Martial Sage

Chapter 362: The Battle Between Emperors and Generals

Long Yan was furious.

Under the civil and military officials and the public, this Wang Fei, who does not know the height of the sky, dares to confront him in court!

This is entirely a challenge to the imperial power.

What was even more annoying to King Tang was that, as the most elite guard of the royal family, he could surrender to Tang Hao so soon!

Suddenly, thunder-like sounds revolved above the Great Hall, and those candlelights hanging on the dragon pillar, without wind, swayed in the air.

Following this roar, many veterans in the hall trembled involuntarily and knelt down with a ‘poof’.

With trembling hands supporting the trembling body, looking at the ground one foot in front of him, he was silent.

The cold sweat on his forehead was bursting out uncontrollably at this moment.

Seeing the awe-inspiring killing intent in Wang Wang's eyes, Changsun Wuji's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly walked to the hall, dragged Wang Fei to his knees, and knelt down with him, shaking his voice.

"Your Majesty calms down his anger."

"The two generals and Tang Hao were born to death, and their love is deep and righteous."

"At this time, it was only because of thinking about Tang Hao's disrespectful experience, and I was eager to speak nonsense."

"Hope your majesty think twice."

After that, Changsun Wuji pulled Wang Fei and motioned him to confess his mistake to Tang Wang.

But this Wang Fei guilty of violent temper, he could be subdued, half kneeling on the ground, muffled in his nose, raised his eyes and looked around, and roared.

"In the Battle of the Northern Territory, the three armies gave their lives, splashed in the armor, shuttled through the forest of knives, and struggled in the river of blood, why?"

"Because we are Datang warriors! We are soldiers! Our duty is incumbent."

"But now, I took my life and returned to the city, but I was slandered by some of you, with red lips, white teeth, and bloodless clothes!"

"I was not defeated by the brave barbarians, but was dragged down by the rumors and rumors of Datang. What's the use of this military post?"

This statement sounded like a bell, resounding in the entire Great Hall.

Wang Fei continued.

"There are even some villains, eating the white noodles of the Tang Dynasty, speaking for the Gentile, and taking advantage of this to fall into trouble."

"You covered your conscience and said, are you worthy of being a citizen of Datang?"

"Today, I went to fly with my head to assure that if General Tang is that despicable villain, any one of you can chop off my head!"

This righteous remark, although it is true, resolute and courageous.

But sometimes, kindness may not be able to do good things.

Seeing Wang Fei's stubborn temper, Gao Shilian stepped forward slowly, patted him on the shoulder, and signaled that he was enough to stop.

Seeing this highly respected veteran come forward, Wang Fei definitely respected, flushed, panted angrily, snorted, and finally he said nothing.

Gao Shilian looked at Wang Fei, nodded savagely, walked a few steps in the hall slowly, and said loudly.

"What General Wang said is not unreasonable."

After that, Gao Shilian swayed a few times and knelt down in the Great Hall, facing King Tang.

Seeing this scene, the veterans raised their eyes slightly and were shocked.

Since the founding of Datang, this is the first time I have seen this veteran give this great gift.

Seeing this move, Wang Wang pulled out the corner of his eyes a few times.

Unconsciously, his heart jumped slightly, and he took a step forward.

The next moment.

Gao Shilian's old and heavy voice came.

"His Majesty,"

"You can't live without a general in the army."

"The lack of General Tang in the division of the sharp men is already low in morale."

"If these two generals are really disarmed and returned to the field, these two thousand soldiers will become skirmishers! No matter how powerful they are."

"The two generals did not deliberately contradict each other, so please give your majesty a lesson."

Hearing these earnest words, Wang Wang naturally understood it.

Tang Hao's outstanding military merits during the two wars has unknowingly become a figure sought after by many soldiers in the barracks, especially those soldiers who were born to death with Tang Hao.

This time, being unjustly dismissed from the military position, it will definitely be a chill for many triumphant soldiers.

If it is not handled well, the two people resign and retire, I am afraid that more generals will come forward to intercede.

Wang Wang leaned on the dragon chair and sat down slowly, his anger gradually dissipated, he waved his hand slightly, said.

"Get up all!"

Seeing everyone standing up, Tang Wang thought for a moment, said.

"When the whole murder case is revealed, if it can prove that Tang Hao is not the murderer, I will give him an explanation."

"At the moment, Tang Hao's official position will definitely not be restored."

Although the remarks were undiminished in power, they were obviously calmer.

Changsun Wuji stood up and said slowly.

"In the opinion of the veteran, you might as well lift Tang Hao's forbidden life first, so that everyone can feel at ease."

Hearing this idea, Gao Shilian nodded slightly, took a step forward, cupped hands said.

"Your Majesty, although Tang Hao does not have the right to lead soldiers, but the army is currently being repaired. It is a good strategy for Tang Hao and the soldiers to explain the methods of leading soldiers and how to train them."

Hearing the suggestions of the two humeral ministers, Wang Wang thought for a moment, nodded slightly, and said.

"From now on, withdraw the royal guards and lift Tang Hao's ban on foot."

"Gong Gong, you have to draw up the imperial decree, temporarily belong to the champion general, teach soldiers marching and training the way."


After all, Tang Hao's ban on foot was lifted.

Wang Wang's meaning is also very clear, and Tang Hao's position is going to be restored after all.

Wang Fei and Li Yu looked at each other and knelt to the ground with a ‘poof’, and shouted.

"Thank you for your kindness."

"The grace of heaven is mighty, long live your majesty!"

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