Martial Sage

Chapter 713: I'm Sorry

Tang Mansion.

One day's treasure is temporarily over, and Tang Hao has not yet decided on the news of another treasure.

When returning to the house, the public transport Querce came to report on the progress of the house.

According to Tang Hao's request, several mud kilns were relocated and built in the wilderness to expand to ten.

The trolley for transporting sand and gravel has also been transformed by the public transporters. It is extraordinarily light and can pull piles of masonry by one or two people alone.

Regarding the site of the house, it was selected in a zone close to the water, and more than 20 people have already excavated the foundation.

Everything seems to be the same as expected. The only difference now is the steel delivered to the court and the funding issue that I started.

At dusk, when a family of three had dinner, Li Wanqing absent-mindedly sandwiched the dishes, thoughtfully.

Meimu glanced at Tang Hao and asked for a long time thinking.

"Husband, Liuli still took two pictures, but the Yu family will inevitably feel a little hurt when paying the money."

"The subsequent bidding is probably 80%, and no one from the Yu family clan will appear."

After listening, Princess Changle smiled and looked at Li Wanqing.

"Eh! Someone seemed to criticize the beautiful woman at the Jingbao Conference."

"Why do you have to completely reverse it at this time?"

The slightly playful words made Li Wanqing's face blush, put down her chopsticks, and took a look at Princess Changle.

"Isn't they worried that this bastard is doing things outside again?"

"Now and then! Besides, I'm afraid this will be a big blow to the Yu family, and I'm afraid they will not be able to bear it."

After frolicking, the princess Changle naturally understood the stakes in this, so she didn't go on.

Tang Hao chewed a few bites of the food, and poured a bite of iced grape stuffed stuff down.

"That's right. To this merchant, these colored glaze products may be valuable and rare treasures. To our Tang family, they are nothing but objects made from a few cheap stones."

"Speaking of five thousand Guans, it is a sky-high price, not to mention the price of nearly one hundred thousand Guans."

"Although it is a dispute over the reputation of the two families, it is always mixed in. As far as the price is concerned, the Yu family has fallen asleep."

Picking up the fermented wine and tasting another sip, Tang Hao glanced at both of them.

"Let's sort it out these few days, and don't worry about the treasure first."

"Wait for me to go to Yu's house."


Zheng's sleeping quarters.

There are rows of neatly organized houses and clusters of lights.

This is the residence of the craftsmen of the Zheng family shipbuilding.

According to the parts of the ship that the craftsmen are responsible for, the division is strict.

Often what important craftsmen like the keel structure can get is an independent house, spacious and bright, and even one or two domestic servants will wait.

For those craftsmen who are in charge of other corners, only three or four people can live together in the same house.

Compared with the above, it is more than the below. In short, it will be much better than those servants who do not work, and a dozen or so people squeeze a wing room.

Zheng Yuan is now in the craftsman's house that is responsible for the construction of the backbone of the keel.

Zheng Yuan seemed to be particularly happy tonight, carrying a hip flask and going to the door in person, but this old man with gray beard was a little surprised.

"Old Zhang! I will tell you the good news today!"

As soon as he entered the door, Zheng Yuan was slightly drunk and put his hand on the old man's shoulder.

Although the two are familiar with each other, every time Zheng Yuan comes, they are stern, rare and pleasant, let alone greeted with smiles.

The old man showed joy and led Zheng Yuan to sit down at the desk and asked.

"It must be a big event to make Patriarch Zheng so happy!"

Picking up the tea cup on the desk, pouring a cup for the old man, and pushing it to the old man, Zheng Yuan smiled and said.

"From now on, our Zheng family will be able to dominate Yangzhou and dominate the entire Jiangnan!"

"You said, is this good news?"

The servant followed the master, and the old man was naturally happy after hearing it. He picked up the tea cup on the desk and said with cupped hands.

"The old man congratulates the Patriarch in advance!"

"Dare to ask the last sentence, how does the Patriarch make such a assertion?"

Upon hearing the question, Zheng Yuan laughed and poured a sip of spirits.

"Have you heard that Nading Beihou suddenly suspended the auction today?"

"From the perspective of the old man, this Lord Tang is at the end of his life, desperate!"

"Today I heard that the steward told me, Master Tang, he smashed the lot at the Jingbao Conference! It's so funny!"

Hearing these words, the old man could not see too much change on his face. Although he was smiling, he seemed to have a sense of unreality.

After that, Zheng Yuan seemed to be drunk again, shaking his body and patted the old man's arm.

"Lao Zhang! You have been to the Zheng family for four or five years, and you are the pillar of our Zheng family. In a few days, when we are firmly established as the first place in the south of the Yangtze River, you are the most famous in Yangzhou. Craftsman!"

"At that time, the prestige of the Zhang family must be spread throughout Yangzhou."

The beautiful blueprint came to the mind of the old man a little bit by Zheng Yuan's outline.

This is also the first time that what Zheng Yuan and his retainer are talking about is not a problem on the ship, but dreams and prospects.

A smile appeared on the old face of the old man, cupped hands said.

"Thank you for your respect."

As soon as the voice fell, the old man shook his head slightly and waved his hand.

"Old, I don't dare to think about big dreams and prospects."

"Now I just want to spend my old age in peace, look at these drawings, and do my best!"

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