Martial Sage

Chapter 561: The King's Way

Imperial garden.

Changsun Wuji looked at the Tang King in front of him and said with a bit of resentment.

"These veterans, all treacherous and cunning, all day arguing about the people of the world and their families, and the people of Datang love each other. Now their relatives are in trouble, but they refuse in every way."

After all, Changsun Wuji slapped the back of his hand, said with a sad look.

"Your Majesty, what do you think about this?"

"Even though Du Junchuo is our hero, I won't think too much about it."

"But Jun Wu joked, Nine Cauldrons, and the words spoken are like splashing water. In this way, how can I give him an explanation?"

However, Wang Wang had already expected it, turned around, stared at the grandson Wuji, said.

"I have taken your mind."

"The fundraising is a voluntary matter, and it is reasonable for the veterans to do so."

"The distribution of grain seems to require long-term consideration."

King Tang gave a final word, and Changsun Wuji could only keep silent.

The warm spring flowers bloom, the flowers are blooming, the breeze is blowing, and the fragrance of flowers is tangy.

King Tang stood in the corridor with his hand, admiring the colorful world, his fingers tapping the back of his hand rhythmically, as if he was thinking.

"Whose family business is the most prosperous in this Chang'an city?"

The plain words are like a gentle spring breeze, but they still make Changsun Wuji's heart beat.

Speaking of this entire family business in Chang'an, the Changsun family dominates the Datang Iron Mine, behind which is the biggest gold lord of the Datang Empire.

Dominating the business world is an ironclad thing.

Did Wang Tang want to pick fat and squeeze oily water?

Now that the Queen of Longsun is in the funeral, the relationship between the Longsun family and the royal family is unavoidable. Is it possible that the Tang king really wants to rectify the chaebol?

Changsun Wuji faintly saw sweat in his forehead, a little frightened, and answered truthfully.

"Changsun Yishi guarded the smelting of iron for Datang, first in science and mathematics."

Raising his forehead slightly, Changsun Wuji added, seeing King Tang's expression calm.

"If the eldest grandson is excluded, the other princes will have their own merits, and it is difficult to determine."

Wang Wang seemed not surprised by this answer, nodded slightly, but didn't speak, he didn't know what to think about.

Grandpa Ronggong moved lightly, bowed slightly, and said.

"Your Majesty, when it comes to this family business, there is one person who is advancing by leaps and bounds, and has some means in business."

Wang Wang slowly turned around and glanced at the cautious Father-in-Law, his eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice.

"Tang Hao?"

Listening to the slight ups and downs of the tone, Lord Ronggong already felt a bit of sullenness in it.

Tang Hao had already spent a lot of money in marrying Princess Changle. Although he had a generous dowry to accompany him, it was a fundraising and expensive thing after all.

Rong Gonggong's arched figure sank slightly, said.

"Tang Hao is a business genius, and he has a lot of means to make a living."

"Why don't your Majesty summon Tang Hao? As for this way of pooling money to make money, perhaps Tang Hao has another brilliant trick."

This explanation was pleasant to the ears, Tang Wang's face was a little slow, he raised a smile, said.

"This kid is eccentric, good at inventing and creating, but he is a genius."

As he turned around, Wang Wang waved his arm and said.

"It's just this time, this kid has just gotten married and is still in love. If you disturb him, it would be wrong."

The king's heart is unfathomable, and seemingly plain words have other profound meanings.

Such thorny issues were thrown to Tang Hao, to be honest, it was quite a bit of a burden to the king.

The grandfather, who has been following the king of Tang for many years, didn't understand this. At this moment, what was lacking was a reason to summon Tang Hao.

The prince smiled, said.

"His Majesty."

"Tang Hao's newly married, the big deal is over, as for the children's love, they will be long in Japan."

"There is no small matter in the country, especially when it comes to the victims of the disaster. The ration of the lives of the soldiers on the border is the most important thing. I believe Tang Hao also has a decision in his heart."

Changsun Wuji caught a glimpse of the smile on Wang Wang's face, and his cupped hands echoed him.

"Rong Gonggong said it was true."

"Tang Hao is the representative of young talents, and he should set an example for the great talents of Datang."

"Your Majesty's entrustment of state affairs is to trust and temper Tang Hao, why does his kid have any reason to refuse?"

One sing, one harmony, and the heart of the king of Tang.

Tang Wang laughed loudly, pointed his finger at the two of them, and said.

"You guys, let you say all the good things!"

Between the words, I changed my previous distress and turned into a relaxed and comfortable one.

The prince is the lord of a country and is omnipotent.

Even if it cannot be solved, someone must be sent to solve it!

Someone must stand up for things that offend people and go to the king to take care of them.

Rong Gong Gong is such a person.

After the cupped hands bowed, the grandfather bowed slightly and said.

"This time, the old slave retired first, and the ward called Beihou."

Wang Wang waved his hand slightly, said.

"Go ahead."

"I want to see if this business genius can help me solve problems."

Ronggong retired under his command, slowly out of the imperial garden.

After Grandpa Rong left, in the entire imperial garden, only the king of Tang and the eldest son Wuji were left.

The smile on Wang Wang's face gradually faded, and he met Changsun Wuji's gaze, said.

"You know the land of Qingzhou, why can't you pay taxes and grains late?"

Changsun Wuji heard the words, a strange color flashed across his face, said.

"In the land of Qilu, there are still big Confucian scholars who are sitting here. I'm afraid this matter is not easy."

The word Confucianism seemed to provoked the nerve in Wang Wang's heart, and the sharpness appeared in his eyes, said.

"A group of old people are stubborn. You don't need to make a public announcement about this. After the Ministry of Households investigates, you can make a decision."

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