Martial Sage

Chapter 536: The dignified court

Early the next morning.

Tai Chi Hall, the early dynasty is still as usual, held as usual.

The news from the northern front line still stopped at the ambush of the Datang cavalry in Yinshan Mountain.

As for whether to start a war and what the situation is, the officials still have no bottom in their hearts, and they are all waiting for the next wave of scout reports.

The land of the grassland is thousands of miles away. In this era, relying on horseback riding and flying pigeons to spread books, the news is not spread as quickly as later generations.

But at exactly this time, the news that the Western Turks quietly hoarded nearly 40,000 soldiers and entered the grassland spread to Chang'an.

These important courtiers, the core of the controversy over the past few days is around this.

When he heard the news, Yuchi Jingde was frightened, and even in the court, he did not care about his status as the head of the country, and cursed.

"Tianxiang Khan, a son of a bitch, is really not a good thing. Just do some sneaky activities!"

"In my opinion, it is time for the army guarding the Western Regions to advance and destroy the Nasi Turks."

But scolding, cursing, has no effect on the battle on the front line.

Cheng Zhijie stood up, glanced at Yuchi Jingde, whose face was flushed, frowning, and said slowly.

"The land of the Western Regions, the sandy Gobi, is vast and desolate, and it is not as fertile as the land of the grassland."

"In this battle, the foot power consumed by the food and grass alone is twice that of our soldiers."

After listening to this, Gao Shilian said slowly.

"This is not false, it will be a waste to the people and money."

While speaking, the wrinkles between the brows seem to be like mountains and rivers, which are a little deeper.

Changsun Wuji changed two steps and said in a deep voice.

"In this battle, it can be said that we have exhausted all our forces in the Imperial City of Tang Dynasty."

"This new batch of soldiers can be regarded as the force that Datang has assembled to the maximum in recent years!"

"This battle..."

The words are not finished, but anyone with a discerning eye can guess the words that follow.

If the Northern Expedition fails, Datang Northern Territory will face the greatest threat in hundreds of years.

The East and West Turks united, and the threat could only be the safety of the north. It is hard to say that the group of barbarians will take the opportunity to go south and go straight to Chang'an.

What's more interesting is that, when the battle on the front line is unclear, the Western Turks have silently packed more than 30,000 soldiers into the grassland.

Can Tang Hao, a lone army still in the depths of the grassland, create another miracle like the previous two wars?

Above the whole court, apart from worry, it was prayer.

The morning meeting at Chenshi took place in a clouded atmosphere, which was extremely depressing and dull.

Gao Shilian sighed lightly, said.

"Even if the army is defeated, the old man only hopes that Tang Hao can bring more cavalry out of the grassland, and save our last strength for Datang."

Tang Wanggao sat on the Great Hall and looked at Li Jing with a touch of hope.

"Duke Wei Guo, talk about it."

"Is it possible for Tang Hao to completely disintegrate the East Turks before the two armies unite?"

Everyone's gaze condensed once again to this attention-grabbing military god.

Li Jing frowned, her wise eyes became uncertain.

At the moment, there are variables on both sides of the war, and the battlefield is even more confusing, and it is difficult to see the advantage of this Tang army.

After pondering for a long time, Li Jing slowly raised his head, and said slowly with Yinshan Tang Wang's ardent eyes.

"I hope Tang Hao can do it."

As a courtier of Datang, Li Jing naturally hoped that Datang would win.

But in fact, even if he personally directs this battle, there is not much certainty.

Tang Hao's surprise attack, the speed was shocking and surprising.

However, this Western Turkic move was mostly premeditated, and I was afraid that Tang Hao would not be able to wait for the rabbit, and instead was caught in the urn.

As a military god of the Tang Dynasty, being so cautious about the battle this time has made many important officials feel a sense of heaviness.

Fang Xuanling slowly stood up, hung his head, shook his head slightly, and said.

"Speaking of which, we are still a little impulsive."

"Tang Hao's confidence in winning is certainly a good thing, but the fault is that we still miscalculated the strength of the East Turks."

To be honest, Fang Xuanling regretted at this time, but failed to prevent Tang Haoxing from going north.

Or perhaps it is to keep an eye on it and know the movements of the Western Turks in advance, so that it will not fall into such an embarrassing situation.

Of course, even if Fang Xuanling didn't dare to accuse Tang Hao of going out, after all, this was the will of Tang Wang himself.

If he was a rash duty, he would undoubtedly question King Tang on the sidelines.

Changsun Wuji raised his head, saw Tang Wang's solemn face, and comforted.

"Your Majesty, Tang Hao has always been calm and smart, taking care of the overall situation."

"Presumably the movement of the Western Turks has already been known to him, and perhaps he has a wise decision on the matter of attack or evacuation."

These words were not only comforting the superior Tang Wang, but also comforting the officials present and the restless self.


Boom boom boom.

The sound of war drums came from outside the palace gate.

The Tai Chi Hall quieted down in an instant.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Wang Wang suddenly raised his head and looked at the place where the battle drum was shook.

It is clear in everyone's mind.

The drum beat in the daytime, but the urgent report came.

The battle situation in the North will finally be revealed at this moment!

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