Martial Sage

Chapter 1216: The estuary beach

All the cooks in the mountain village in the city have recalled their homes. In order to prepare for today's banquet, the General's Mansion must recruit all the shopkeepers who are out of the house every year to report on their performance in the past year.

At the same time, the shopkeepers also need to record the local customs in detail. The last time Tang Hao was absent, Li Wanqing thanked them instead of the Patriarch. Although it is also lively, the shopkeepers still have some regrets. After all, the owner is not there.

This year is different. The head of the family does not have to go to the expedition. He stays at home early and waits for everyone to come back. Whether he can become an offering to the family or not requires the head of the family to speak. If a man speaks, it is more effective than a woman's writing.

Yu Degong is in charge of Lingnan's business. Shopkeeper Yu is now talking to General Tang in the study, while Wu Tong is guarding the outside of the study. Jiang is sitting on the roof with a strong crossbow and napping, buried in a thick old sheepskin jacket. , People looked a little slack, but both ears were listening vigilantly to the surrounding movement.

"Lao Yu, these years, I left you in that remote place in Lingnan and worked hard. I didn't expect your hard work in Lingnan over the past few years. You have brought such a large income to the family, which is beyond my expectation. "General Tang was overjoyed.

"General, this is what the old slave should do. There is no place to treat the old slave at all. Dare to do your best?" The attitude of the shopkeeper Yu is still very humble.

"Lao Yu, your slave status has long been abolished. Why is it still an old slave with a mouthful?"

"General, the old slave is unaccompanied in Chang'an. There are only old wives and weak children in the family. Ruoer, this child is born cowardly. If there is no family to support him, the old slave will earn him ten thousand dollars and can't keep it. Poor Lao Yu's blood and bones. Take him." Poor Lao Yu's painstaking effort as a father.

"Okay, okay, there is no shortage of this bitter at home, but his meaty temperament can't do anything. I don't know how you are so strong, how can a person give birth to such a cowardly son? Forget it, just stay. Let's take care of the flower room at home. I told Xiaoya that they are not allowed to bully Ruo'er, that's it." Tang Hao readily agreed.

Lao Yu was overjoyed, and knelt to thank you. Tang Hao was pulled up. After taking his seat, Tang Hao suddenly remembered something and couldn't help asking: "Lao Yu, on the sand island at the mouth of the Yangtze River, is it your idea to build a transfer station?"

"General, the old slave is about to talk about it. That's really a good place. When I passed there for the first time, the island was only ten meters away, and the radius is not an island. It can only be counted as a pile of sand. But the old slave is second. When I passed by, the island was already a hundred feet long. When I came back this time, the old slave made a special trip to see the island again and found that he had grown up a lot." Lao Yu was overjoyed.

"General, this is a baby. In four years, the area has increased more than ten times. It may not be that big after a hundred years. Now, the general, you go to your Majesty to ask for grace, and bring that island over and change it. It's our family's property. There are very desolate and there are only reeds on the island. It is not difficult to come over with your Face. When the Young Master grows up, there is no problem with a shipping terminal there."

"The main reason is that the location is good, and it's stuck at the mouth of the Yangtze River. I won't talk about it if I enter the fight for gold." Lao Yu said with joy.

Tang Hao was a little silly when he heard it, this fucking kind of mind? But Lao Yu's thoughts are simple. It is too early to start. Will the sand continue to collapse against the side of the river? Finally, it was sent to the back by the current.

It looks like this island is growing up. But its location is constantly changing, and it keeps running into the sea. If you build a house in the center of the island this year, it will become a dilapidated house next year. If you don’t run, the house will fall into the sea with the sand.

However, thinking of the continuous growth of the land, Tang Hao suddenly felt that Chongming Island seemed to be used. Isn’t the Wuyang ship always singing the opposite stage to himself? Why did he have to smash him in Yuezhou? When Tang Hao came back to his senses, he saw that the lantern in the yard had been hung up.

Princess Changle and Li Wanqing kept saying hello to other shopkeepers. When everyone saw Tang Hao coming over, they came forward to salute. When everyone was seated, the fourteen shopkeepers, plus the old Qian Lao Fang, were sixteen big stewards with a head and a face, sitting in front of a big round table, waiting for Tang Hao to give instructions.

"There is nothing to say, they are all good. The income of Lingnan is the first, and Yu Degong has taken the lead this time. There are only five jade pendants in the family, and one is given to Lao Zhuangzi. This is the second one for you. Next time Whoever wants that one, it can surpass Lao Yu in performance." Tang Hao said lightly, but his face was solemn.

Seeing Tang Hao took out the white jade pendant with cloud patterns, bowed his hands and offered it to Lao Yu.

Yu Degong's lips trembled fiercely, and he wiped his own hand on his shirt twice. Then he took it, held it up high and showed it to everyone, and then the mistress, Princess Changle, tied him around her waist herself.

After sending out the jade pendant, Tang Hao clapped his hands and said: "Your things are much better than Lao Yu's. They are all gold. They are the gold coins that I exchanged specially from the Ministry of Household. This is the first batch. The work is exquisite. , I have nothing to do by myself. I carved it myself and it's worthless."

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