Martial Sage

Chapter 537: Recovering the Northern Territory

Hong Ling urgent report!

Seeing the three red-dyed chicken feathers posted on the emergency report envelope, the ministers will have determined that this is the Northern Territory War Report!

This is the only way to do this when it comes to the Great Tang Dynasty.

Grandpa Rong opened the flame carefully and withdrew the emergency report.

"On March 23, Tang Hao led 20,000 soldiers and rushed to the King's Court of the Golden Tent to annihilate more than 30,000 Turkic soldiers and injured more than 8,000 recruits in Datang."

"On March 24, the Turkic leader Ashina Sheer descended to Tang, and his corporals beheaded Dolly Khan, and Tang Hao neighed the Turks who refused to surrender and completely conquered the East Turks."

"On March 29th, Datang sergeants from the entire grassland gathered in Langxu Mountain. Tang Hao built an altar to worship the sky and sealed the wolf to live in Xu."

Without any pause, Lord Ronggong read the entire long battle report in one breath.

Gradually, the high-pitched and passionate voice infected every courtier present.

After reading the battle report, the entire Great Hall was still silent.

In the huge hall, the heavy breathing is clearly audible.

Everyone's eyes stared blankly at the grandfather who was holding the battle report.

King Tang was stunned on the spot, his shocked face was filled with excitement and excitement in his eyes. His lips squirmed slightly, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Time seems to be stagnant at this moment.

No one can think of the fact that the two sides add up to a battle of 100,000 troops.

In just a few days, it ended like a storm!

"God... God bless Datang! God is pitying!"

A voice trembling with excitement, slowly shouted out among the ministers.

With the sound of excitement, the entire Great Hall suddenly agitated.

Old Gao Shilian burst into tears, stretched out his hands tremblingly, raised his head and laughed.


Even the calm and solemn King Tang couldn't hide his excitement at this moment, and he laughed.

There was a hint of arrogance in this laughter, and even a hint of madness.

"Sure enough, auspiciousness descended from the sky! That kid Li Chunfeng didn't tell me!"

"Tang Hao, this kid really makes me more and more happy!"

The unconcealed praise came out in an instant.

Li Jing's face flushed, and he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"This kid is really a commander!"

"If the old man's guess is right, this kid must have predicted in advance that the Western Turks will act and take precautions in advance!"

"This kind of overall situation really admires the old man."

After Wang Wang listened, he was even more happy.

Tang Hao's root cause was that he specially allowed him to participate in the martial arts and climbed up step by step.

Such praise of the able military god is not only a recognition of talents like Tang Hao, but also an affirmation of your own insight and knowledge.

Striding over to the scout who sent the report, Tang Wang asked.

"Where is the army at this time?"

The scout took a breath of thought, cupped hands said.

"If it's good, General Tang can already worship the world in Langxu Mountain."

After listening, Tang Wang laughed loudly and scolded.

"This kid is really impatient!"


The Gobi Desert in the Western Regions.

Thirty thousand cavalry men and horses rushed all the way towards the location of the West Turkic camp.

On the galloping horse, Ge Shuhan was very anxious.

Since being ordered by Doli Khan, he went to the Eastern Front to wipe out this Tang army.

The Tang Qi who wanted to slaughter the people everywhere and arrogantly was like evaporating from the grassland.

According to those separated tribesmen, the marching direction of that Tang army was erratic.

Two days after catching up, Ge Shuhan suddenly realized that this was Datang's plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain.

The elder brother Shu Han, who had come to realize his understanding, knew well that the King's Court of the Golden Tent would be looted by the Tang army at this time.

If he rushed to rescue him, he would encounter an ambush, and he would certainly not be able to save the fall of the royal court.

Simply detour to the location of the Western Turkic army, persuading the Tianxiang Khan of the Western Turk to send troops to rescue.

Brother Shuhan guessed where Sacred was leading this Tang Qi.

From the Turks dispatched the main force out of Yinshan, to the secretly dispatched Baiqi scout was killed, and then to Yinshan, a large Tang army appeared to enter the valley.

It seemed that all of this was carried out step by step within this Tang general's budget.

Could it be that there is a traitor among our Turkic tribes who whistleblower?

But soon, this idea was overturned.

This notification also takes time. This step-by-step plan of General Tang seems to be in the midst of something, and the plan is generally realized.

Just waiting for the Turkic army to drill into the trap step by step.

Such a tightly packed, seamless plan, in the eyes of Ge Shuhan, even the old military god of Datang would not sit so precise.

Clever calculation of the direction of the war!

This person is like a god of prophecy!

Thinking of this, Ge Shuhan was even more convinced that instead of rescuing the war-torn Golden Tent Palace, he would go to the Western Turks to rescue soldiers.

Feeling the sweat bead on his face, Ge Shuhan lashed his hip-horse fiercely, and shouted without looking back.

"The whole army is in a hurry!"

"At this time, Wang Court is already in disaster! Let's take a step forward, and we have more hope!"

When the voice fell.

The sound of pattering horses rang.

There was a lot of smoke and dust, and 30,000 cavalrymen disappeared in this full desert.

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