Martial Sage

Chapter 714: I'm Sorry

Zheng Yuan's family affairs were confused and understood in his heart.

Sitting on the name of the top shipbuilding family in Yangzhou, there are countless shipbuilding craftsmen under his command.

But in the end, they are all the masters who take money to do things.

Even if he gave a special place to build a private house for a hero of the Zheng family like Lao Zhang, with two servants.

But in exchange for it?

It seems that Lao Zhang is just as respectful of his own favors and respectful to himself.

It is precisely because of this that Zheng Yuan has a headache in terms of personnel management!

But Zheng Yuan knew that managing people's minds is much more difficult than building a private house.

It's not about rewarding something that will make others bow their heads to their ears, obediently and obediently.

The Zheng family's strict hierarchical division gradually created a proud mentality of some skilled craftsmen.

In daily life, the long-term and short-term workers underneath were suppressed silently, and the layers were especially obvious.

Zheng Yuan, who walked out of the house, changed his posture just now, there was still a little bit drunk there, and walked towards the backyard.

Guan Shi greeted him from the side.

"But Lao Zhang..."

A cold snort came out of Zheng Yuan's nose, flung his sleeves, and didn't look behind him.

"Don't mention it!"

"This old guy made it clear that he didn't want to teach him what he knew."

"It's a pity that my jar of Baiguan Niu Niu!"

Guan Shi behind him followed the resentful figure and turned his head to the closed door of the house with a smile on his face.

Lao Zhang, who is also built with a superb keel, has always been a jewel-like existence in the Zheng family.

Even in many cases, the words of this old man who mastered the skills were more effective than his housekeeper, who was in charge of the affairs of the mansion.

Tonight I can see Zheng Yuan deflated by the old man, which is exactly what Guanshi Li hopes to see.

Turning his head to follow the hurried figure in front of him, Guan Shi comforted.

"Why should the Patriarch worry about this."

"Now that Tang Hao has no tricks, it will be a matter of time before he moves out of Yangzhou."

"This Yangzhou, sooner or later it will be in the hands of our Zheng family."

While speaking, he saw the figure in front of him slowing down, holding his hands behind, raising his head slightly. Seemingly not as angry as before, Guan Shi added one sentence.

"Is it possible that the Patriarch is still afraid that this huge Yangzhou will not be able to find a second Lao Zhang?"

With the fingers behind his back tapping the back of his hand, Zheng Yuan thought for a moment and said.

"Yes! I don't believe that Yangzhou has no skilled craftsmen who can replace this old man who can't make money!"

After speaking, it seemed that it was still difficult to smooth out the grievances in Zheng Yuan's heart. He stopped and took a look. In the night, there was a ray of light from the house.

"It's a waste of my kindness!"


What should come is always coming, and what should be seen is always going to be seen.

After personally supervising and instructing for two days, Tang Hao explained how the foundation should be dug, where it needs to be consolidated, and where it needs to be connected.

Many people are very curious and confused about these weird construction methods.

Fortunately, there is an easy connection between the public and the loser. You only need to explain to them once, and you can basically achieve a sense of communion.

As for the public losers, Tang Hao had already spent a lot of seats, benches and hanging basket beds for later generations, waiting for them to study and make them.

I did it myself, and everything sorted out three days later.

It was already dusk when we went to Yujia Merchant Ship.

It was the first time that Tang Hao saw such a big ship, such a huge thing, and was shocked.

The hull seems to have been repaired, the color of the wood is bright and dark, and the wooden boat that has been baptized by the years is quite old.

After the notification, the strong man standing on the bow of the boat next to the big boat looked at Tang Hao with a little complicated eyes.

The neatly combed hair bun, to the simple dress, it is difficult for people to connect with the marquis.

In addition, there was only one guard accompanied by Tang Hao. Compared with the big fanfare when he first entered Yangzhou, this style was a lot shabby at this time.

Huang Guanshi at the bow was even a little skeptical. Is it possible that Tang Hao really has no wealth before he can use colored glaze products as a treasure?

Tang Hao took his gaze back from the big boat, and saw Guanshi Huang staring at him constantly.

Stretched out his arms, looked down at himself for a week, and asked curiously.

"You suspect that Tang has a weapon? Will he have a plan?"

Huang Guanshi slumped, and sighed inwardly.

"If you bring a weapon with you, you might still be able to decorate a little bit of officialdom, and you won't be like a grassy street in front of you."

Thinking about it, Guanshi Huang himself certainly wouldn't say such hurtful remarks.

Throwing down the penny in his hand, Huang Guanshi raised his hand slightly, indicating that Tang Hao was waiting here.

"I'll report it, you don't need to follow, just stay here."

Three steps and two steps into the big boat, hands and feet disappeared into the stairs and disappeared into Tang Hao's field of vision.

Tang Hao glanced at the long-term workers who shuttled around, carrying large and small packages of goods. In those pairs of eyes, there was anxiety, alertness, and more with a touch of fear.

Withdrawing his gaze, Tang Hao felt uncomfortable in his heart.

The aristocratic families spend a lot of money, and most of the people who suffer are these people who are toiling under the scorching sun.

Considering that a piece of colored glaze was exchanged for a golden mountain in the Yu family, Tang Hao felt a touch of guilt in his heart, but that was the blood and sweat of these hardworking people!

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