Martial Sage

Chapter 499: I'm Sorry

Night fell gradually.

The soldiers who woke up in the camp lit a bonfire to resist the cold of the night.

Even breathing and snoring sounded everywhere, filling the foot of the high slope.

By the campfire.

Tang Hao threw this dead branch into the fire.

The swaying flame reflected on the face of Hu stubble, bright and dark.

"We are almost reaching the hinterland of the grassland. The road ahead will become more and more difficult and dangerous."

Tang Hao looked at the figures surrounding the bonfire, and there was a faint dignity on those red faces.

The deep voice sounded again.

"The next terrain will be flat, not like it is now, there are still ups and downs."

"Fifty thousand people are rushing in this vast grassland. The goal is still too big and easy to be exposed."

"I need to adjust the 50,000 team."

After that, Tang Hao moved his gaze to Su Qingjie and said.

"General Su, tomorrow you will be alone in another team, leave the army, and do another thing."

Hearing that, Su Qingjie cupped fist with both hands, wanted to see Tang Hao, said.

"Let's show you the commander."

Tang Hao's expression gradually became serious, said.

"At the hour of tomorrow, you will take a cavalry man, go to the area of ​​Langxu Mountain, and stay there."

Su Qingjie was a little confused after hearing the order, and frowned slightly, wondering why Tang Hao gave such an order.

Tang Hao continued.

"When you get to the area of ​​Langxu Mountain, you will release all the cavalry under your command. Once you find Turkic scouts, whether they are from the East Turks or the West Turks, they all intercept and kill them so that they do not leak."

After hearing what Tang Hao said, Su Qingjie was somewhat clear about Tang Hao's meaning.

A full-scale interception of the scouts can prevent the battle reports of the East Turks and the West Turks from being heard in the first place.

On the other hand, this is also the last time for the army to make surprise attacks on the camp.

Tang Hao glanced at all the generals, his expression stern, and said.

"This battle is of great importance. To be honest, I am not sure that I will win."


Tang Hao moved his gaze to Su Qingjie again, his eyes full of hope, and said slowly.

"I don't want other forces to come in in this war with an uncertain ending!"

Today's Tang Hao intends to fight a time difference in message transmission, but he can't guarantee that this battle will be ended in the shortest time.

Tang Hao continued.

"Today, the Western Turks are still sending troops to the East Turks."

"If the wind leaks out, the Western Turks will learn the news."

"If we rush to help, even if we win the battle, we will be besieged by Xu Turkic army."

In an instant, the responsibilities on Su Qingjie's shoulders became arduous!

Su Qingjie nodded heavily and said.

"Subordinates understand that they will live up to the command of the commander."

"The last general, will definitely guard the area of ​​Langxu Mountain, and will not let a Turkic scout slip past."

Tang Hao looked at Su Qingjie and nodded slightly.

"You are the key to this battle, and your success or failure will directly affect the changes in the entire battle."

From the original point of view, Tang Hao had confidence in himself.

He believes that he can lead this 50,000 army to a comprehensive victory.

As a lieutenant, or like the previous trip to Yinshan, Tang Hao could bet on this 70% to 80% chance of winning.

But now he is the coach of these 50,000 people and the only army in the entire battle!

He has to think about the overall situation, and he has to think about two to thirty percent failures!

The purpose of dispatching Su Qingjie as a surprise soldier is also to increase the odds of winning by 20% without hesitation.

Although these words were not heavy, the atmosphere did suddenly become tense.

Tang Hao glanced at several generals in the audience, his eyes staying on Li Wanqing.

This female general, with her brows furrowed, pinched the dried meat, her jade face was full of solemn expression.

Tang Hao looked over with a smile and asked softly.

"Jerky, is it delicious?"

Li Wanqing, who was still thinking, heard this question and was taken aback for a moment before turning his head to look over.

After a moment of stunned, he suddenly recovered, a blush rose on his face, and he hung his head hurriedly.

Seeing Li Wanqing's expression, Tang Hao's smile disappeared, and a gleam of light floated in his eyes, said.

"Everyone, would you like to taste the taste of lamb leg on this prairie?"

Hearing Tang Hao's words, everyone was taken aback and looked over.

Only Cheng Chu silently heard Tang Hao's words, and there was a touch of joy in his eyes, and he couldn't realize that there was a lot of fluid in his mouth.

Unconsciously, his thoughts returned to the period of rushing to Yinshan Mountain.

Plundering Turkic tribes, cooking the plump cattle and sheep, and drinking milk wine.

Thinking of this, rubbed his belly, looked at Tang Hao, and complained.

"Hey! Brother Tang, don't mention this! When you mention it, my stomach groans!"

"Let's swallow this ration during this period of time, and I'm panicking as I eat it."

"Looking back at our golden roast leg of lamb last time, my saliva can't stop running down."

After listening to these words, everyone suddenly realized that they looked at Cheng Chumo's greedy face, and there was a burst of jubilant laughter.

The dignity on the field also disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Tang Hao stretched out his hand and patted Cheng Chumo's shoulder, said.

"Don't worry! When we pass the hinterland of the grassland, there will be lamb legs, wine and meat!"

"When the time comes, let you eat enough."

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