Martial Sage

Chapter 361: I'm Sorry

Throughout the restless Chang'an, the three forces each used Ruyi Scepter's calculations.

A conspiracy around Tang Hao gradually surfaced.

Previously, Zuo Xiaowei's soldiers screamed for a change, and they were soon waited by the vendors along the way to Chang'an.

Many people even predicted that these soldiers would approach the palace.

Of course, in the face of these righteous actions, many Chang'an citizens have expressed their intention to join the army of grievances, and jointly raise the grievances for Tang Hao.

At the same time, that pair of invisible big hands does not affect the development of public opinion all the time, guiding these angry people and army toward the palace!

When he heard the news, Wu Tong, who was choosing a store, was shocked.

If this army of soldiers and civilians entered the palace, wouldn't it be the crime of the following crime?

Wu Tong ran back to the mansion non-stop.

"Lord Ferguson is not good!"

Before dismounting, Wu Tong yelled loudly.

Without waiting for Tang Hao's question, Wu Tong continued.

"The subordinates heard that all the soldiers from Zuo Xiaowei are going to the palace to vindicate Lord Hou, and some neighbourhoods seem to have changed, and I am afraid they will join this team of redressing grievances!"

Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed as soon as he said this.

A word flashed in my mind.

Conspiracy and rebellion!

The enthusiasm of these soldiers and people is a bit too much!

Thinking of this, Tang Hao's heart suddenly became anxious.

Unexpectedly, when he was dismissed, he was not in a hurry, but these soldiers and people were in a hurry!

Tang Hao hurriedly walked towards the house, before he reached the main hall, he called out anxiously.

"Qingluan, bring pen and ink!"

Wu Tong followed behind and said.

"Lord, the matter is very important at this time, and time is so tight! What should we do."

Just before Tang Hao arrived at the case, Qing Luan had placed the paper and inkstone and handed him a brush.

Grabbing the brush, Tang Hao thought for a moment.

"Wu Tong, you can rush to the barracks, so that the soldiers will stay calm."

"Especially Wang Fei, this person has a straightforward temperament, Yi Gai Yun Tian, ​​I am afraid he will do stupid things, you must stop this person."

"Especially this letter, even if it is said, the palace must be handed over to Wang Fei."

Wu Tong stomped his feet.

"Master Hou, your letter is too late! Those two generals have already entered the palace!"

As soon as he said this, Tang Hao widened his eyes and roared.


"He is confused! Are there any entourage?"

Wu Tong said with an anxious look.

"I haven't heard of it. I haven't heard the news of the army entering the city in the imperial city. It must be two riders."

This is good news at this time of crisis.

Tang Hao's anxious heart temporarily calmed down a bit, he pondered for a moment, said.

"Li Yu, who is calm and steady, must have thought of the impropriety of this move, and made the soldiers wait in the barracks for news."

"Lieutenant Zuo, the group of dragons has no leader, so you can send this letter quickly! In order to stabilize the army!"


Wu Tong responded, grabbed the letter, and the wind rushed out.

Seeing the leaving back, Tang Hao was pacing back and forth in the house, extremely anxious.

Tang Haojin was not too worried about the spontaneous people in the city of Chang'an.

What worries most right now is the soldiers of Zuo Xiaowei, if this force once enters the imperial city, it will be hard to argue with himself.

Of course, Tang Hao was also worried about the two sages in the palace who were already facing him, for fear that something violent and outspoken Wang Fei might cause trouble.


Tai Chi Hall.

The atmosphere is extremely low.

What Li Yu said.

Isn't it Tang Hao's experience?

The ministers understood in their hearts that Li Yu had euphemistically expressed Tang Hao's misfortune.

King Tang sitting on the dragon chair, his eyes flickered.

Right now, Li Yu was forced to resign in disguise to get himself back to life.

But now the matter has not been thoroughly investigated, and Tang Hao's grievances have not been cleared up, how can he easily use it again.

The king's word is as important as a million-dollar, never a trifling matter.

How can there be the intention to punish today and take it back tomorrow?

Where is the majesty of the king!

Tang Wang's expression was stern, he slapped the armrest of the dragon chair, pointed at Li Yu and shouted.

"Li Yu! Do you really dare not resign from your official position?"

Long Yan was furious.

The ministers were afraid, looking at the figure on the kneeling ground, not daring to take a mouthful.

Even Changsun Wuji had a pale face at this time, and his heart was uncertain.

The friendship of soldiers is certainly valuable.

But the fear is there, and the friendship is used to threaten the prince of a country.

Throughout the ages, the generals have supported their own soldiers and took the power of the War Emperor. This is an unruly thing.

The entire Great Hall was silent and solemn.

The heavy breathing of the ministers was clearly audible.

"Then your Majesty will resign the final officer as well!"

An unwilling voice came from Li Yu's side.

As soon as these words came out, the officials were frightened and looked at the angry figure.

Wang Fei stood on the Great Hall, standing with his hands in his hands, excited, pouting his head stubbornly, looking at the king of Tang in the hall.

In response to that unwilling look, Wang Wang's heart burst into anger.


Wang Wang blasted the case in front of him with a fist, and by the way, he was blasted to the ground by this huge force.

The memorials slid to the ground with a clatter, and many rolled down the steps.

The blue veins on Tang Wang's forehead violently, his eyes wide open, his expression extremely embarrassing, he clenched his trembling fists tightly, and roared.

"It's up to you!"

After that, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the two people in the hall.

"Okay! To resign, I will make you both!"

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