Martial Sage

Chapter 327: The First Contest

Tang Wang looked at His Royal Highness Tang Hao with satisfaction, Long Yan joyously said with a smile.

"Tang Hao, this time, I have worked hard."

This remark is more like treating a loved one, with less majesty and more cordiality.

Listening to the particularly heartwarming words, Tang Hao cupped hands.

"For Datang, worth it!"

The short words conceal the dangers and hardships, and the endless loyalty is exhausted.

King Tang laughed and said.

"This time, it coincided with Tubo's visit to the Tang Dynasty, and I was too late to welcome it."

After all, Wang Wang added.

"Now that the army is still on standby in Deyang, your canonization is probably going to drag back."

Tang Hao said with cupped hands.

"Follow your majesty's orders."

King Tang slowly sat on the dragon chair, looking back and forth between Prince Tubo and Tang Hao.

Both are the best young talents in the two countries, all-rounder in civil and military, one in a million.

Even the origins are surprisingly similar.

Suddenly a thought came in his mind, and Wang Wang slowly raised his hand to signal, and said.

"This is the prince of the Tubo Kingdom. As an envoy, he is visiting my Datang."

"Behind him are the Tibetan prime minister and two envoys."

Seeing Tang Wang's introduction, Tang Hao slowly turned around, slightly cupped hands, as a courtesy, said hello.

Tang Hao smiled slightly when he caught sight of the gauze belt on the left shoulder of the Tubo prince.

"It seems that our Datang warriors did not act lightly, and it was so rude to let the prince of Tubo become popular."

When Tang Hao first entered Chang'an, he naturally didn't know about the assassination of the Tubo prince.

Seeing the one on his left shoulder, he teased casually.

This unintentional remark instantly caused Datang's officials to fall into the previous stalemate again, and their delighted faces suddenly froze, and they shouted in their hearts.

"Tang Xianzi really doesn't open which pot to pick up which pot."

Even King Tang frowned slightly, just thinking that the matter was rather tricky.

Unexpectedly, the Tubo prince snorted and said.

"As soon as the civil and martial arts competition was over, I was hit by this brutal hand. This matter is intriguing!"

While speaking, the prince of Tubo gave Tang Hao a meaningful look.

What the prince of Tubo meant was that he wanted to put this matter on the Tang warriors.

As a result, it made Datang suffer a grievance from a killer who couldn't afford to lose.

Tang Hao couldn't hear that there was something in this Tubo prince's words.

It is not only disrespect to Datang, but also disrespect to Datang Practitioner.

At the same time, Tang Hao also roughly understood one thing. The Tubo prince was afraid that he was making a fuss about the assassination in Datang.

After listening to the random planting of the Tubo prince, many generals among the officials couldn't help it.

Yuchi Jingde stood up, pointed at the prince of Tubo, and said angrily.

"Hugh is so nonsense, you need to pay attention to evidence when you do things, you kid don't want to spit on people!"

For a time, many ministers also agreed.

"We Datang Warriors are upright and upright, doing things upright, why have we done such a shameless thing!"

"Everything hasn't been found out yet, how can you kid be jealous at will!"

"We Datang Warriors can win and lose, so we definitely won't do such despicable things!"

In the face of everyone's doubts, the Tubo prince was calm and free, with a smile on his face, said.

"What you said was not what the Datang Warrior did. Can there be evidence?"

Suddenly the whole court fell into tranquility again.

Seeing the crowd eating, the prince of Tubo put on a smug smile on his face and said slowly.

"In this case, the Datang Warriors can't escape the blame, and I'm completely reasonable in guessing like this!"

Under this eloquent speech, the straightforward generals were opponents, all blushing, and angrily pointed at the Turkic prince, said.

"you you……"

As soon as the words were spoken, I didn't know how to continue.

Tang Hao looked at the triumphant Tubo prince, and said solemnly.

"It's true that when I returned, I was attacked by Tubo assassins. Their purpose was to feed them."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Tai Chi Hall was taken aback.

Wang Wang twisted his brows slightly and looked at Tang Hao with a surprised look on his face.

Everyone in Tubo was stunned for a moment, reacted, and shouted sharply.

"It's nonsense! Tubo is thousands of miles away from the northern border, how could it be possible!"

"The assassin robbed the army of food and grass. Isn't this moths fighting the fire and killing themselves?"

"The assassin will commit dangers for the sake of food and grass? It's nonsense!"

Tang Hao rolled up his left arm with an affair, exposing those sword scars, and said.

"Hey! This is exactly the stab wound left by those Tubo assassins! Can't this be proved yet?"

Tang Hao's expedition to the north is something everyone knows.

Some sword wounds on his arms are normal.

But if it is said that these were left by the assassins, and all the people present were smart people, who would believe it?

A Tubo envoy argued.

"This is a stab wound left by the war. You are so full of nonsense and malicious planting, what is your intention?"

After saying this, the Tubo group looked at each other, faintly feeling that they were familiar with this situation.

In a moment, the four of them reacted instantly.

The reason why Tang Hao fabricated it was to follow the example of the Tubo prince and plant it at will.

The prince of Tubo knew that he had accidentally got into the trap set by Tang Hao.

Suddenly he felt hot on his cheeks, and a surge of anger hit his forehead.


When the officials of Datang saw the embassy and angry Tubo mission, they immediately lowered their heads to hold back the laughter.

A tooth for a tooth!

Unexpectedly, Tang would fight back in the same way.


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