Martial Sage

Chapter 328: The Secret

Tang Hao's proper rhetoric caused a commotion in the court.

The voices of divergent opinions filled the entire Great Hall, reverberating.

Faithful and candid people are still considering whether this matter is true or false, while some other astute people have already penetrated the meaning of Tang Hao's move.

The noisy sound in the ears is endless, how can the wise Tubo princes know the meaning of Tang Hao, and their faces are blue and white at the moment.

"Huh! Clever teeth, a villain."

Hearing the Tubo prince's judgment on own, Tang Hao didn't change his face, his right hand was raised in front of him, and he pointed to the Tubo prince, said.

"Speaking of the actions of the villain, I remember one thing."

"Your talent is really an eye-opener for Tang. I don't know how confident he is, he is still hanging in the imperial city."

"It must be an announcement to the people in Datang, how ignorant you are, right?"

Speaking of the hanging couplet, the prince of Tubo swept away the embarrassment he had just made, and stood with his hand on the spot, with an arrogant expression on his face, said.

"Then the Shanghai Federation is deliberately hoisting the imperial city, to give you a warning to the great Tang literati."

After all, the Tubo prince leaned forward slightly, approached Tang Hao, and raised his eyebrows.

"Let them know, don't get ridiculous, read more books."

Tang Hao smiled, slowly took out the folded upper couplet from his arms, and said.

"But this union?"

While talking, Tang Hao slowly unfolded the couplet, held it in his hand, and shook it at the Tubo prince.

Looking at the familiar handwriting and the empty letter, Prince Fan grinned and said.


"If Tangxian is not able to show this couplet, I don't mind giving it to Tangxian as a face-to-face gift."

"It's not worth getting acquainted with each other."

After all, the Tubo prince laughed triumphantly.

Seeing that the pair of Shanglian was taken down by Tang Hao at this time, the ministers must have thought of the latter.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Tang Wang looked at the two talented men bickering with interest.

At this moment, seeing Tang Hao holding the Shanglian again, he couldn't help but become curious.

Take a look at what Tang Hao's next couplet looks like.

Tang Hao shook the Shanglian in his hand, smiled faintly, and said.

"Such a vulgar and easy-to-understand couplet must be the limit of your talent."

After that, Tang Hao turned to face Tang Wang, cupped hands.

"Please also your Majesty give me the pen and ink, and Rongchen will use it."

Hearing this, Tang Wang waved his hand with a smile like a spring breeze.

In a moment, a court lady slowly walked up from the side of the hall with pen, ink, paper, inkstone and desk.

Tang Hao stepped forward slowly, came to the table, spread out the slightly wrinkled upper couplet, and shook his pen.

In a moment.

The next couplet has already been written in a cool manner.

Tang Hao blew his pen and ink, slowly lifted the paper, and showed it to King Tang.

Staring at the handsome and elegant handwriting, Wang Wang laughed up to the sky and clapped his hands.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Hearing these three rounds of applause, the officials were instantly attracted by the Xianlian.

Many people have long necks and want to see what Xialian is.

As Tang Hao slowly turned around.

Xialian reflected in the eyes of the Tubo mission and the officials of Datang.

"Four little ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, and ghosts, they can hold together."

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the officials expecting, and in an instant they were replaced by endless shock.

Changsun Wuji looked at the dragon and phoenix dance, his eyes lighted up, and he couldn't help applauding.

"There is only such a seamless bottom line in the world! It really opened my eyes!"

Fang Xuanling stared at the Xianlian, Yu Guang glanced at the four Tubo envoys in the scene, and immediately understood.

The four little ghosts fit perfectly with the four Tubo envoys in the Great Hall, and the term little ghost is full of charm.

"Four little ghosts, wonderful! Really wonderful!"

As soon as the voice fell, Du Ruhui's hearty laughter came from beside him, applauding.

"The term "guiguijubian" is just right! It's more essential to use it once together!"

After that, Du Ruhui's eyes flickered, looking at Tang Hao, and said excitedly.

"Tang County is worthy of being the number one talented man in the Tang Dynasty! This kind of Xia Lian is extremely domineering and has infinite charm!"

Under the praise of the three veteran officials in the DPRK, the officials in the DPRK also fully understood the subtleties of this collateral.

The presence of ghosts and ghosts not only conforms to the rules of dismantling character joints, but also implies that the Tubo kingdom on the southwest border of Datang is secretly tricking ghosts and has bad intentions.

In the back of the couplet, the stroke of the pen is turned, and the word is picked up together, which becomes the essence of the whole sentence.

Compared with the single-ge battle, this is a hand-in-hand, which reflects the sharp contrast between the national power of the Tang Dynasty and the Tubo.

It also shows the pen and ink that can be broken with a flick of the finger.

In front of the hall, he was full of praise for Tang Hao's praise.

At this moment, the indulgence of the domineering counterattack and the great heart of the aura crushed instantly echoed above the Great Hall.

Tang Hao's expression was indifferent, looking at the four Tubo envoys who were burning with anger, and said leisurely.

"The prince of Tubo gave this Shanglian gift to the literati son of the Tang Dynasty, and on behalf of the literati son, I will return this scroll to the original owner."

While talking, Tang Hao slowly handed the scroll to the prince of Tubo, said.

"Datang emphasizes courtesy, courtesy and courtesy."

"Today, since I have this couplet, this couplet will be given to the prince of Tubo as a meeting ceremony."

"Please also the Prince of Tubo, please accept it!"

Hearing this, the Tubo prince suffocated, his hatred eyes burst from his eyes instantly, he glared at Tang Hao, and pulled the couplet, angrily said.

"It just happened to match the previous couplet."

"Tang County, do you dare to compete with me?"

The straightforward words can arouse the enthusiasm of this great Tang talent even more.

Tang Hao confronted the resolute-looking Tubo prince, and said confidently.

"Why don't you dare?"

After listening, the prince of Tubo appeared with a sly smile, staring at the Tang Hao, and said.

"Tomorrow, I will challenge you myself!"

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