Martial Sage

Chapter 400: The Secret in the Poem

Brocade Box Tibetan Letter!

Li Chengqian's pupils dilated suddenly, and his heart also became uneasy.

Slowly took the brocade box, took out the note, and held it in his hand. There were some Xu Mo seals clearly printed on the paper thin as a cicada wing.

A general who holds the royal military power, a secret letter to a prince.

The prince trembles faintly in his heart, and even guessed it in his heart.

With a slobber in his eyes, Li Chengqian gently unfolded the paper.

A line of ancient seal characters greeted the eyes.

The prince guards the painting building,

Gentlemen avoid party friends.

When doing the great ambition,

Standing up this is noble and clean.

The whole poem is more like an excerpt, not complete.

But on closer inspection, Li Chengqian's face instantly turned pale.

This is actually a hidden poem!

The prince shall stand!

It was such a rebellious remark!

Subconsciously, Li Chengqian's pupils suddenly widened, grabbing the note in his hand.

In a panic, Li Chengqian grabbed the note and threw it on the wick.


The note and the fire ignited and were instantly swallowed by the flame. The jumping flame burned for a few seconds before turning to ashes.

At this time, Li Chengqian seemed to be a child with a guilty conscience.

A heart was beating non-stop, and fine sweat was coming out of his forehead.

This sudden act shocked the princess who was holding Wu Ling Ginseng, staring at Li Chengqian in a daze, suspiciously.

"His Royal Highness...what's the matter... so alarmed?"

Li Chengqian swallowed, took two heavy breaths, and forced his flustered heart down, said.

"This...this kind of elixir...obtaining really makes Gu...horrified."

After that, Li Chengqian wiped the sweat on his forehead lightly, and changed the subject.

"The good medicine has been delivered, so you will take it to the imperial physician and ask if it works and if it can be used as medicine."

Looking at Li Chengqian who was pale, the princess was still a little uneasy. She leaned forward and asked with concern.

"His Royal Highness..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Chengqian suddenly furious, said.

"If you are alone, don't you listen to me!"

An irritable breath rushed towards her face, and the princess was stagnant, not daring to say anything, and quickly got up to answer.


Holding the brocade box, the prince princess glanced at Li Chengqian with a suspicious look, before leaving the hall in a hurry.

The whole palace fell into tranquility again.

Li Chengqian took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes, the slave calmed himself down.

The four big characters in his mind flashed clearly again.

The prince shall stand?

What exactly does this Hou Junji note mean?

Could it be that Hou Junji already knows something about it?

Thinking of this, Li Chengqian frowned unconsciously, and muttered while looking at the little ashes on the ground.

"Could it be that the father is already planning to re-establish the prince? Hou Junji is just listening to the news at this time?"

Thinking of this, Li Chengqian shook his heart.

Frustration, loss, and unwillingness surged to my heart instantly.

These four words seem to have infinite magic power.

Li Chengqian couldn't help thinking about it, but couldn't figure it out for a while.

Long thought.

Li Chengqian said solemnly.

"Come on!"

As soon as the voice fell, the guard waiting at the door came in.

Without waiting for the guard to salute, Li Chengqian waved his hand and pointed to a box of rice cakes on the short table, said.

"The New Year is approaching, and you will send this rice cake to the Hou Mansion."

"You go to General Hou, the elixir, Gu is very satisfied."

"I have some doubts about the art of war, so I was free, so I asked General Hou to visit the mansion."


Chen Guogong Mansion.

Hou Junji paced slowly in the hall.

Listening to the vassals of the return home, what he saw and heard in the East Palace.

When the retainer finished speaking, Hou Junji stared at the retainer and said slowly.

"So, since the prince broke his leg, the prince has changed his temperament and is restless?"

The retainer smiled slightly and said.

"The prince must be so angry because he is afraid that this lameness will affect the position of the prince."

"What's more, since the crown prince broke his leg, Wei Wang has been extremely active and has a good impression in the court."

"Under the double pressure, the prince's irritability is also reasonable."

Hou Junji stroked his gray beard and thought.

"This scheme is considered to be a great help to him."

Hearing this, the retainer glanced at Hou Junji, slightly worried, said.

"General, this Li Chengqian is extremely in awe of His Majesty, and has always followed his advice."

"These things go against the original heart, I'm afraid this prince doesn't have the courage yet."

Hou Junji's face gradually became serious, he thought for a moment, and said slowly.

"Nowadays, it can only be seen how the prince reacts."

While talking, the servant led the guard from the Prince's Mansion and walked straight up.

The guard put a box of rice cakes in his hands on the table, explained a few words, and then turned and left.

Looking at the rice cakes on the case table, Hou Junji's eyes flashed brightly, and he said in a daze.

"What do you think of this matter?"

Hearing such inquiries, the retainer put his chin in his hand, frowned, and said.

"The prince has always been cautious, and the land of the East Palace is even a restricted area for military commanders."

"From the subordinate's point of view, even if you meet, it's best to do it after the Tang King's expedition."

Hou Junji slowly got up, picked up the gift box, held it in his hand, and said.

"The old man did exactly that."

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