Martial Sage

Chapter 345: Unexpectedly

Tang Hao didn't know Lu Anzan's strategy.

Even the eighteen riders who were hidden in the dark corner did not know.

Each of the eighteen people occupies a corner of the street, looking around vigilantly.

At this moment, lights were gradually lit up in the houses in the East City, and the individual vendors on the street hurriedly walked.

These soldiers, who have been living and dying and accustomed to the breath of Death, are a little uneasy at this moment.

Since Hou Ye walked into this restaurant, no one has ever entered the restaurant.

Is the speculation wrong or the killer comes from inside the restaurant?

These two speculations kept flashing in Wu Tong's mind.

Zeng and Tang Hao agreed to use fire as the name.

But at this time, there was no signal on the attic windows of those restaurants.

Wu Tong never knew what was going on in the restaurant.

Time goes by every minute and every second.

Wu Tong also faintly sweated on his forehead, and his heart gradually became impatient.

Inside the restaurant.

Tang Hao was also uncertain, holding the Qingyan sword hilt with his right hand, and resting his left hand lightly on the slightly cold door.


The room was silent, as if the prince of Tubo inside was asleep.

With a sigh of relief, Tang Hao slowly opened the door.

A huge Eight Immortals table came into view, and various dishes were placed on the table, and the color matching was just right, which made people salivate.

The bursts of strong flavor of the meal rushed to the face, which can not help but increase the appetite.

On the opposite side of the meal, the prince of Tubo leaned down on the table, and there were these few bones left by the table.

Seeing this scene, the in that Tang Hao originally held was temporarily put down, and his right hand slowly withdrew from the hilt.

Standing in front of the door, Tang Hao tapped twice.

However, the prince of Tubo was still lying on the desk, motionless as if he had not heard of it.

Tang Hao frowned slightly, coughed slightly, and said loudly.

"Your Excellency invited me to come, but..."

Half said.


There was a faint voice.

It seemed like the sound of water drops falling on the floor.

Tang Hao's expression stunned, looking at the figure lying on the table, his pupils suddenly closed, his face changed.

A bad premonition came to my heart instantly.

Before he could think about it, Tang Hao quickly stepped forward, grabbed the prone figure, and leaned against the back of the chair.

In the eyes, the originally dark face turned black at this time, and black blood stains flowed from the nose and mouth.

In the big eyes of the two bulging copper bells, the eyes have long been dizzy, red, and the corners of the eyes are still faintly oozing blood.

Looking at this horrible face, Tang Hao couldn't help taking a step back, his heart pounding.

Rao had seen Tang Hao with countless limbs and severed arms, and when he saw this weird and tragic way of death, his heart jumped with horror.



After taking a few breaths, Tang Hao exhaled a deep breath of foul breath, and then slowly looked at the case again.

The place where the prince of Tubo just lay down was already a pool of black blood, and blood stains dripped down the wooden floor along the case.

Presumably the sound that was like water drops just now was caused by the dripping of these blood stains.

On the right hand side of the Tubo prince, the fine wine was poured into a pool of blood in a turning glass.

Tang Hao squinted slightly, and a thought flashed through.

Is this wine poisonous?


A group of people on the long street was hurriedly riding on horseback.

It is Yin Kaishan who is headed.

No pedestrians were seen on the empty street, Yin Kaishan turned his head and warned again.

"Remember clearly, you must put this Datang cloth army defensive figure in the Accord where Tang Hao is located later. This is evidence of Tang Hao's collaborating with the enemy and treason."

The galloping horse beside him, a young figure bumped up and down with the horse, turned his head and said.

"Duke Yin, his subordinates remembered!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yin Kaishan glared at the tiger's eyes and rebuked in a deep voice.

"What Yin Gong! Pig brain."

"From now on, you are my distant nephew. You have just come to Chang'an to do some noodle business. First rank Yao owes you the money for the goods, so you approached me for justice. Do you understand?"

The subordinate nodded repeatedly.

"Uncle Yin, my nephew understands."

Yin Kaishan nodded in satisfaction and said.

"That's right."

After that, he glanced at the generous clothes of the young subordinate, said.

"You have never been out of the mansion in ten years. No one knows you except for the people in Yin Mansion in Chang'an."

"If you go to court, everything depends on your performance. If it is dismantled, I think you should be aware of the consequences."

"Hide that thing and don't miss it."

The young subordinate patted his clothes and promised firmly.

"Uncle Yin, don't worry, my nephew will definitely not make any business trips!"

Seeing that the kid was already in the play, he yelled very cordially, but it was true.

Yin Kaishan grinned, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth, and said with a satisfied smile.

"If you succeed in this move, your kid will be indispensable, but the father of your country is willing to recognize you as a distant relative."

As soon as he said this, the young subordinate, his eyes lighted up, suddenly turned his head, and said excitedly.

"Thanks to Uncle Yin for the promotion, this time, I will fulfill my mission!"

Seeing that the matter had already been explained, Yin Kaishan's smile became even greater, and he waved his hand and said.

"Made in a hurry! Be sure to take down Tang Hao tonight!"


The neat response was accompanied by rumbling horseshoes, and a group of thirty people rushed towards the first rank food.

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