Martial Sage

Chapter 775: I'm Sorry


The temperature in Chang'an city dropped sharply and the weather turned cold. When it came to the northern border, it was snowing heavily, and the sky was freezing cold.

North Cloud City, a trading center between the Central Plains of the Tang Dynasty and the northern grasslands.

After Datang pacified the grassland, it became a paradise where there is no war. The people of the grassland and the people of Middle-earth gradually merged. The place is bustling and full of voices.

But now it's a big change. A few restaurants are open, and many shops are closed. They have a bleak appearance, which looks no less than the depression when the war was on the face.

The horse-drawn carriage laden with fur slowly drove into the city gate, and the leading man, wrapped in fur, looked around the entire street.

There was no sibling who drove the fat cattle and sheep to trade in the past, there was no scene of arguing and bargaining with their throats, and even a few creaking doors on the whole street could not hear any more.

Flicking away the falling snow on his beard, the leading man held up his hands, breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little warmth.

"There are no prairie people coming to trade this year?"

"I haven't been here for half a year, why does this town look like this?"

As soon as the voice fell, a camel bell rang, and a dilapidated carriage turned around the corner and hurried towards this side.

The man in the carriage saw his family in front of the city gate at a glance and greeted him.

"There is a store in West Market that is still opening, go and return soon!"

The man in fur was a little surprised. It was the time when the prairie tribesmen collected a load of wool and traded with the Central Plains. Why did only one shop open?

With a hint of curiosity, the man held the rein hand in hand and stopped the man on the carriage.

"Why are there no Han people in this town?"

"Why don't these shops open?"

The man in the carriage, slightly frightened, looked back at the empty street.

"Hey! Don't you know it? This town is so evil!"

"All the Han people in Dongtou were caught in the wind and cold. Until half a month ago, ten people died in two or three. People in the grassland were afraid to trade in Dongtou."

Speaking of this, the man in the carriage moved forward, getting closer to the man on the horse, and whispered with his hands close to his mouth.

"I heard! Not only is the wind and cold, this town is also causing evil!"

"Those symptoms of wind-cold disease start with dense scarlet spots on the cheeks and arms, and in the end they are pimples."

"A lot of people who are infected are all demonized, scratching lifelessly, all the bumps they scratched are gone! The face is full of blood pits, and they are bleeding!"

When he said these words, the man seemed to have such a patient standing in his field of vision, and he shrank and shivered.

Pulling the fur sweater on his body, the man's eyes were horrified.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it! It's terrible!"

"If it weren't for the lack of food at home and the roads being blocked by heavy snow, I would be willing to make do with it and not venture out."

"Remember, go to the West Market to change, and leave as soon as you finish. Don't delay."

After speaking, the man raised his whip and left in a hurry.

The leader was shocked and suspicious, looked back at his companion, his face was shocked.

"Is there such a thing?"

The companion behind him looked at each other and looked ahead, thinking of the words of the man just now, and his heart was chilling.

"Go! Take a look."

The leader pinched the horse's belly, shook the horse's rein, and walked out first.

Stepping on the creaking snow, the man carefully looked around.

The doors and windows of every house were closed tightly, and from time to time there were one or two inaudible coughs from the east.

Then there was a panic voice.

"It's not good! The evil is here again!"

"Can't scratch! Scratching and scratching people will be gone!"

"Abo hold on! The medical hall of the imperial city will be here soon! We can be cured in time..."

At the end of the words, with a woman's crying voice, she added a bit of sadness to this strange and quiet village.

The man's low voice followed close behind.

"Crying! Just know crying!"

"Every family is like a monster of ours! Look at the erythema on your hand!"

"If you don't want to die, hurry up and make some medicinal soup!"

Hearing this faintly spoken word, the leading foreigner still on the street gave a throb in his heart.

Unconsciously, a scene that the man had just described appeared.

For an instant, a chill penetrated his back, as if a pair of terrifying eyes were hiding in the village, looking at himself.

The leading man took a breath, and his cheek stuck by the ice and snow was three points in white.

"Hurry up! Let's evacuate as soon as we change. This town is too infiltrating."

The creaking sounds were obviously dense, and the companion sitting on the carriage, with the eyes that had been staring around, no longer dared to walk around.

The hand holding the horse's rein was faintly white, and it was farther away from the east side of the road without saying a word.

The change of fur for food and wine was exceptionally smooth. During the smooth period, he didn't say a few more words. It ended in a hurry at the normal price.

Like the previous man, one cart and two horses disappeared hurriedly into the snow in the sky.

After sending away the last merchant, this border town fell into tranquility again.

The gate of the city opened, and the first soldier standing at the head of the city looked forward to it, waiting for the arrival of the savior of the imperial medical officer.

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