Martial Sage

Chapter 715: I'm Sorry

Not long.

Guanshi Huang replied.

"Yu Sanniang is on the boat, but only one person can board."

All walks of life have their own rules, and Tang Hao didn't object, and after two orders, he boarded the ship alone.

When he first saw this big ship floating on the river, Tang Hao was already shocked.

But when he boarded the ship deck of this building, Tang Hao realized that there was something special!

This huge ship can be called the ancient Titanic!

Not waiting for Tang Hao to appreciate the furnishings on the ship, two figures came into view under the temporary pergola on the deck.

It looks like a younger woman, tall and heroic, with a narrow sword hanging from her waist and inlaid with a few agates.

On the wooden chair next to him sits a woman, with curly skin and phoenix eyes and vermilion lips. Although she is on this ship, she feels like she is sitting in her own gorgeous house, with a wave of pride and confidence all over her body. And a touch of maturity.

While Tang Hao was looking at the two, the woman on the wooden chair was also looking at Tang Hao.

With her eyes facing each other, the woman's cold and arrogant eyes touched the unwavering eyes, and she was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, a Marquis was actually a teenager in his early twenties!

"Sanniang has seen Master Tang."

When the people see the official, they should worship first, but Yu Sanniang just arched cupped hands and didn't get up.

Tang Hao narrowed his eyes and glanced at the wheels under the wooden chair. He just let go. This wooden chair is actually a special feature, just like a wheelchair for later generations.

Could it be that Yu Sanniang had some leg inconvenience?

Without thinking about it, Yu Sanniang sitting on the wooden chair has already spoken.

"I also hope Master Tang will forgive me. Sanniang has inconvenience in her legs and feet, making it difficult to walk, and she can't get up and salute."

Converging his mind, Tang Hao smiled faintly and waved at random.

"Sanniang is too interested."

"This time, it's a nuisance from Tang. It's just to talk about family affairs, don't be polite."

These remarks were casual, as if they were an old friend who had ever met.

Yu Sanniang pursed her lips and said.

"Master Tang is free and easy. The second-rank official can board this ruined ship, which has made Sanniang flattered."

"This homely sentence makes Sanniang a little bit at a loss."

Although the words are extremely polite, where is the figure that fell in the eyes a little flattered?

Based on intuition, Tang Hao felt that the woman in front of him not only had the ability to master the art of merchants, but also had a sharp tooth that could be black or white!

"Dare to ask Sanniang's daughter to run away, and only ask for a three-inch jade statue, but what does it mean?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was straight to the point and went straight to the point. This kind of method made Yu Sanniang a little appreciative.

Looking at Tang Hao with interest, patted the armrest of the wooden chair, Yu Sanniang asked back.

"What? Master Tang thinks that the Yu family is stupid, or think that own colored glaze is not worth the price?"

Building ships and creating Datang's unique overseas naval divisions were written by Tang Hao before he came to Yangzhou.

To create such a navy, suicide is the most important issue.

Yu Sanniang is a little curious, the money has already been obtained, but is this Lord Hou carefully researching the origin of this?

Seeing Yu Sanniang change the subject, Tang Hao smiled faintly, sitting on the opposite seat, leaning back.

"Sanniang doesn't want the reason for this, and Tang can also know a thing or two."

"The Zheng family, the largest shipbuilding family in Yangzhou, has a single hand and wants to be the largest in Yangzhou. It is reasonable to target the Yu family."

"It just seems to be unreasonable to take action against me, an upright official of the Tang Dynasty."

In fact, Tang Hao had already pondered this question over the past few days.

The only possibility that can make Zheng Jia take the risk is one, behind it is the instruction of General Yan.

But there is no proof in saying that, from beginning to end, he and this General Yan have not even had a relationship with him. Is it possible that he has forged a beam like this?

Yu Sanniang turned her eyes and stared at Tang Hao.

"Master Tang is a wise man, why can't I figure out the reason?"

"As to whether the people behind the Zheng family have any instructions, these are not issues that our Yu family cares about."

During the words, Yu Sanniang leaned forward, her voice suddenly reduced.

"In my opinion, Mr. Tang should be thinking about the subsequent auction and how to proceed."

The ninety-five thousand pennies, except for the commission Xuanbaoge took out, is also a large sum of money.

Yu Sanniang didn't want the money she invested, just to make a sound for Yu Jiabo, and it didn't make any difference.

Mentioning this huge sum of money, the scene just waiting for a reply under the ship, once again came to mind, and the unbearable feeling in Tang Hao's heart resurfaced again.

If you talk about perfumes, green tea and fermented rice, all the money earned from the sale of those dignitaries is the money.

For these people, these rare things can at least improve the quality of life. The key is that the family business under these people can make quick money.

Collecting the money from these people, Tang Hao made a peace of mind.

But now that he wanted to earn the money of the hard-working people who were sweating under the scorching sun, Tang Hao still couldn't make it.

Even the money was obtained by following the laws and regulations of the Tang Dynasty.

"What if I want to return this huge sum of money to Sanniang?"

The sound is like the breeze on the river today, calm and soft.


Feng Qingyun's voice sounded like thunder.

Yu Sanniang blurted out almost subconsciously.


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