforward and simple. .

Tang Hao smiled and said, "Who told you that you can’t reveal a secret if you can’t speak alone? No mouth, hands, hands, feet, no hands or feet, arms and legs, and he can’t write. It’s not a big deal. I have a friend. I don’t understand him, but I can understand what he draws. If he is an individual, I can draw pictures. It’s not difficult to understand pictures."

After a while, a voice came over, and the head of the guard rushed along the path first. When everyone saw the men hanging on the tree branch, they stopped immediately, waited until the crowd was there, and then started again, and then walked forward.

Seeing that no one was injured along the way. At this moment, Tang Hao looked sadly at the talkative guard next to him, why didn't he let his own robe go.

The guard's first reaction was to slash at Tang Hao with a knife, but with the crisp sound of bows and crossbows, the guard could only fall to the ground obediently, and the three female arrows stuck in his left shoulder plunged deep into it. Lost his body.

He twisted his body unwillingly and wanted to get up. Tang Hao squatted down and whispered, "Do you know how you exposed?" The guard shook his head dumbly. He was sure that General Zhen Guo didn't see himself poisoning that companion. , Because it takes three hours for the poison to dissolve in the stomach.

At that time, Tang Hao was still sleeping, it was impossible to know, this guard wanted to know how Tang Hao guessed that it was own.

At this moment, Tang Hao was talking about him. After waiting for a while, he smiled and said, "I don't care how you killed Brother Own. I just need you to have no time to commit suicide now. Talking to you is waiting for the anesthetic to work. ."

"That person really can't say anything, but you can. The quality of the anesthetic developed by the medicine saint Sun Simiao is guaranteed. He said that the effect is four hours." At this time, a circle of shadows filled Tang Hao's face. Come.

Waiting for the guard leader to arrive with a group of people. The fire had spread to the edge of the Qujiang River, and the flame was extinguished after struggling. Tang Hao said to the guard leader: "This person must not die, and you must not think of killing and shirk the guilt. Once this person dies, I guarantee that your whole family will be slashed. Maybe it is of the Nine Clan, if you say you To save this person’s life today, I also give you a promise that no one will hold you accountable afterwards. The big deal will be to send the frontier army to serve.”

This is the general's imposing and awe-inspiring working style.

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