Martial Sage

Chapter 446: The Coup in the Court

Tai Chi Hall.

The familiar names that Hou Junji read out were the generals stationed in Chang'an.

The reinforcements stationed in the city were taken, and the sergeant of the palace fell.

The sad and desolate breath spread throughout the Great Hall in an instant.

Hou Junji's eyes reflected these dejected veterans coming.

With a smug smile, Hou Junji looked around the entire Great Hall and said.

"Everyone, I don't need to mention the situation now! Let's make your own decision!"

As soon as the voice fell, the irritable Yuchi Jingde opened his eyes and strode forward in front of Hou Jun.

"Shameless, the old man will teach you a lesson today."

Before the words fell, the heavy fists mixed with strong wind had already hit the door of Hou Junji.

Hou Junji's eyes condensed, knowing that this powerful punch cannot be resisted.

He turned his face to the side and dodged dangerously, but his face was still faintly pained by the strong wind.

Taking advantage of the situation, Hou Junji withdrew a step, touched the sword with his right hand to his waist, and made a defensive posture.


On both sides of the larger point, the weapons are out of the sheath.

Hou Junji chuckled and said.

"Duke E, don't be restless and restless."

"Even if you have your backbone, you want to be a hero, but you still have to think about it for your loved ones!"

Hearing this, Yuchi Jingde, who was about to deceive him, suddenly stagnated.

Unexpectedly, this collection of Hou Jun actually wanted to force his relatives.

Is it because your family members are already under control?

Seeing Yuchi Jingde closing his hand, Hou Junji smiled even more. He slowly moved his right hand away from the hilt, raised his right hand slightly, and slowly waved it down.

In an instant, those soldiers with swords retracted their swords into their sheaths.

Hou Junji walked slowly on the Great Hall, and in a pair of eyes, light and shadow flickered.

"Everyone, the imperial city is in chaos right now."

"At the end of the day, the ministers are already at the major mansions, adding more manpower to ensure the safety of your family members."

After all, Hou Junji's eyes were brilliant, and he said solemnly.

"I hope you can understand this old man's thoughts!"

Hou Jun was talking about protection, but its meaning was very clear in the scene.

Relatives under house arrest!

In the originally sad state of mind, he was suddenly dominated by a wave of helplessness.

The determination to fight to the end was also shattered at this moment.

A panic inexplicably rose in the hearts of the depressed officials.

Some veterans couldn't help but shake their bodies, and their pale faces were completely ashes.

Even some veterans sat slumped on the ground when they listened to the term relatives, with empty eyes.

Ah! Ha ha!

Changsun Wuji smiled sorrowfully.

The desperate laughter appeared extremely sad in the entire Great Hall.


Said, pointing at Li Chengqian sitting in the upper part of the hall and Hou Junji at his Highness, said.

" have planned for a long time!"

The desolate voice of Changsun Wuji echoed in the empty Great Hall.

Some veterans glanced at each other, and rustling rustling voices rang out.

"Hey! The trend is over, and the old man can only follow the trend."

With a helpless voice sounded, an old official moved his steps, walked slowly onto the Great Hall, and arched his cupped hands towards Li Chengqian on the dragon seat.

"Chen, I implore the prince to ascend the throne and preside over the overall situation of the court."


The entire Great Hall is quiet.

Countless pairs of eyes stared straight at the veteran standing in the temple.

After a while.

Another person hesitated for a few seconds, walked out slowly, and bowed deeply to the two civil and military leaders beside the hall door.

Whirling teary eyes, said hoarsely.

"The veteran can't help you two."

"Old minister, this old bone can't stand the toss, my grandson is still young."

"That is the root of our family, we can't cut it off."

At the end, it was almost choked and finished.

Then the old minister also slowly stood on the side of the Great Hall, said.

"Old officials, old officials also obeyed the destiny and urged His Royal Highness to ascend the throne."

These words are earnest.

Full of the sadness of an old minister, with endless sadness and helplessness.

No one wants to be in the same way, no one wants to help the evildoer!

But who wants to make a bet with the lives of relatives?




On the Great Hall, the number of courtiers who gave in gradually increased.

Not long.

In the Great Hall, in the line of ministers, the grandson Wuji, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruhui's confidants still stood there quietly.

His eyes swept away from the faces of the ministers who walked out.

These people who had worked hard for Datang Jiangshan and went on to succeed, have already succumbed at this time.

Datang's foundation for dozens of years collapsed and disintegrated at this moment.

Gao Shilian's eyes are red, and his eyes follow the officials who have been coming out of the young and middle-aged for more than half a hundred years.

My heart is dripping blood secretly!

Perhaps because of their advanced age, these veterans have lost the blood of the year, or have more family bonds.

Perhaps it was these courtiers who were reluctant to be part of the official position, and even more reluctant to be promoted to the post.

The hour of a stick of incense.

In the entire Great Hall.

There were already more than half of the kneeling and bowing courtiers.

Seeing all this, Hou Junji gradually revealed a look of excitement in the depths of his eyes, standing with his head upright under the steps, looking up at Li Chengqian on the stage.

"His Royal Highness!"

"This is really the general trend, the people's aspirations."

While talking, Hou Junji slowly half kneeled with cupped hands, said.

"I implore your Royal Highness to invite officials to rewrite the history of Tang Dynasty and organize the ceremony of enthronment!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ministers who surrendered behind him also slowly knelt down.

The soldiers behind the officials also slowly bowed to the ground and said in unison.

"I implore your Highness to take the throne!"

Li Chengqian looked down at the courtiers that His Royal Highness surrendered, and smiled even more, and slowly stood up.

The group of subjects surrendered and crawled under their feet.

Above one person, below ten thousand people.

This condescending feeling really came into Li Chengqian's mind.

Unconsciously, Li Chengqian's heart surged, and he waved his hand and said domineeringly.

"Good! Very good!"

"Xuan Liguan!"

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