Martial Sage

Chapter 493: I'm Sorry

In the golden account.

For the general of Ashina Sher, more leaders are repulsive.

After all, each is the owner, and Jie Li Khan is dead now.

This person who had served under Jie Li Khan, no longer had the same prestige in front of the new Khan.

The big guy looked at Dolly Khan sitting on the stone chair, and said.

"Khan, why pin your hopes on that useless person."

"Subordinates have found out about Datang."

Saying that, the big man propped up the tall and burly body and stood up.

The height of nearly two meters is invisible, giving you a touch of pressure in the tropics, standing on the Great Hall like a hill.

The rough voice sounded as soon as he stood up.

"According to the secret investigation report, the Tang Dynasty is already divided into two factions."

"Those civil servants opposed sending troops to the north, because Datang's treasury was tight and unable to carry out large-scale wars."

Hearing this, Dolly Khan paused with his hand, a bright light appeared in his eyes, said.

"Is the news true?"

Since the last war, the East Turkistan has over 100,000 troops, and they have fled, scattered, and died, and only nearly 40,000 have returned.

The situation in the entire northern border suddenly changed, and the East Turks were at a complete disadvantage.

The generals with the largest number of soldiers left, and the generals holding the Tiger Division's strength, took advantage of the chaos and unified situation and ascended to the position of the new Khan.

The newly appointed Dolly Khan is not stupid even though he has no talents.

He knew very well that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty who lived in the imperial city was ambitious and aspiring to the world.

Certainly will not give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to wipe out the East Turks.

At the beginning of the upper ranks, he gathered the old ministry and worked vigorously to deal with the full-scale Northern Expedition of the Tang Dynasty.

Hearing this news now is undoubtedly a respite for the Turkic tribe.

If it is true, this is indeed good news.

Hearing Khan's question, sitting on the front side, a silent wizard spoke.

"The news is indeed true, and my subordinates have also heard that the ministers of civil and military affairs are arguing over this matter."

Of course, this news is nothing new.

The initial quarrel, the civil and military almost started, and indeed the whole Chang'an city was rioted, and everyone knows it.

The wizard with the black wolf head pierced on his face looked at Dolly Khan and said with a relaxed smile.

"This is a good thing!"

"If Datang can't send out soldiers, our tribe will just be recuperating. After this year, we will get better!"

The prairie people believe in the eternal life, and the status of wizards in the clan is very high, no less than the leader of a tribe.

This time, many of the leaders were happy.

But there was one person alone, with a solemn expression and deep thought.

Dolly Khan put down the leg of lamb in his hand and said musingly.

"If this news is false, did Datang deliberately confuse us?"

In a word, the atmosphere in the entire big tent suddenly dropped again.

Those leaders who were still smiling, their complexions instantly solidified.

At this moment, a deep voice came from the last seat.

"This news is true!"

It was the dignified person who was speaking, and it was also the strategist who had worked for Jie Li Khan.

For a while, the eyes of the leaders once again gathered on the military division.

The strategist slowly raised his head, looked past everyone's gaze, and looked at Dolly Khan on the high platform, said.

"Wang Wangzhi is in the world, how can he not even convince the civil servants in the court!"

"As a condition, the king of Tang agreed to the advice of the civil servants, and within two months, the war was ended."

Two months?

Hearing this, the previous big guy suddenly turned his head, showing an expression of disbelief.

After a while, the big guy shouted in a loud voice.

"Two months!"

"These Tang people are simply talking about dreams!"

"Are my Turkic warriors smashed? Still they slaughtered?"

As soon as the voice fell, the short-bearded leader coldly snorted, and a touch of disdain flashed in his eyes, said.

"Don't talk about two months, it is half a year, this Great Tang soldier would never want to defeat my Turkic soldier!"

"We have accumulated over a hundred years, cattle and sheep are in herds, and there are countless horses. Is it possible for him to be able to kill him?"

"Do you really squeeze us as soft persimmons?"

Although these leaders are known for their brutal force, they are by no means foolish people.

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

The East Turkistan Panhuan grassland has been bred for hundreds of years, and countless war horses have been raised on this grassland.

If it is really going to start a war of extermination, the whole people will be soldiers, it will not be a problem.

The strength of these large and small tribes cannot be underestimated.

Dolly Khan, who was sitting on the stone chair, no longer doubted when he heard the news.

King Tang's conquest of the Turks is true! Civil and military quarrels are also true!

But taking the Turks in these two months sounds more like an excuse for those civil servants in Datang to make things difficult for the generals!

If Datang Daxing conquered, the number of troops would definitely not be small!

Taking one hundred thousand troops as an example, plus those feet that transported baggage and grain, at least no fewer than two hundred thousand people were involved in this battle!

The land of Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty and this Yin Mountain are thousands of miles away, and it takes at least a month for the delivery of grain and grass!

Not to mention the time coming and going, the food and drink of these two hundred thousand people for several months will be a huge astronomical number!

What's more, the Datang Treasury is currently tight, and even if it can squeeze out these grains, it will be very difficult!

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