Martial Sage

Chapter 360: I'm Sorry

this day.

Suddenly, many scribes appeared in Chang'an City, spreading the slogan of vindicating Tang Hao.

Let the people of Chang'an, who are already restless, start to move.

In the Datang Army, there was also a wave of entering the palace and interceding for Tang Hao.

At the same time as the external wind and thunder were surging, the four Tubo envoys placed in Honghu Temple disappeared miraculously.

Although Tang Hao was not eliminated this time, after all, this new Big Tang star fell, and he could be regarded as a strong enemy going out for Tubo.

Before the long case, Tubo Prime Minister Lu Anzan lay down on the soft, holding hot tea, bathing in the warm sun, which looked particularly comfortable.


There was a slightly horrified voice.

"Daxiang, it's not good, we're afraid we won't be able to stay in Chang'an."

As he spoke, the short envoy rushed into the house, panting for breath, his expression extremely nervous.

Lu Anzan frowned slightly, put down the tea bowl, and said.

"What's so alarming?"

The short envoy wiped sweat on his forehead and said.

"I don't know why in the past half day, the people in Chang'an City who defended Tang Hao's grievances suddenly skyrocketed and became restless."

"Looking at the posture, I want to organize and avenge Tang Hao!"

Lu Anzan, who first heard the news, was a little flustered for the first time.

If this development continues, the external teeth are under too much pressure, I'm afraid that this king of Tang, who didn't want to punish Tang Hao, will take his life back.

If these folk forces succeed, wouldn't they have lost all of their previous achievements?

While thinking about it, the envoy of the eight-character Hu also got in in a little panic, said.

"Major! It's not good!"

"In the Datang Barracks, for some reason, news suddenly spread throughout the Chang'an Garrison."

"There are many voices that detain us."

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid this Chang'an can no longer stay!"

Hearing this, Lu'an praises and feels shocked!

These Datang iron-blooded soldiers are not easy to provoke.

If you really imprison yourself, everything you planned will be in vain.

What's more terrifying is that, not to mention whether Datang will be punished, even if you return to China, you will end up with the following crimes.

Lu'an praised his heart and thought, and when he thought of this incident, he couldn't help but feel a little frightened. The hand holding the tea bowl also trembled slightly.

The following guilty?

This word flashed through my heart.

Lu Anzan seemed to grab a life-saving grass and thought about it in his heart.

If the people of the people gather spontaneously, even though this social public opinion is strong, it can only affect the decision of the Tang king.

But if the Great Tang army forced the palace, wouldn't it be the crime of violent rebellion?

Thinking of this, Lu Anzan's impatient heart gradually calmed down, and his thoughts became clear.

After a stick of incense.

Lu Anzan's originally slightly trembling hand also eased, raised his eyes and looked at the two panicked envoys, said.

"If the army forces the palace and the military power is touched, it is Tang Hao who is afraid."

"Poor Tang Hao has not yet escaped from the murder, but he has to bear the following crimes."

"The rumors return to the rumors. This Honghe Temple is where Datang's attitude towards foreign envoys lies. If we have no evidence, we will be arrested. How do other foreign envoys treat Datang?"

After listening, the two envoys looked at each other and thought.

a long time.

The short messenger still had some doubts.

"According to subordinates inquiring about in the caravan, many people visited Huangzhuang during the period when Tang Hao was banned."

"Even His Royal Highness the Prince has gone today."

"Will the prince and Tang Hao unite? In this way, Tang Hao's chances of turning over will be greater."

Li Chengqian?

Lu'an was surprised.

Now that Tang Hao has been dismissed from office, he is already a free body.

Coupled with being banned, it can be said that the contact with the outside world has been cut off, and there is little hope of reversing the case.

If the prince made a move at this time, this matter will have great variables.

Hu Jian Luan praised the eight characters thoughtfully, and added.

"Yin Kaishan of Datang, his subordinates have also found out that they had met a person named Zhao Jie a few days ago."

Lu Anzan is quite familiar with Zhao Jie.

The father of this life was a wealthy businessman from the previous dynasty, and many big merchants had contacts with this person, and his own father was no exception.

Lu Anzan also knew that Zhao Jie was very close to Li Chengqian.

Suddenly, those scenes in the courtroom that strongly advised Tang Hao to punish Tang Hao appeared in his mind.

Lu Anzan suddenly realized at this moment.

I'm afraid that the backer behind Yin Kaishan is Li Chengqian.

Thinking about this, Luan Zan haha ​​laughed and said.

"Li Chengqian first punished Tang Hao heavily, and helped him. In this way, Tang Hao, who was in the dark, could be grateful and completely surrendered."

"This play is really wonderful."

"In my opinion! Let's stay in Chang'an and watch the show at ease!"

The two ignorant envoys read Lu Anzan's words carefully, and their hearts gradually became clear as if they were throwing clouds and seeing the moon.

After the short envoy wanted to lighten up the ins and outs of the entire murder case, there was still a hint of doubt in his heart, said.

"Daxiang, if Li Chengqian really joins forces with Tang Hao, how can we stay in Chang'an for a long time?"

"This Li Chengqian will definitely push the Tubo prince on us."

Lu Anzan glanced at the envoy, did not put his words in his heart at all, said.

"If Li Chengqian exposes it, he will undoubtedly seek his own demise!"

"Not to mention that this murder case has something to do with his suppression of Tang Hao, and it is hard to escape the blame."

"If he joins forces with Tang Hao, then we can face the King of Saint Tang and sue him for the crime of forming a party for personal gain!"

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