Martial Sage

Chapter 1207: Ending the circle ban

"Tell me, you tell me about this. And I tell you where the jade medal is hidden, I will definitely not lie to you."

Tang Hao promised: "I have three, really."

The silver bowl hung down from the beam again, "Pour me a bowl of wine and fill it up. Whoever believes you is the blood and mold. I want to know the secret of the jade brand, but since Tian Xiangzi was killed by you After that, I forced myself to control myself, and don't think about all the things about jade cards."

The voice on the beams is still calm, touching key information, reason is higher than emotion.

"Because once I have greed in my heart, I will be sent to the barren land to die. I'm not sure, I will never do it. Besides, if you hide the jade card in the lost forest, everyone in the world knows it. , Let all the cheap bones go to death, and continue to be the specimens in Sun Simiao's medicine room, but he sleeps safely at home."

At this point, the voice became ridiculed: "I'm surprised. I'm all smart people. How come I will be fooled by you?"

Tang Hao spit out the rabbit bones, wiped his hands and said, "To be honest. Have you sent someone there?"

"I still couldn't hold back. I sent a good guy to follow the Goguryeo people. I was bitten by a spider on the tree. I only cut off my own arm and escaped. After all, my skill is not yet at home. It was made into a specimen by the way I learned from the academy and placed in my room as a memorial. I will never dare to make such a mistake again in the future."

Tang Hao nodded and said, "People are summing up lessons from constant failures. Congratulations, you can sum them up again. By the way, what you mean is that I won this bet. Then since I am the winner, then the prize Where? You ate my rabbit meat for nothing and drank my good wine again, don't you leave a souvenir?"

"The emperor's bet has naturally been handed over to the emperor. You are not satisfied with the nine corpses welcoming guests. This is supreme holiness, and the worldly people cannot enjoy it." The voice became a little gloomy.

"I’m worried here, I’m worried here. Nine corpses greeted the guests. I saw only one corpse. When will you send the other eight? Say hello when you send it. I’ll take it personally. There are many girls in the family. To scare Tang Hao and the others." Tang Hao raised his arm and shot a crossbow towards the beam, and then ran away without looking at it.

Today, as long as you go out alive, everything will be fine.

A huge boulder crashed down, blocking the door firmly, and the whole room shook. Tang Hao quickly stood up against the wall. Only the charcoal bowl in Nuo Da's room was shining brightly and pulsating flames.

"Your bow and arrows didn't hit me. Now it's your turn to die." A tall and thin man in black appeared near the brazier and waved his hand, only to find that two of own's fingers had fallen off.

He quickly stepped back. Tang Hao took advantage of this opportunity and quickly turned out from the window of the room, sprinkled all the small bag of fairy grass powder, and then plunged into the ground hole, stringed the crossbow, and installed it. A crossbow arrow.

Tang Hao felt a little settled in his heart. The room was silent. When Tang Hao was about to squat in the cave until dawn, the room collapsed suddenly, and the dust was flying for a while.

The house fell, the smoke scattered, and the moon was shining down. Tang Hao stuck his head out of the hole and found that the guy was flying in the sky, and he was flying in a circle. He rubbed his eyes twice and found that there was a rope on his body.

Looking up, Tang Hao couldn't help but drilled his head halfway into the hole. Two big eagles were flying in the sky with rope tied to their claws. The air flow fanned out by the huge wings fanned the dust that had just dispersed.

Seeing this guy being taken away by the eagle, Tang Hao was relieved to crawl out of the cave, sitting on the ruins with a gray head and dumbfounded, could it be said that this is his future enemy again? Worry, there are eight corpses, who knows one day they will be sent to him.

It was too cold outside, and Tang Hao had to hide back into the underground cave. After a while, someone in the underground cave touched his foot and he heard Wu Tong's voice coming from under his feet.

"General, are you okay?"

"What's the matter? Except being half-to-dead from the cold." Tang Hao sighed. This kind of battle with others is really not his own. If it weren't for the silk thread in the room, he would have to peel off the skin today. .

They didn't think about killing their own, but the jade card saved their own life. A word of nonsense at the beginning has now become his last life-saving talisman.

Before his death, King Peacock opened his eyes wide. I wanted to see God's punishment, but nothing appeared, and no dust fell from the top of the dungeon.

He traveled all the way to Chang'an, but quietly turned to ashes. The house collapsed and the tight ring was cancelled due to irreversible factors.

General Zhen Guo was released home and continued to quiet his feet. Before leaving the city gate, looking at Chang'an covered in snow, a sense of sadness rose from the bottom of his heart.

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