Martial Sage

Chapter 399: Retaining Gifts

East Palace.

Outside Vermilion's palace, Hou Junji's retainer carried a brocade box and got off his horse.

This retainer is inseparable from Hou Junji, who knows himself and the enemy.

It is also the most clever and most favored subordinate under Hou Junji.

After clarifying his intentions, the retainers carried a brocade box and followed the guards of the East Palace toward the prince's bedroom.

Passing a corridor, faintly heard whispers coming.

"His Royal Highness has been really unpredictable in recent days, and it is really chilling to have a male pet."

"Shhh! Don't say anything! This is going to be off your head!"

"Yes, yes, don't care at this time, eh! Lao Li, haven't your face been hurt by the prince?"

During the discussion, the leading guard coughed slightly, and the three people around him shut up and turned around.

With a glance, the retainer recognized these three people as the third division of the prince.

Although the voice of the talent was vague, the retainers could still hear some clues from it.

Presumably Li Chengqian, who was once loyal, became lewd and rude to his teacher because of his broken leg.

After bowing in return, the retainers followed the guards casually and continued on.

Looking at the unobtrusive appearance, he was already ecstatic.

It seems that this time, I came to the right!

At this moment, the guard stopped, turned around, and whispered.

"His Royal Highness is in a bad mood today, so please be cautious in your words and deeds."

The servant cupped hands replied, smiled indifferently, and said.

"Thank you."

As soon as the voice fell, a piece of wooden stick flew out suddenly and fell to the front of the hall.

Rage and rage came from the temple.

"The lonely Prince of the Tang Dynasty! What kind of style is it with a stick?"

"Fuck! Go alone!"

Amid the hysterical roar, a figure scrambled and ran out of the Great Hall in a panic.

The retainer glanced at the imperial doctor who fled in embarrassment around him, already guessing everything in his heart, and quickly walked towards the Great Hall.

At the door, the retainer bowed deeply and said.

"General Chen Guogong's mansion has met His Royal Highness."

After that, the retainer raised his eyes slightly, only to see the figure behind the screen slightly startled.

After a while, a quiet voice slowly came from behind the tall screen.

"come in."

The retainer entered the hall at the sound, turned the screen, and looked at Li Chengqian who was leaning on the collapsed.

Li Chengqian Yu Guang glanced at his retainer obliquely, paused for a moment on the brocade box, said.

"I heard that General Hou returned to Chang'an for the first time, and the news is pretty good."

"Why don't you take care of yourself at home and send someone to the lonely east palace, what's the matter?"

Hearing this slightly annoying questioning, the retainer could not get any anger, instead, with a smile on his face, he walked two steps slowly, putting the brocade box on the case next to Li Chengqian.

He bowed deeply again, the retainer said slowly.

"The general of my family heard about His Highness's leg ailments, and when he returned to Chang'an, he was looking for the Southwestern Treasure, a Thousand-Year Wuling Ginseng."

"I hope that His Royal Highness will recover soon."

Hearing this, the princess' eyes lit up and said in surprise.

"According to legend, this black ginseng is a magical medicine. It grows deep underground and is extremely rare. General Hou has been bothering this time."

The retainer bowed humbly again, his face full of sincerity, cupped hands said.

"It is also the duty of being a subordinate and a courtier to do some meager efforts for the Tang prince."

Hearing the word Chujun, Li Chengqian's heart moved.

In his eyes, the retainer raised his hand and plunged into it. It was not hypocritical, but he felt a sense of sincerity.

Even if they are sincere, having multiple friends is better than multiple enemies.

Li Chengqian waved his hand slightly, said.

"Tell General Hou on behalf of Gu, the general's thoughts, Gu, I have taken it."

The tone was obviously less indifferent than before, and it was a little kind.

Hearing this, the retainer bowed deeply and said.

"Subordinates thanked His Royal Highness for the general."

Li Chengqian nodded slightly, agreeing.

The retainer glanced at Li Chengqian who was on the verge of collapse, and after bowing respectfully, he walked out slowly.

After the retainer left, the princess glanced at the direction of the hall door and said.

"His Royal Highness, the courtier concubine sees that the courtier's words are modest and respectful, but there is a kind of good intention to vote."

"Do you think the attitude of this minister is also the attitude of General Hou?"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian snorted coldly and said.

"He is a veteran who has been guarding the border for many years, and he has few confidants in the DPRK. It is normal to have such thoughts."

But in a blink of an eye, Li Chengqian rolled his eyes and said suspiciously.

"I heard that this time, Hou Junji temporarily took over the Imperial Forest Army on behalf of his father, and he was extremely prestigious."

"It stands to reason, how can such a person show good to me?"

As soon as this remark came out, the two in the hall were puzzled.

Above the Great Hall, there is tranquility.

a long time.

The crown princess smiled lightly and guessed.

"Perhaps we are worrying too much. After all, this minister is a humble status. It is normal to be respectful."

"It's just that the concubine is thinking whether this elixir is as magical as the legend."

After all, with his bare hands gently twisted, picked up the brocade box, and slowly opened it.

A scent of Medicinal herbs came to the face.

The princess took the Wuling ginseng in her hand and looked at it.

The prince's inadvertent glance revealed a corner of the white paper in the middle of the brocade box.

Secret letter?

This thought suddenly came to Li Chengqian's mind.

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