Martial Sage

Chapter 344: Resolutely Going to the Banquet

at dusk.

The red sunset hung on the horizon, reflecting the red half of the sky.

Amidst the sound of horse hooves, Tang Hao rode on Wu Hao and stepped on the shadow stretched by the setting sun, walking slowly on the stone street.

Along the way, pedestrians became scarce.

Some vendors hurriedly walked on the avenue in a horse-drawn carriage, yelling for horses from time to time.

Some shops on the side of the street were also packed up and ready to close.

Most of the houses here are the residences of Gentiles, and the houses are relatively short.

After some questions, Tang Hao knew that first-rank food was easy to find, and it was a three-story restaurant.

It is particularly abrupt in this area.

Not long after, Tang Hao arrived at the entrance of the three-story pavilion.

As soon as he got off his horse, the enthusiastic foreigner took the reins of Tang Hao and took the horse to the stable outside.

Entering the hall, the table and chairs are arranged in full accordance with the customs of the Central Plains, and the visit is quite satisfactory.

The few lanterns hanging on the wooden pillars add a bit of warmth to this deserted shop.

The few diners drank the cold dishes on the table and drank the few remaining fermented rice.

Although these diners are dressed as Gentiles, they speak words that they don't understand.

Just when Tang Hao stopped.

"Your Excellency is Prince Tang?"

A slightly abrupt voice came from Tang Hao's side.

Tang Hao turned his head slightly, a man with the appearance of a small servant, smiling on his face, greeted him.


The young man bowed deeply, made a please gesture, and said.

"A guest officer has been waiting for you in the private room for a long time, please come with me."

Tang Hao nodded slightly, followed behind Xiao Si, and walked upstairs.

When passing by the two tables of diners, Tang Hao glanced over.

All of them looked dark, and there were no calluses left by the sword on those hands and the tiger's mouth. They did not look like martial arts practitioners.

From start to finish, the expressions of these people were extraordinarily natural, and they didn't even glance at themselves.

Tang Hao couldn't change upstairs, but doubts arose in his heart.

Could it be that I misunderstood the meaning of the Tubo prince?

Why is there no trace of killing intent on this pavilion?

With a hint of suspicion, Tang Hao followed the little servant, and finally stopped in a luxuriously decorated room.

The boy in front of him turned around, bowed deeply, and said.

"Master Tang, the guests have been waiting in the private room for a long time, so I won't bother them."

"If you have any instructions, just ring the bell next to the door."

As he said, Xiao Si pointed to a brass bell hanging on the left side of the door.

Tang Hao nodded slightly.

When Xiao Si left, Tang Hao didn't immediately walk into the elegant room.

Standing in the corridor in front of the private room, Tang Hao took two steps, came to the railing, and saw the layout of the entire restaurant in his eyes.

A table of diners in the hall on the first floor had already left the restaurant, and the two little servants were tidying up the leftovers on the table in an orderly manner.

The division of labor is orderly, the actions are quick and there is nothing unusual.

In the whole restaurant, except for the laughter of the remaining diners, and the sound of cleaning up the dishes, there was no more sound.

All this is too normal!

Normal people feel a little weird.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, lightly supported the Qingyan sword with his right hand, turned around slowly, and stared at the quiet room.


In a house opposite the restaurant, a dim candle was placed on the table of Eight Immortals.

Two cups of green tea braved white air, and the rising white air was in the air.

With candlelight shining on a dark face, Lu Anzan looked at the figure disappearing at the door of the first rank food through the window he played, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Man, I have brought it, and the rest is up to you."

After that, Lu Anzan slowly turned his head and looked at the figure on the opposite side.

Under the hat, he couldn't see the face of the black Yinren, and nodded slightly, a slightly hoarse voice came.

"Tubo Majesty, really has a few tricks."

"Not only will it remove the rival of Datang, but also the domestic obstacles in one fell swoop."

"The strategy of two birds with one stone is admirable."

A cold snort came from Lu'anzan's nose, picked up the green tea on the desk, and took a sip.

Lu An admired the curling white air, a touch of decisiveness flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"The Tang Hao of Datang is too sharp, and Datang has this person, and he is even more powerful."

"If you have a benevolent heart at this time, I'm afraid that this sharp sword will use Tubo to cut it."

Having said that, Lu Anzan gently shook the tea cup in his hand, and two cold rays of light came out in his eyes, slowly said.

"As for that puppet, it was originally a pawn of another tribe, and Khan thought that he couldn't bear it because he brought it back to the palace."

"I'm a magnificent person, and I must share the worries for Khan. If he can't bear to do it, I will do it for him."

The figure under the hat moved slightly and said in a deep voice.

"In Datang, the prince of Tubo died violently. I don't think anyone can think of the master behind the scenes. It's actually you."

After listening, Lu Anzan looked gloomy, staring at the figure in front of him, and said solemnly.

"The internal turmoil in the Tang Dynasty, or the friction between the Tang Dynasty and Tubo, is not what you want to see?"

The figure on the opposite side was silent.

Lu Anzan ignored him, turned his head and looked out the window, and several slightly boozed diners had already left the restaurant at this time.

The afterglow of the setting sun also completely dissipated at this moment.

Night is about to fall.

Lu Anzan looked at the fading sky, slowly said.

"Ready to close the net."

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