Martial Sage

Chapter 562: Noble Family

The noodles in the clear soup, with the cinnamon, star anise, and fennel sauce-flavored meat pieces, make a mouth water and mouth watering.

These were originally Chinese medicinal materials, but this time they were used by Tang Hao as the sauce material.

The strong smell of meat only made the two beautiful ladies hooked.

In the middle of the day, Princess Chang Le took Tang Hao's clothes and begged to eat noodles.

Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty off.

Looking at those two pairs of Shui Lingling's big eyes, Tang Hao couldn't refuse.

Thinking of this trivial matter of frequent meetings made Tang Hao a headache.

The more naturally came an idea in my mind, why not make slim into instant noodles for later generations.

Dehydrated vegetables, jerky, dough cakes, leave it for a long time. Storage and brewing are also very convenient.

Just now I thought about it, but there was a chorus of female steward outside the door.

"Master Hou, Grandpa Rong is visiting."

As soon as the voice fell, Lord Ronggong had already appeared at the entrance of the hall.

The remaining slender fragrance and the scent of sauced meat in the air turned into the nose.

Ronggong inhaled his nose, this strange scent was not like an ordinary scent, and then he was surprised and said.

"Hou Dingbei actually knows how to eat?"

Tang Hao smiled, and after greeting the two brides, he waved his hands casually and said.

"The father-in-law laughed, this is my lady's craft."

The reason Tang Hao didn't want to admit it was that Tang Hao had personal experience.

The new tea he made was abruptly taken by the elders Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and veterans, like bandits.

If the noodles were spread out, I'm afraid I would become the cook of the imperial dining room again.

Seeing Grandpa Rong's puzzled gaze, Tang Hao deliberately changed the subject and said.

"Duke Rongfu is here this time, what is the so-called?"

The prince smiled and said.

"The old slave was ordered by the king of Tang to come to give Beihou Hexi and visit Princess Changle on the way. It was a habit."

Princess Changle held Tang Hao's arm, smiling like a flower, said.

"The sons and ministers are cared by the emperor, and he is happy in his heart."

"This time, the sons and ministers are having a good time in the Hou Mansion, so my father doesn't have to worry about it."

Grandpa Rong smiled slightly, cupped hands said.

"That's great."

Between words, he glanced at Tang Hao, moved further, patted Tang Hao's arm, and said solemnly.

"Now that the Marquis Mansion and the Royal Family have joined together as relatives, the Tang king has high expectations of Dingbei Hou, and Dingbei Hou should pay more attention to the important affairs of the court."

"His Majesty ruled out dissidents and retained Dingbei Hou's official position, which was to let Dingbei Hou show his skills. Don't let Tang Wang down."

Tang Hao, who was a human for two generations, surely knew that this was the high hat that Father Rong had put on him, and he smiled tacitly and said.

"This is nature, this is nature."

Seeing that the road had been paved, the grandfather was no longer polite, and said straightforwardly.

"Dingbeihou, the old slave is a breather for you."

"In the past few days, the Tang Wang was in the court to raise money and rescue the famine in Lingnan. It was very upset and headache."

"Hou Dingbei might as well take some free time to go to the palace and come up with a plan."

At this moment, Tang Hao fully understood why Grandpa Rong was here.

Don't you just want to let yourself help solve the money and food issues and quell the Lingnan famine!

It was the fate of the emperor, and now he was also the nobleman of the royal family, so naturally there was no reason to shirk.

Tang Hao said with cupped hands.

"Gonggong Ronggong kindly reminded me that Dingbeihou was extremely grateful."

"In the past two days, when I thought of a strategy, I went to the palace."

The big event was done, and the grandpa nodded with satisfaction, gave a few words, and left in a hurry.

After Father Rong had left, Tang Hao collapsed on his ass and looked at Princess Changle.

"Hey! Just after the big wedding, this court event came to the door, which is really disturbing."

The words that were quite annoying, uttered from Tang Hao's mouth, made Li Wanqing a little surprised. She looked at Tang Hao with a sad face and laughed.

"The husband once said that a man will take advantage of his youth to make contributions. Why is he a little declining this time?"

Hearing this, Tang Hao gave Li Wanqing angrily.

Knowing that what she said was what Li Wanqing had deliberately let herself return to the Li Mansion and shirk her own words.

Unexpectedly, this matter has passed so long, this little Nizi is still holding a grudge.

"Hey! I just married into my Tang Mansion, so I dared to confront my husband! This time I will definitely not spare you."

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Hao wanted to get up and play with Li Wanqing.

Princess Changle brushed Tang Hao's arm, slowly sitting beside Tang Hao, and said softly.

"My husband, this is not a trifle."

"The concubine heard about the famine in the past, and was hungry everywhere, and the people were displaced, very pitiful."

"You... do you think there is a solution?"

Although Tang Hao didn't know the situation of the Lingnan disaster in West Zhejiang, he didn't know why it had something to do with money.

But Tang Hao knew that Chang'an City, with its prosperous age, had thousands of children from rich families.

If you want to make some money, it's easy for yourself.

Gently squeezing Princess Changle's delicate cheeks, Tang Hao smiled relaxedly and said.

"Lady, don't worry, even if I don't have the identity of the royal clan, I am one of the people of Datang."

"Maybe I don't have many strategies for the method of farming food, but when it comes to making money, I am afraid that it is Chang'an. Few people can have such a talent as a husband."

"Huh! Stinky!"

"Hey! You little Nizi, your mouth is still hard, if it weren't for you to stop me and see if I won't clean up you."


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