Martial Sage

Chapter 702: Unexpectedly

There was a lot of discussion in the main hall, and under the deterrence of the Zheng family, everyone was silent.

On the other side, Hu Yue and Tang Hao had arrived at the auction site for Liuli Jade.

I have seen the magnificence of the main hall, and here, the style is very different.

The two-story octagonal attic is divided into sixteen equal parts, and in the first part, there is an upper seat and two later partial seats. Set a rattle for each to add code.

A white jade stone stand was placed in the middle of the house. On hundreds of glazed candlesticks, the lights flickered, setting off the whole hall as bright as day.

The thick vermilion pillars and the earthy yellow statues complement each other, making this seemingly simple house a little more luxurious.

On the top of the dome, the huge Ye Mingzhu, radiant and smooth, sprinkled on the white jade platform directly below, giving the whole prince a touch of immortality and mysteriousness.

After talking about some rules, Hu Yue pondered for a moment and looked at Tang Hao.

"Master Tang has a lot of treasures this time. If he wants to, he can hold a bidding mallet and take one or two pieces to win a prize."

"If you don't want to, you can proceed according to the rules and regulations of our shop."

This was also the first time Hu Yue broke this precedent for Tang Hao. After all, Tang Hao was the first person to be able to bring out such treasures at once.

Imagining listening to the scene of ringing a bell in his ear, hissing and shouting, and watching the scene where the money warehouse was filled with copper plates, Tang Hao's heart was surging and shaking.

Tang Hao laughed loudly, and cupped hands bowed to Hu Yue.

"Then trouble shopkeeper Hu."

"Tang is willing to be the auctioneer for two auctions."

Seeing that everything was settled, Hu Yue was not delaying, bowing.

"It's a great honor for the store to have a God of Wealth like Tang Master enter the venue, so what a trouble."

He stood up and bid farewell to the cupped hands of the two Madam Tang beside him.

"You can wait for a while at the main seat in the private room, and Cao Min will arrange for the merchant families to take their seats."

The main seat is located on the second floor, and you can see all the seats clearly, especially the white jade platform, which is very clear and unobstructed.

The family of merchants slowly entered the table, filling the elegant room with seats.

With the sound of the gong, Jingbao officially began.

Tang Hao was waiting to play behind the red silk. The dignified and elegant young woman held the first collection in her hand, and slowly stopped in front of each pavilion, so that the merchants and families could see the true treasures.

After the display, wrap it with light gauze and return the collection to Baiyutai.

In the eyes of everyone, Tang Hao slowly stepped onto the stage and walked towards the White Jade Terrace.

"Everyone, in the recent period of time, Mr. Tang happened to be asked by an immortal in his sleep to make some precious pieces of colored glaze."

"There are sayings that people who ride in cars will carry people, those who wear clothes and clothes only cherish people's worries, and those who cannibal eat people will die."

"Since he has benefited from the immortal, Tang will fulfill the immortal's wishes today and grant this thing to someone who is destined."

These remarks are obviously nonsense, but in this era, the talk of gods and ghosts can always arouse awe in the hearts of everyone.

After a few words of opening remarks came down, everyone was skeptical.

I don't know if it is the immortal's ingenuity, or Tang Hao really has the immortal inheritance.

With this enthusiasm, Tang Hao picked up a emerald green disc, learning the image of an auctioneer in his impression.

"The name of this object is Qingqiong Fusong Cong, and it is jade-run and green, and it is cool to start with. Five is just a set."

"This one is an internally carved green pine, which means strong, unyielding and indomitable. It is a good collection for the mentally tough."

"The price starts at five thousand guan, a final word, the higher the price will get."

Everyone can see clearly that the carved pine and cypresses are delicate and lifelike, just like living things in their palms. Paired with pure emerald green color, it is really much more delicate than those crude colored glazes.

Moreover, the price of five thousand guanxi is not a big sum for these wealthy people.

Under the soft glow of the Ye Mingzhu, the emerald green glaze is like a flawless piece of jade, and its shining shape always touches the minds of these wealthy merchants.

A greedily glance at the emerald green color, a few wealthy businessmen in the front row of seats, their hearts surging instantly, one hand involuntarily leaned towards the bell.

Cough, cough cough.

In the silent house, a soft cough seemed particularly clear.

Those wealthy businessmen who lost their minds couldn't help but follow the prestige.

A pair of eyes that were not angry and prestigious, shot two cold lights staring at him in a daze.

Almost in an instant, the hearts of the wealthy businessmen who met those eyes suddenly trembled, as if they were waking up from a big dream.

At this moment, he was lost by the exquisite Liuli Cong, and forgot the previous agreement with the Zheng family.

He nodded hesitantly, gave Zheng Jiali an awkward smile in return, retracted his hands, and looked at Tang Hao on the stage nonchalantly.

Holding Qingqiong Fusong Cong in one hand, and holding the Jingbao mallet in the other, Tang Hao was a little stunned.

This is not the scene in my mind at all!

There is no scene of bidding, no clamor, or even a word of praise!

The entire auction venue was quiet, so quiet that the needles could be heard.


It's too weird!

For own glass products, Tang Hao is fully confident that it can rival those colored glaze ornaments.

How cheap are things like Morty's later generations? In this era, Mo talked about glass, just holding a piece of soft toilet paper in hand was enough to shock the people here.

But at this time, it feels abnormally unreal!

A pair of wide-open eyes were full of greed, and the slightly opened lips and teeth were full of shock, but no one rang the rattle at the corner of the table!

Tang Hao's heart suddenly flashed a touch of loss, even mixed with a trace of despair.

This is the first pot of gold I have to dig out of this place in Yangzhou, this is my first exhibit!

If this is what it looks like at the beginning, even if the finale is exquisite and rare, it will definitely be discounted.

If so, what's the second thing to talk about? Talking about how to set sail in the ocean? Talk about the unification of the Tang Dynasty?

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