Martial Sage

Chapter 1217: I'm Sorry

At this time, the old Yu Hongguang was full of face and excitedly said: "Yes, Big Brothers, this year is a little brother, I took the lead. After three years of hard work, I have exchanged a jade pendant worth five points of money. Look at your rewards, it is enough. A hundred gold coins."

"Fuck, Lao Yu sells well when he gets a bargain. Daddy uses these one hundred gold coins, plus five hundred coins to exchange it with you, why not do it?" Lao Zhang jealous badly, pretending to grab Lao Yu's waist. Between jade pendant.

Lao Yu hurriedly held Yu Pei and left at a distance. It caused everyone to laugh, and the old Lu who went to the Western Regions lowered his head and kept drinking boring wine without saying a word, one cup after another, almost drunk.

Tang Hao walked to him, patted his shoulder and asked, "Why are you not happy on the big day?"

Lao Lu raised his head and smiled bitterly and said, "General, Lao Lu looked at other people’s account books and was ashamed and speechless. Whether it’s the Ganliang Road, the Lingnan Road, or the Liaodong Road, whichever one makes a lot of money. Bo Man, just an old slave, this shameless man from the Western Regions faces the young and old at home."

With that said, Old Lu ate a cup of hot wine.

"The General's Mansion has equipped Lao Lu with the best manned and strongest guards, but Lao Lu's income in recent years has not been less than 20% of Lao Yu's, which is really shameful."

"Let you go to the Western Regions is not to make money. Every time you vacate half of the camel team to transport books. You are already able to keep it at a loss. Compared with books, that little money is not worth it. What? What's more, I always assign you other tasks, which also hold you back. Otherwise, based on your ability, the income will not be much worse than the old surplus. You found the ancient city of Loulan is a major discovery. "Tang Hao admired the ability of shopkeeper Lu very much.

General Tang continued: "Mr. Lin Zhu, they are going to go to Gu Loulan with you to investigate. Don't just use money to measure the value of what you have done. Come, let's take one."

Lao Lu was finally happy by what Tang Hao said. He had a big bowl of wine with the host family, and soon melted into the joyous crowd. The two ladies were very happy, especially Li Wanqing drank two glasses of wine for an unprecedented time. Everyone has been applauded constantly.

When Tang Hao finished his work, the shopkeeper washed his face and went directly to the wine shop. After entering the wine shop, there was also a lot of cheers here, all of them were family members.

The closest person outside the bloodline didn't need to say anything. Old Jiang dragged out a wrought iron box from the house, which was full of gold coins, and the gold coins were dumped on the table when he flipped through his pockets.

After the Lantern Festival, the government opened the printing office. Fang Xuanling saw the first official document. It was not about building a new city in Yuezhou, which was spread in Chang'an. It was Tang Hao who wanted to buy the Zhezi of Shazhou at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Tang Hao didn't even mention a strange word about the hot thing about Yuezhou right now.

Guan Tinglui was already ashamed. In order to make up for the 300,000 guanholes that Yuezhou owed in the early stage, he reluctantly sold the tens of thousands of acres of land he had in Cuiwei Town, and got a total of more than 400,000 guanholes. This is the history of Datang. The most expensive land transaction in the world.

After paying the full amount of taxes and fees, there are still three hundred and four hundred thousand Guans left, which can only be watched by the bank manager taking it away. Only a cancelled draft was given to Guan Tingzhu, Yuezhou went bankrupt, and everything went back to square one.

I heard that Guan Tinglui has been shrunk in the government office. Everything in the scene is taken care of by a 13-year-old kid. The round-faced kid is Tang Hao’s disciple. He came to Yuezhou to be the first. One thing is to sell land to pay off debts.

A large amount of idle money is gathered in this sparsely populated land. As long as someone makes a move, someone will immediately take over the land in Cuiwei Town, all at high prices.

They started to sell a little, and people still watched the excitement. The government doesn't know how to do business in the first place. Failure is expected, but it is suspicious to sell everything in one go.

If you sell it slowly, you can sell at least 600,000 guana, but if you sell it quickly, no matter what you do, it will pull the land price down. It's like a fleeing sale, which is frightening.

The land price dropped all the way, and in the last 1,200 mu, the price reached the original land price of Datang.

After doing this, Di Renjie began to pack up, bought some souvenirs in Yuezhou before returning to Chang'an. Before leaving, Di Renjie did a very strange thing. He ordered a table of wine and food upstairs in the highest Lu Su Yuejun outside the West Gate of Yuezhou.

A piece of white linen cloth hung from the high building with eight characters: "You have won, daddy is not playing anymore."

Di Renjie sat down from morning to afternoon, the table of wine and food did not move. Seeing no movement, he went downstairs and directly boarded the Lingnan Navy's huge boat and sailed away.

Fang Xuanling let out a long breath: "That's good, the court has nothing to lose."

The bankruptcy of Yuezhou is really nothing. It turns out that Yuezhou has never been rich, but when she thought of the tens of millions of victims that would appear there, Fang Xuanling had to order Jiangnan Xidao to prepare for relief.

In fact, this is something to be expected. If you don't covet the money and sell the land to Guan Ting, you will not only be able to support the whole family on your own, but you can even have a large amount of savings, which is now completely ruined.

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