Martial Sage

Chapter 363: The Secret

Tang Hao's foot restraint was lifted and he regained his freedom.

Compared to the Ascension of the vacant position, the two generals paid more attention to Tang Wang keeping Tang Hao in the army.

For this unexpected favor, the two generals smiled and clasped their big hands tightly.

The court, which was originally depressing and solemn, also had some vitality at this moment.

With tears overflowing from the corner of Changsun Wuji's eyes, he looked at Gao Shilian, who was supported by the two generals, and cast a grateful smile.

Gao Shilian's face was also faintly moved, and the corners of his wrinkled eyes stretched out.

This kneel.

It wasn't just Tang Hao's future that was kept.

It also saved the fate of the handsome talents of the Datang generation.

As for those civil servants who had previously opposed it, they were also slightly relieved to hear about this vacant position with no military power.


Wu Tong straddled the horse and galloped all the way.

Running the horse in Long Street violated the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

But at this moment, Tang Hao's fame and destiny rested entirely on him, and he couldn't take care of it anymore.

The whistling wind flicked past his ears, Wu Tong leaned on his horse's back, staring at more and more people who had gathered to defend their grievances, and his heart was pounding along with the bumpy horseback.

All the discussions of the people of Datang along the way were heard by Wu Tong.

But from beginning to end, there was no news of a large army entering the city.

At this time, there is no news of Zuo Xiaowei advancing to Chang'an, it is the best news.

The gate is near!

As long as the guard Zuo Xiao did not cross this door, everything was still possible to be saved.

Yiqi Juechen rushed out towards the city gate.

The noisy Chang'an was already behind him, and his ears gradually became clearer.


There was a faint thunder in the front, and the dust was flying in the distance, sandwiching the bright silver light, like a rolling ocean wave, rushing.

Wu Tong squinted his eyes, looking at the silver thread at the end of Huangtu Avenue, and he was delighted.

The horse screamed and the ground shook.

Wu Tong raised his arms and shouted.

"Is the guard Zuo Xiao in front?"

In the smoke and dust, the leader of the school veteran rushed to ten meters in front of him.

With a neigh, the horse's hooves volleyed and stopped.

Wu Tong glanced intently at the time when it was in the northern border.

"This is a letter from General Tang, I invite you to read it."

"As for General Tang's dismissal, please treat it wisely."

After all, hand the letter to the leader of the school lieutenant.

The leader of the school lieutenant only felt that this person was quite familiar, very much like the black-clothed leader on the northern battlefield, and he couldn't help but look at it more.

After receiving the letter and scanning it a bit, his face changed drastically, said.

"It seems to be vindicating General Tang, but I don't want to fall into the above-mentioned crimes of committing and conspiring to rebel!"

"This court battle is comparable to a battlefield!"

As soon as this remark came out, Zuo Xiao's guard was in an uproar.

Conspiracy and rebellion, that is going to lose your head!

Zuo Xiaowei said with cupped hands.

"Xiongtai is General Tang's subordinate? I'm familiar with it."

Wu Tong looked at the school lieutenant in front of him and nodded slightly.

"General Tang's mansion, leader of the Eighteen Cavaliers, Wu Tong."

Hearing that Wu Tong reported his home, the school lieutenant was shocked, his expression was extremely respectful, and he bowed and said.

"I have seen Chief Wu."

"Subordinates, return to the camp now, and the soldiers in the general will be settled."

Wu channel.

"Thank you."

The captain didn't hesitate anymore, rushed two steps and turned on his horse, shouting loudly.

"Back to camp!"

By the time Wu Tong returned to the Fuzhong, it was midday, and his heels had not yet stood firm.

A slender voice came from outside the village leisurely.

"Dingbeihou, take the order!"

The slightly shrill voice only made Tang Hao's heart tremble and his scalp numb.

Looking at Wu Tong, who was sweating profusely, the two looked at each other, and their hearts shuddered.

Could it be that your Majesty already knows the news of the army's change!

The imperial decree was issued too quickly.

Tang Hao only felt dry in his throat.

If this is the case, then this is really wrong!

Holding the unfinished letter, Tang Hao hurried out of the house.

From a distance, I saw the grandpa pacing slowly through the gate of the manor and approaching him.

"Father-in-law! But Zuo Xiaowei has changed?"

The prince smiled, said.

"Dingbeihou, you should take the imperial decree first. As for the affairs of the palace, the old slave will talk to you in detail later."

Tang Hao still had lingering palpitations, half kneeling on the ground, a heart suddenly lifted up with the slender voice of the father-in-law.

The content of the imperial edict is extremely simple, with a few short sentences.

Lift the ban.

Temporarily signed the champion general.

After listening to the imperial decree, Tang Hao's whole person was dumbfounded!

Not as he expected, but re-seal the position to Tang Hao.

The meaning of temporary signing is the meaning of temporary.

But likewise, the champion general and the official position of the armed forces have no real power, which is considered a vanity.

But even vanity is a real third-rank official position, but it is not at all low.

In terms of grade, it is equivalent to six Shangshu.

Grandpa Rong looked at Tang Hao who was stunned in the same place, rolled up the imperial decree, and handed it over.

"Old slave, congratulations to Dingbeihou in advance!"

Hearing the two words of congratulations, Tang Hao was taken aback again, but in an instant, he could understand the profound meaning from these words.

The father-in-law must have heard some turmoil before he said the word congratulations in accent.

It seems that there is great hope for his official reinstatement!

Tang Hao was overjoyed, looked at Grandpa Rong, took the imperial decree, stood up, and said in a low voice.

"Your Majesty knows that the father-in-law must have a lot of good words, and in the future, he will not forget the kindness of the father-in-law."

Rong Gong-gong waved his hand and said.

"Dingbeihou, you look up to the old slave."

"You have to be grateful to those who are ethical, not old slaves, but the work of others."

"This is exactly what the old slave told you in detail."

Hearing this, Tang Hao was slightly surprised, and said in a please gesture.

"Father-in-law has worked hard all the way, let's come to the humble house to tell."

Grandpa Ronggong did not refuse, and swaggered into the house.

After sitting down, the maid made the green tea and presented it to the two of them. Ronggong took a sip before speaking slowly.

"Dingbeihou, the two soldiers under your command, Wang Fei and Li Yu, are begging for you this time."

"These two people do not hesitate to give an official as an excuse to ask your Majesty to treat you lightly."

After listening, Tang Hao and Wu Tong shouted out almost in unison.

"It turned out to be them?"

A faintly excited expression flashed across Wu Tong's face, and he said slightly excited.

"I can't think of these two righteous Yun Tian, ​​it is really rare to have this friendship."

Tang Hao said with some relief.

"This time, I owe these two generals a favor!"

Grandpa Rong stopped the conversation between the two and said slowly.

"Dingbeihou, it is a good thing for the lieutenant general to love it, but for some things, it's a bad thing to take a step forward."

Tang Hao naturally understood the profound meaning of Rong Gong's words.

Throughout the ages, military power has always been a sword in the hands of emperors.

If this sword is held by other generals, it will be a disaster.

Tang Hao said with cupped hands.

"Thank you father-in-law for reminding! Be cautious when making decisions."

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