Martial Sage

Chapter 1206: The Abandoned Garden Treats Guests

No matter how far the road is, it can come to an end no matter what. Tang Hao saw a smiling corpse on the edge of Qujiang. Although he was roasted by the fire, his dark face still had a strong smile, and he stretched his hands forward, welcoming guests warmly.

Seeing the pointed wedge stuck in the chest of the corpse. Tang Hao couldn't help but jumped and cursed: "Go to your mother's surname as Wu Jiu. To your mother, Ninety welcomes guests, a group of perverts, it can't be normal to welcome guests..."

On the way back, Tang Hao asked the guard to shoot a fat rabbit for his own dinner.

The bell struck one hundred and seven in the evening, and the General Zhenuo breathed a sigh of relief and began to cook dinner. Hearing the sound of gu-dong outside, Tang Hao's hand eased, and the rabbit meat continued to settle.

The smell of rabbit meat is very heavy and needs seasoning to suppress. Several mango seeds were thrown out of the star anise. Once this thing is eaten by mistake, it will cause nausea, vomiting, and dizziness, or unconsciousness. The two are very similar.

But for an old foodie like Tang Hao, there is no difficulty in distinguishing the two, there are only seven or eight in the whole package of anise. It seemed that people didn't want to think that the general Zhen Guo couldn't sleep.

"General, a guard was nailed to the wall with a javelin just now, should we find the murderer?" The head of the guard asked General Tang for advice through the window.

"You can quit, you can't afford to play this game. I have a guest tonight, get me a jar of good wine, and remember to tell the store plainly that I'm going to serve the customer, otherwise the wine It will be poisonous." Tang Hao ordered it properly.

The dog meat rolled three times, and the fairy stood unsteadily. If the rabbit meat was rolled a few more times, it would rot in the pot and couldn't eat it.

Tang Hao, who was in control of the fire, opened the door to wait for the guests to come in, but waited and waited for no one, and was a little angry. Tang Hao cursed in his heart.

"If you can't get down, if you don't get down, I will eat it alone." He shouted to the empty room, and took a large piece of meat from the pot, carrying it over the wine jar and drinking it with the mellow soup. Took a big mouthful.

"Look, there is no poison in the wine or the food. Don't worry, I am a general of Datang at any rate. I still have credibility at this point, but your credibility is worrying..." Wiped his mouth, General Zhen Guo Putting one leg on the chair, he said carelessly to the air.

"No way, it's always right to be careful. I believe you are a gentleman, and I don't plan to follow in their footsteps." One sounded a little weak, and the voice slowly sounded from the roof.

"You know my cooking skills. Today happened to be a fat rabbit braised in braised sauce, and then simmered on a low fire. The taste is gone. It's a pity that you don't eat it." Tang Hao enjoyed it deliciously.

"Who said I don't eat it? I have eaten the food you cooked twice. It tastes good, but I still like the braised pork in the academy. That stuff is only delicious when it is stewed in a big pot. Fill me with more fat. Meat and soup should be filled too." A small silver bowl was hung from the beam of the house by a rope.

Tang Hao was not surprised, he fished out a bowl full of meat from the cauldron, poured the soup, and saw that bowl of meat quickly went up to the beam of the room.

Hearing the movement, someone took a sip of the soup, as if thinking of something, "You picked out the mango seeds in the star anise?"

"Nonsense, that thing will be used as a medicinal material, but as a seasoning? Are you afraid that you won't die fast enough?" Tang Hao asked rhetorically.

"In this world, living a person is an extremely difficult thing. If you are not careful, you will die worse than a pig." The sound of meat fell from the beam of the room.

"Last time the guy who didn't listen to persuasion planned to stab you in the grass, but he was stabbed three times, but can you really get the news from him? If you can, you will send it. The status of the guy is not low, knowing a lot of things, the emperor will definitely thank you." The voice of being fed by food is very beautiful.

Tang Hao then filled the silver bowl with meat for soup, and he muttered in his heart after hearing his explanation. Strangely asked: "Aren't you worried? You are a group, so you are not afraid of leaking secrets?"

"Afraid, but the person is in your hands, what can I do? By the way, I'm very curious, where did you send the other guy, I didn't see you send someone out."

"It's not easy to walk on the road. I can only go through the tunnels. I have some experts here. I still don't ask too much about some secrets. I am worried that if I know too much, the emperor will cut my head."

The two of them ate rabbit meat and drank wine. Many things can actually be solved at the wine table. So sometimes Tang Hao was very puzzled, since good food can solve the problem, why should he break his blood.

"You dug the tunnel yourself? By the way, how did I forget Si Xi? This damn guy broke my big deal. Your emperor won the bet this time." The voice on the roof beam Then said.

"My teacher gave me a children's book before his death. I mentioned you above. I began to think it was an old man's illusion. Who knows, it's just a few months, and I'm going to die with you. Could it be that the Kingdom of the North Does it really exist?"

What the teacher once mentioned was like a knot, tied in his heart.

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