Martial Sage

Chapter 498: I'm Back

Northern grassland.

Above the broad fields, fifty thousand cavalry and one hundred thousand horses, galloping day and night.

For days and nights, I never stopped.

The sound of the wind, the heavy breathing of the horse, and the rumbling hooves of the surrounding horses.

There is a vast grassland in front of me, and I can't see it at a glance.

Watching the sunset rise from the side and fall from the side every day, as if here, time has also been magnified infinitely, making people lost in it.

The brilliance of the setting sun shone diagonally on the sparkling water, reflected in Tang Hao's eyes in the distance.

Tang Hao pursed his slightly cracked lips, and his dry voice rushed out of his throat.

"Go at full speed! Go to the river and rest!"

When the order was given, many soldiers suddenly raised their heads.

After a few days of rushing, there is no water left in the flat kettle, and now I see this source of water again, and I feel more cordial.

The golden wheel on the half of the sunset has been hidden from the top of the sky.

The dusk at the end of winter is a bit cold, and the cold wind gently blows across the green grass.

The army finally arrived at this place with a small stream.

The stream was picked up by a large hand covered with calluses and small wounds, brought it to his mouth, and began to slurp and drink.

Surrounded by tired and swaying soldiers, drinking water, filling a kettle, or leaning on a stone, or slumping on the ground and taking time to rest.

The war horse lowered its head, sipping the stream, or leisurely nibbling the tender grass everywhere.

Even Tang Hao, who had amazing physical strength, felt quite tired.

After pouring a few mouthfuls of cold stream water, Tang Hao pulled out a sesame cake and chewed it.

Breathing the sober and cold air on the grassland, the sleepiness on Tang Hao disappeared a lot.

In the eyes, that Qianli figure squatted by the stream, holding up the crystal water splash in her hand and slapped it on the jade surface.

The golden afterglow outlines the outline of the side face, which looks like a picture scroll, especially beautiful.

For a moment, Tang Hao sighed while looking at the picture scroll.

If there is no such war, perhaps, like ordinary people, wives and children are hot on the bed, it would be fine.

It's just that the current situation doesn't allow him to imagine such a warm picture anymore.

The rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty, the prosperity of the people, and the peaceful living and work of the people, now all fall on him, a great marshal living in a foreign land.

After thinking about it, the silhouette of the man by the river was still washed.

Li Wanqing, who hadn't looked in the mirror for a long time, looked at the shaky reflection in the river, rubbed her cheeks, and squeezed a smile.

When I got up and turned my head, I saw that figure was looking at me idiotically.

It seems that at this moment, the exhaustion of rushing for a few days disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Walking towards Tang Hao lightly, although facing the cold wind, Li Wanqing's heart was warm.

A pair of big hands handed over a dried meat wrapped in paper, and the voice of concern followed.

"Eat some jerky, you have to add more energy."

"The road behind is still very long."

On this uninhabited grassland, it is a blessing for a team like this to eat dried meat.

Looking at the fist-sized jerky, Li Wanqing swallowed.

Actually, it is not because of the greedy bugs, but because of this period of time, the continuous running is too much physical exertion.

There is no oil or water in the belly, and the dried noodle sesame cake is really hard to swallow.

Li Wanqing knew the preciousness of dried meat, and said, pursing her lips secretly.

"I'm not hungry, you still eat..."

I wanted to say a few rebuttals, but my stomach grumbled unconvincingly.

Hearing this voice, Tang Hao laughed loudly, stuffed the dried meat into Li Wanqing's hands, and said.

"Take it! You don't agree, the belly is going to rebel."

Hearing this joking sentence, Li Wanqing's face flew with a red cloud in an instant, and she lowered her head in shame.

Seeing Li Wanqing's embarrassment, Tang Hao didn't care, turned his head to look at Cheng Chumo, and shouted.

"The generals gather, I have important arrangements!"

Since entering this grassland, Tang Hao only felt that the burden on his body had suddenly increased, and his nerves had not felt tense.

Especially the slaughter of two Han villages made Tang Hao clearly aware of the importance of this war.

If this battle is won, the northern border of Datang will be peaceful, and the tragedies in the two villages along the way will not happen. The people of the entire northern border who have been used to the nomadic life will also be able to live and work in peace and contentment.

If it loses, then the East Turks will have a respite. Not only will the village tragedy occur, but the entire northern border of the Datang will be trampled by Turks.

What is even more terrifying is that after this battle, there are no more cavalry in Datang!

To know that it is not easy to train a qualified cavalry!

Under the continuous war, I don't know how many young lives will be lost in the smoke of gunpowder, and how many families will become fragmented.

For Tang Hao, this was a battle that could only be won, and it was also a battle that would determine the universe in one battle.

The face that seemed calm and laughing was actually shown to the generals and soldiers.

Under this turbulent, calm and calm face, there is actually a real face that is under great pressure and nerves.

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