Martial Sage

Chapter 497: The Power of Firearms

All this happened too suddenly.

So that the mighty explosion that day still lingered in my heart, making my ears roar.

As if he was deaf, Ashina Sheer could not hear any sounds around him, and glanced at the soldiers in front of him.

Hundreds of soldiers froze in place, mostly frightened by the weird scene just now.

Looking forward, the soldiers who were twisting on the ground were covered in shattered armor, and even the thick leather jackets seemed to have been slashed by thousands of knives.

There were blood stains on the bare dark skin.

The fallen war horse, the huge laceration wounds all over his body was still gurgling with blood, flowing forward, into the huge pool of blood.

As soon as he caught sight of the soldiers in the front row in the huge pool of blood, Ashinasheer couldn't help but shook his whole body.

What a tragic scene!

The horrified compatriot soldiers, the bare chests were filled with large and small stones, and the red and thick plasma gushed out through the holes of various sizes.

Half of the arm, the broken leg connected to the bones, and the half-faced head were scattered on the ground.

None of the soldiers in the front row was a whole corpse, even the fallen war horse, covered in blood like a honeycomb, collapsed to the ground.

The entire battlefield, as if torn by that ferocious beast, was extremely bloody.

The roar in the ears gradually diminished, those painful screams filled the ears, and the frightened war horse trampled on the fallen soldier.

Stepping on the broken arm, the crisp sound of the ribs mixed in this clutter, showed a particularly terrifying color, and the screams of the trampled soldiers made the battlefield a little more miserable.

Ashina Sheer shuddered and raised his head, and the sky of smoke reflected in his panicked eyes.

The green smoke dissipated, revealing the figure of the army, Tang Hao took away the hand covering his ears slowly, and looked over.

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Ashina's face, and gradually gathered at the chin, and the trembling teeth were gently knocked together, making a light ‘cackling’.

When the cold sweat was low, Ashinasheer's throat squirmed, and a pair of amazed eyes wanted to look behind him. Twenty or thirty guards crowded around him, staring at the corpse on the ground, like a puppet.

Slowly turning his head, Ashna Sher looked at the dark barrel in horror, and shuddered uncontrollably.

" me."

"kill me!"

It seemed that the last line of defense in my heart was also breaking down at this moment, and he shouted hysterically.

Tang Hao looked at all this coldly, waved his hand slowly, a cold voice came from his mouth.

"Take it down!"

Among the audience, only the Musketeer was still sober.

In those days of training, they have already adapted to this horrible scene.

The soldiers in the front row, holding fire guns, stepped over the corpses and walked towards the only twenty-something left in the field.

"Don't come! Don't come!"

The only remaining Turkic soldiers had already broken their guts, watching the black muzzle approaching step by step, they couldn't help crying heartbreakingly.

A few Turkic soldiers hurriedly fell off their horses. When they wanted to escape, they realized that their legs were already so frightened that they couldn't move half a step.


The army is on the road again.

As for those who slaughtered the villagers, Tang Hao didn't have time to look for it at this time.

The most urgent task at the moment is that the overall situation is the most important thing to attack the royal court.

The icy wind was facing the bumpy war horse, blowing head on, Tang Hao tightened his clothes tightly and turned his head slightly.

Li Wanqing curled up on the horse back in front of her eyes, her face pale and thoughtful.

Seeing Tang Hao's sight, Li Wanqing frowned her eyebrows and asked with deep doubts.

"Those just...?"

Answer her question simply and neatly.

"Musket, my new weapon."

Seeing that the straight jade face still had a completely unknown expression, Tang Hao smiled faintly and said.

"This matter is a long story. I'll explain it to you when I'm free."

On the muddy face, he frowned and smiled faintly.

After a while, Li Wanqing turned her head again and said.

"Husband...Tang...General Tang, let's rush towards Yinshan all the way, how should we go afterwards?"

"Although the Golden Tent King's Court is their Sacred land, but they have been attacked twice, maybe they have moved."

Hearing this, Tang Hao smiled faintly, turned his head to look in the middle of the team, and said.

"What are you afraid of? Don't we have a guide? When we get to Yinshan, someone will naturally show us the way."

Hearing these confident words, Li Wanqing also glanced back.

Among the running cavalry, the twenty-something soldiers were bound to their hands and feet and tied to the back of their horses.

The headed Ashina Sheer, with desperate expressions in his wet red eyes, looked forward empty.

In this battle, all of his 1,000 soldiers were annihilated, and he was in the mood, as can be imagined.

Perhaps, these villagers were indeed not killed by his tribe.

But the war is ruthless, this may be his fate.

Li Wanqing slowly turned her head and looked at the figure jostling with the horse beside her, with a touch of curiosity and admiration in her heart.

Weird weapons, with enemy generals as guides.

The peculiarity of this man is really eye-opening.

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