Martial Sage

Chapter 494: Ambush by Taniguchi

Under weighing.

Dolly Khan said with a calm face.

"If this is to be said, Datang is now quite a bit hard to get off the ground."

"The two-month period that these civil servants said, I am afraid that most of them are considered for this food and grass!"

After that, Dolly Khan's eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth gradually conjured up a sneer, said.

"Even if he calls, we are not afraid to hold him for two months!"

"In this way, I'm afraid this stalemate battle will bring down Datang."

Sitting there, Li said unsmilingly, the dignified expression on the face of the unmoving army division said slowly.

"Don't be careless about sweating!"

"This battle will definitely come!"

Dolly Khan sitting on the stone chair frowned slightly.

"From the perspective of the military division, when will the battle on the battlefield start?"

The military teacher took a long breath, twisted his gray beard, and meditated for a moment.

"It will take at least one month for Datang to mobilize the army, plus it will take at least two months to raise grain and grass."

"According to this calculation, Datang will send troops to Beishan after three or four months."

Three or four months?

After listening to this calculation, Dolly Khan leaked a contemptuous smile, said.

"This time the Western Turks have already united with our tribe, and they are currently secretly mobilizing soldiers into the grassland. It is estimated that in about two months, a hundred thousand troops will be mobilized."

"By then, Datang will have to face at least 200,000 Turkic soldiers! The disadvantage is already obvious! What a fear!"

As soon as the voice fell, many leaders showed a touch of joy.

United Western Turks, this is what they never expected.

But at this critical moment, one more ally is better than one more enemy!

The strategist watched the warming smile in the Great Hall and reminded.

"That being said, please Khan not to be big!"

"This time it is very likely that the white robe Tang general is also in the queue!"

"With him, maybe this expedition will be a little less than three or four months."

At the moment when the words were finished, the noise and joy in the whole tent disappeared suddenly.

White robe Tang general!

Tang Hao!

This person who had frustrated Jie Li Khan twice, only this one name was enough to shock everyone who lived there.

With a touch of shock, Dolly Khan slowly got up from the seat.

The smile was frozen on the face that was just so energetic, and a heart beat suddenly.

After a long thought, Dolly Khan waved.

"If the order continues, the entire tribe close to the south will move north as a whole."

"The entire Turkic tribe moved quickly. Three months later, this king is going to fight to the death with Tang Hao in the court of Yinshan King!"

From this moment on, Dolly Khan decided to erect a wall to clear the country and leave no materials on the grassland for Tang Jun.

However, his decision, compared to Tang Hao, may be a bit late!


Valley mouth.

The Datang Cavalry who had trimmed for half an hour had already added a lot of physical strength.

Tang Hao walked down the mountain and looked at the cavalry soldiers in another state, with a trace of relief in his heart.

Perhaps the words of own worked, or perhaps these recruits had a clear understanding.

The eyes that were originally full of sadness became awe-inspiring after being trimmed.

Just when Tang Hao raised his right hand and issued an order to pull out.

A scout rushed towards the mouth of the valley.


The prolonged sound caused the soldiers who were sitting or leaning to stand up.

When Tang Hao approached, the scout rolled over and dismounted, said.

"General, a group of Turkic soldiers was found fifty miles ahead."

"Coming towards the valley!"

Hearing this, Tang Hao sneered and said without closing his pupils.

"I can't find you, but I just happened to hit it at this time!"

After that, Tang Hao stared at the gasping scout and said.

"How many people?"

The scout answered truthfully.

"About a thousand people!"

After listening, Tang Hao waved his hand and said.

"Thank you, just rest."

Tang Hao shook the horse's rein, turned around slowly, and glanced at the resting soldiers.

At the same moment, these soldiers slowly stood up, and gradually gathered to Tang Hao.

A scorching heat flashed in the sharp eyes, and the voice suddenly rose.

"Soldiers! Our people were slaughtered and exposed to the wilderness."

"Now these barbarians are coming again! I'm afraid it will be detrimental to more compatriots."

"You said, what should I do?"

The majestic voice swept across the valley, and the violent echoes layered in the valley.

The next moment.


All the soldiers took out the accessories around their waists, and their swords pointed to the sky.

A roar full of anger resounded throughout the valley!




The roar shook the valley and rushed straight into the sky.

The sound of the sky shook the ground faintly, and the small gravel on the hillside rolled down one after another. The flying birds in the sky seemed to feel the strong killing intent, and flew away in shock.

Tang Hao's eyes slid over the faces of these soldiers one by one.

All those young cheeks were filled with anger at this moment.

Among a pair of eyes, there was this endless anger.

Tang Hao's arm jerked down and shouted.

"The whole army is hidden! End this group of butchers!"

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