Martial Sage

Chapter 703: The Dangerous Situation Re-emerges

Thoughts are a bit messy at this quarter of an hour.

Tang Hao couldn't figure it out. Are these wealthy merchants hesitating for fear of better exhibits, or worrying that these treasures of his own are not worth the price.

Glancing at the crowd, the only pair of eyes had a slight smile, even a bit of pride.

Could it be that these merchants respect this person? Only because he was afraid of this person did he cough slightly?

That's it, Tang Hao's flustered mind calmed down instead.

Since this person wants to see himself embarrassed, let him have a good time!

Slowly lowering his arms, Tang Hao's face appeared with a smile, and he looked around at all four.

"It seems that you are not very happy about this item, no one bargained."

Turning around and beckoning to the graceful girl behind her, her voice was gentle and quiet.

"Five squares are a set. Put the other four together."

Accompanied by the young girl, Lianbu moved lightly, Tang Hao said again.

"These five animals are carved with Jinshan, Luoshui, Pine and Cypress, Fire Phoenix, and Earth Temple respectively. They are Yin & Yang Five Elements, integrating the world and everything, and they are really the top quality of the town house."

Watching the woman present the wooden box, Tang Hao slowly put the jade bi in his hand into the box slot, held the wooden box in his hand, and raised it high.

"For those who have no choice but to have no predestined relationship, it's sad and sigh!"

In the sad tone, the big hand turned down.


The wooden box overturned, and all five jade bibs smashed to the ground.

Fragmented glass fragments were on this white jade platform, jumping and tumbling, and finally fell into pieces.


All the merchants present were shocked!

He actually smashed all the five invaluable Qingqiong Floating Cloud Congs!

Nearly all of them stared wide and stood up at the same moment.

Looking at the mess on the ground, I couldn't say a word for a long time!

Even the manager of Zheng Jiali's mouth twitched, his eyes were full of consternation, with an unbelievable look on his face.

Time seemed to pause at this moment, only Tang Hao had a seemingly non-existent smile on his face, standing with his hands behind him, staring at Manager Li, who was staring at the ground in a daze.

"How could this happen! What a wonderful object! Hey! What a pity!"

After a long while, someone finally recovered and groaned heartily.

"Yeah! How can you just smash this rare thing in the world?!"

Amidst the rustling discussions, the merchants deliberately or unconsciously glanced at the steward Zheng Jiali on the lounge, and there was a bit of resentment in his eyes.

It's just that when Guan Shi glanced at him, if he looked at him casually, he would not meet that gaze.

After looking around for a week, the whispering voice was obviously reduced a lot, and Guan Shi pulled the collar and shirt and sat down slowly.

Qiang stabilized the shocked mind, Guan Shi raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

I originally thought that if the scene got out of control, I would take one at a high price and smash it on the spot, destroying Tang Hao's spirit.

Unexpectedly, Tang Hao actually smashed his own treasure at this moment, still the first one in the beginning.

Now that this has come, Guan Shi wanted to see how Tang Hao would end the next bidding.

"You guys, don't panic. It's just a collection."

Tang Hao was like a okay person, on the contrary, he comforted the emotionally fluctuating merchant families under him.

"At the time, Tang also said that this is the wish of the immortal to be granted to those who are predestined."

"Since it is missed, no one likes such objects, and it is a blessing to destroy them."

"The next collection, I still look forward to everyone, I'm optimistic about it!"

The young girl brought another one to her, and after the show was finished, when she put it down, she gave Tang Hao a special look, for fear that this master would be unhappy and would throw the mallet.

Seeing the girl hesitated, Tang Hao nodded with a smile and gestured slightly, and the girl just let go.

The majestic magnetic voice resounded through the hall again.

"This colored glaze must be known to all of you."

"In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the horses stepped on the flying swallows, the steeds were in good shape, with their heads and tails high, showing their unruly and vigorous vitality."

"Feiyan flutters his wings and looks back in shock. The shape is vivid and the conception is exquisite."

After all, Tang Hao pointed at Liuli Yuzun with one hand.

"This colored glaze product is crystal clear and bright in color only in terms of its appearance. It is full of vigor and vigor and courage to move forward in terms of its meaning."

"Gifts to nobles and collections are all selected from a thousand, which is rare in the world."

"The same five thousand Guans, starting at the auction."

Just as Tang Hao said, this one is superior to the other five in terms of shape and intention.

No matter where the merchant family who were doing it could still sit still, many people stood up, leaned forward and stared, not concealing the hungry wolf-like eyes at all.

With the lessons learned from the past, many people, even if they can't hold them any more, still endure the itchiness in their hearts and dare not touch the bell on the corner of the table rashly.

Guanshi Li was anxious and annoyed when everyone was salivating with their clothes.

I was afraid that the thing that didn't have eyes would be unable to hold my heart, so I rang the bell and took a picture.

After a few moments of lightly coughing, the merchants turned a deaf ear to it, and stared at the Liuli intently admiration without even looking at him.

Yu Guang glanced at the reactions of the people present, but Tang Hao felt anxious in his heart.

At the hour of half a cup of tea, these greedy guys could bear it. They just stared at it like that, and no one went to ring the bell to increase the weight.

It's not a way to go on like this!

After all, one has already been smashed, and when it is smashed, there is no need to bid for the others, all of them can be smashed!

While anxious, he was also curious about the old man who was anxious and glaring at the merchants.

What kind of person can he have such authority to win over most of the merchants in Yangzhou?

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