Martial Sage

Chapter 1208: Tracing the clues

I seem to have changed. Ever since I did the first shameless thing unwillingly, I seem to be able to do everything in the future without this method.

While counting the bricks on the city wall, Tang Hao cursed the irresponsible bell-ringer yesterday, and he just struck the 108-ring bell short of it, causing him to almost lose his life.

On the ninth line of the seventh row, a grimace is painted on the ninth brick, as if it were drawn by a urchin at random. This is the only clue that Li Zhi can tell Own, the only thing the betrayal guard confessed was this.

Seeing the appearance of a ghost, he took orders from this person. Li Zhi must know a lot of things. From his disillusioned look, Tang Hao knew how frustrated he was after being conspired by others.

He personally watched Li Zhi add three to Hou Junji's decree. The secretary Cheng hardly dared to read the words in the photo book. He was sent to the frontier army as soon as he put it in a cowhide tube and sealed it with fire lacquer.

Hou Junji would definitely like it. General Zhenguo seemed to see that the nine surnames of Zhaowu had changed from prosperity to the clouds of the past overnight. Tang Hao found three ghost heads. The ghost heads are very beautiful, with three horns and a charming smell in his eyes. This must have been painted by a woman.

General Zhen Guo returned to the own palace in the flying snow, and was warmly welcomed by his wives and concubines. This is nothing to say. The matter of the husband catching ghosts has been spread among the honors of Chang'an, but everyone is not surprised.

If the immortal disciple didn't even have this method, it would be too disappointing. Yuan Tiangang was very regretful. He believed that catching ghosts was his own strength, and the credibility of the means of making a living handed down by the ancestors was absolutely guaranteed.

After passing through the ditch with General Zhen Guo, Yuan Tiangang presented a memorial, hoping that the emperor would leave this kind of thing to professionals like himself in the future. As for Tang Hao, it was enough to teach a good book. Tang Hao strongly agreed to Yuan Tiangang's proposal.

It's best that those dead people with crying and smiling faces don't show up in front of you, but in front of Yuan Tiangang's door.

The emperor granted Yuan Tiangang's request. This is what he has always done. He has never attacked those who have the courage to admit things. If Yuan Tiangang is not allowed to come to Taiwan in front of everyone, it will hurt the hearts of the courtiers.

"Don’t slap other people casually in the future. You know it will be deadly. I will never tell you some things, but I can tell you plainly. Once you find these people’s tracks, you can kill them. Get rid of them all, no matter what, I am willing to pay any price."

When Li Zhi and Tang Tao were walking in the garden, they slammed their fists on the pine tree, and the snow fell down. Before the emperor left, Tang Hao could only shrink his neck and let a large piece of snow hit his head.

"After discovering the ghost head, the General's Mansion sent the generals to the gates of Luoyang, Jingyang and other ancient cities to find them one by one. The minister can say with certainty that there will be gains." Tang Hao said affirmatively.

"Not enough, Baiqisi also needs to pass the book. Otherwise, you will be the navy general of Lingnan, and be the chief officer of Baiqisi. I find that you are very talented in this area." Li Zhi's expression was serious. .

"No, the minister is a face-to-face person, he will be laughed at when he becomes the chief officer of the Baiqi Division. From now on, there is no way to be a man." Tang Hao declined.

Li Zhi said strangely: "Is it a losing face to be my retainer? It's better than you are now under Zhaoyi's dominion."

"That's different. That's the gentleman of the minister. The student is under the control of his husband. It's right and right. No one can say anything, but once you become your retainer, you become a complete dog... Ah, no, Dragon Leg Zi. History records will make the minister feel embarrassed."

"You..." Li Zhi glared at Tang Hao fiercely, "Quickly leave the palace and track down those ghosts."

Li Zhi ordered a copy of Baiqisi's report to be given to Tang Hao.

After listening to the emperor's words, Tang Hao didn't hesitate at all, and ran away without stopping when he saw Zhaoyi, leaving the empress staring at his back for a long time.

After dinner, Tang Hao sneaked into the backyard unknowingly, looked at the tiger-headed hat in Princess Changle's hand and smiled and said, "You have been working hard during this time."

"It's okay, it's all the concubine's actions." The child was taken by Bi Qinglian to play in the backyard. Princess Chang Le stole it for a while, but even if it belonged to her own time, Chang Le was worried about the child.

Chang Le looked at Tang Hao, whose face was a little thin during this period, and said warmly, "You have suffered during this period."

That time Wu Tong came to the kitchen and took away a lot of kitchen utensils, some of which were packed into the bag for his husband by himself.

The night when the Qujiang yard collapsed, Princess Changle's room also shook. When I opened the window and looked at Qujiang, the abandoned garden was filled with collapsed smoke and dust.

At that time, Changle's heart wine was plopping, but fortunately, Zheng'er's father returned safely.

Holding Tang Hao's palm, Chang Le lightly opened her lips, wanted to say a few words of concern, but felt that ordinary love words were too numb and useless. They were simply like a snowflake, nestled on the shoulders of her husband.

In the clouds on the horizon, there was a rosy fire cloud scene that day.

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