Martial Sage

Chapter 701: The Secret

The morning light suddenly appeared, shining into the window lattice.

When Tang Hao got up, the two wives had already washed up and started to eat breakfast.

Today's noon is the starting time of the auction.

After Tang Hai had cleaned up, Li Wanqing picked up the fried egg and walked over.

"Come and taste it, this girl personally cooked today and made your professor's omelette."

"The omelet is round, and I want to be complete."

While talking, Princess Changle held a bowl of porridge and walked cautiously.

The Sheng is very full, and they all look a little overflowing.

Tang Hao hurried forward to take it, angered.

"Don't do this in the future, and be careful to burn it."

Princess Changle smiled and sat at the table happily, pointing to the fried egg and then to the porridge.

"Wan'er Big sis is called Yuanzun Man Man. I am called Ping Man Bo Ying."

"Today's bidding must have a good chance!"

The three of them made a few noises, used meals, and went straight to Xuanbao Pavilion.

Under the leadership of Hu Yue, the three walked towards the auction venue.

Passing through the main hall, Tang Hao glanced at it, and there were a lot of people in front of the Liuli Jade Pavilion. Yang Ming really did the things to the point and didn't lie.

When Tang Hao looked at this group of people, many people also looked over here, their expressions were different, and they were exceptionally quiet.

As a treasure holder, Tang Hao followed Hu Yue with his two wives and entered the arena first.

The sharp-eyed people already recognized the talented figure, and the middle-aged wealthy businessman with a beard-shaped beard directed at the people beside him, and turned his mouth toward the figure that had disappeared at the end.

"Hey! That is the high official from the imperial city, and also the auctioneer of our glazed treasure this time."

The middle-aged man with a green shirt next to him glanced at the empty intersection, looked around, and whispered.

"What about the high officials from the imperial city? The Zheng family is backed by General Yan!"

"Furthermore, the Zheng family has already issued an order. For this auction, we are here to gather the number of people and we will not bid!"

As soon as the voice fell, a simple and honest head came to the side and took the stubbornness.

"Isn't it? The business we do is all by water. Without the transportation of the Zheng family, how can we transport it!"

"But it's a pity to think about it. This is the best colored glaze. Just listening to the rumors is enough to make the officials of the imperial city tempted, and a lot of opportunities to make money! It's abandoned!"

The man in the green shirt knocked on that simple head and whispered softly.

"You don't want to stay in Yangzhou anymore? Do you dare to make such an idea?"

"Should we earn this money?"

"The best! Don't even think about it!"

The man with a moustache struck his chin and brushed his beard. After thinking about it, he glanced at the two of them left and right.

"That's not necessarily."

"I heard that Young Master Zhang categorically rejected the Zheng family's request, and he is bound to win this colored glaze carved pen and inkstone."

"I heard it was given to a certain high-ranking official in the capital. As for who it is, we don't know."

As soon as the words came out, the three of them raised their eyes and looked back at the same time.

He wore a white shirt, shook a folding fan, and sipped the tea lightly, calmly, seemingly out of tune with the noisy surroundings.

Returning to his head, the honest man squashed his mouth and said.

"Master Zhang, a wealthy family of chaebols, there is some money in the mansion."

"But after all, it's something else. I don't know that this merchant is sinister and has offended the Zheng family, so he has to pay for it."

"In my opinion, the Zhang family has come to an end."

While talking, Manager Zheng Jiali walked in slowly with two servants.

Many merchant families sitting in the hall stood up, and their cupped hands greeted Guan Li.

The scene that was quite noisy instantly burst into joy.

"Guan Shi came to bid in person, he must be curious about this treasure too!"

Yin & Yang's strange voice contained a touch of deep meaning.

Guan Shi naturally understood the meaning, his old face had a stronger smile, and he smiled when he looked at the group of people who had just spoken.

"Hey! I'm getting older, and I like to see some happy events. Let's join in the fun with wine."

"As for Li, his family is meager. At the time, he was curious about which merchant family would end up with this rare treasure."

Unveiling the purpose of this trip, it only made these merchant families startled.

It seems that the Zheng family attaches great importance to this auction, and there is no playfulness at all.

If there is some limelight in the auction venue this time, I am afraid that in the future, the Zheng family will put on a small book and wear some shoes.

"Yeah! It's the first time I heard that there will be people watching the fun at the auction venue, I'm afraid it's Guan Li who is not very kind, right?"

Guan Shi's face was exposed nakedly in the abrupt voice.

The cheeks that had originally laughed froze for an instant, and Guan Shi looked through the gaps in the crowd, following the wealthy businessmen looking together.

The person who spoke was Zhang Gongzi, who was leisurely and drank tea leisurely.

Guan Shi pulled down his face, walked slowly to the desk, took advantage of his arm, stared at Young Master Zhang, narrowed his eyes, and shot a sharp light.

"Master Zhang! The treasure is in the hall. As for whether it is lively or not, you will know later."

After that, he straightened up and snorted in disdain.

"Young people have good backbone, but don't use the wrong place!"

This sentence was meant for Young Master Zhang, as well as for several other wealthy businessmen who had bowed their heads to the Zheng family.

All the onlookers understood in their hearts.

Zhang Gongzi got into trouble.

The Zhang family is going to be in trouble!

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