Martial Sage

Chapter 445: I'm Sorry

Wei Wangfu.

Guan Shi, after settling in Li Tai's morning dynasty, organized all the affairs of the mansion in an orderly manner.

As always, everything is the same.

But since Li Tai left, Guan Shi's eyelids jumped suddenly.

Suddenly, Guan Shi remembered the folk sayings.

The left eye jumps for money, and there is an eye jump disaster.

Thinking of this, Guan Shi touched his right eye and muttered to himself.

"It's just a saying, why should I bother myself."

After all, shook his head.

Boom boom boom.

There was a faint knock on the door from the front yard.

Guan Shi frowned, hesitated for a second or walked towards the gate of the mansion.

Ta Ta Ta.

Hearing the chaotic and noisy footsteps, Guan Shi was slightly surprised.

There were a lot of visitors, and they seemed to be rushing to the backyard.

The sound of the footsteps rang out loudly.

It's more like the sound of a soldier entering the mansion.

Thinking of this, Guan Li didn't hesitate, speeded up his pace, and ran towards the front yard.

Turning past the flowerbed, a person on the other side of the corridor, dressed in bright silver armor and a yellow helmet, strode toward him.

Behind him, there were many swords and halberds, and the pace was neat, followed by a team of soldiers.

Imperial Forest Army?

Guan Shi glanced at it slightly, shocked in his heart, and stood still on the spot for a moment.

How could this Yulin Army break into the Wei Palace?

After a brief stunned, seeing the approaching team, Guan Shi looked solemn and shouted.

"Dare to break into the Palace of Wei, who are you!"

The general also saw Guanshi Li at the same moment, smiled slightly, and said.

"Get the tip that an assassin wants to poison the Wei Palace."

"At the end, the general is ordered to protect the family of the Wei Dynasty."

Having said that, he has already come to Guanshi Li.

Guan Shi glanced at this soldier, and his heart was already in a mess.

These imperial forest soldiers dared to rush into the palace of Wei in broad daylight.

It is very likely that Li Tai has been trapped in the court at this time.

Manager Li spread his hands across the corridor, staring at the leading general, and shouted.

"What a courage!"

"Without King Wei's permission, who would let you break in without permission?"

Hearing these words, the headed military commander sneered and leaned down slightly to stare at Guan Shi Li, said.


"We are kind, don't misunderstand us when we are in charge!"

While speaking, the officer poked Guanshi Li's shoulder once and then said.

"If you delay the hour and let the assassin succeed, can you afford it!"

In the end, the general's voice suddenly increased, and a pair of eyes also flashed cold, especially cold.

Hearing the aggressive remarks, Guan Shi was shocked.

Could it be that the fall of the prince's horse was still found on Wei Wang's head?

Has the hidden stake placed in the East Palace been discovered?

But soon, Guan Shi had already denied this idea.

These soldiers are here to investigate, and they certainly haven't received any evidence yet!

Suddenly, I couldn't help but think of a sentence Li Tai said in my mind.

"If there is a change in the mansion, they will obey their orders and must not disobey them."

Thinking of this, Guanshi Li slowly lowered his arm and remained silent, but he was deeply worried about Li Tai's safety.

Seeing Guan Shi still standing on the spot, the general waved his hand and shouted.

"Gather the family members together and place the thief to succeed!"


The soldiers passed Guanshi Li and headed for the backyard.


Wu Wangfu.

The Palace of the King Wu, which was heavily guarded in the past, was already surrounded by the Imperial Forest Army.

Regarding the search, the housekeeper did not stop him too much, but let the royal forestryman enter the house to check.

After a search, the Royal Forester and the general looked at each other and shook his head slightly.

Wu Wang Li Ke is not in the house!

The general's expression sank, and he led his troops out of the palace.

And in another place.

Li Ke stood quietly on the tall pavilion, looked at the Chang'an City from a distance, smiled slightly, and said.

"Can there be any movement in Chang'an City?"

Beside, the mansion counsellor lightly twisted his beard, smiled faintly, said.

"This morning, the prince has led his troops to the Tai Chi Hall. Presumably, all the courts at this time are under Li Chengqian's control."

After all, the counselor glanced at Li Ke, cupped hands said.

"His Royal Highness has foresighted and avoided this disaster."

"Subordinates heard that Hou Junji had already dispatched the soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army to besiege the mansion with the families of important officials in the court."

Li Ke retracted his gaze, looked at the pleasant surrounding landscape, tapped the railing, and sighed leisurely.

"This Li Chengqian seems to be upright and reckless, but he is quite careful."

"It seems that this Chang'an city is about to set off another bloody storm."

With the sound of gurgling water lingering around his ears, Li Ke closed his eyes slightly, smelling the fresh air, said.

"In your opinion, who will win this round?"

A faint voice came, and the counselor lowered his head, pondered for a moment, said.

"The trump card in Li Tai's hand is not surprisingly the new army."

"But only with those 30,000 soldiers, it is difficult to resist the Yulin Jiashi who is guarding the palace gate. The remaining 70,000 soldiers will find it difficult to enter the city."

"Presumably, Li Chengqian will win this game."

After listening to the counselor's analysis, Li Ke slowly opened his eyes, staring blankly at the blooming plums by the pool, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

After a while, Li Ke said slowly.

"not necessarily!"

The two stood quietly in this secluded attic, each thoughtful.

The counselor slowly turned his head, looked at Li Ke beside him, and smiled.

"The battle between the two tigers must have one injury."

"If you want to say this is the biggest winner, it must be you, the lord."

Hearing this, Li Ke was taken aback for a moment, and after a while, he laughed heartily.

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