Martial Sage

Chapter 776: Treasure Preparation

Nanshan Huangzhuang.

As the last piece of colored glaze hit the carriage, Tang Hao ordered him to install a few carts of coal stoves, carts of cotton-padded clothes, and carts of briquettes.

This Jingbao will be destined to be different from the past, and even different from the one in Yangzhou.

After hearing the news, the big merchants had long lived in the imperial city. Hearing that the treasures of the imperial palace were continuously transported to Imperial Treasure Xuan, everyone seemed to boil over.

Tang Hao's motorcade is no less than a parade to praise their achievements.

The soldiers lined up in two rows, armed and fighting, guarding the carriages in the middle.

When curious passers-by saw this long line, they started talking.

"With such a long team, it seems that Master Tang has a lot of treasures this time. Look at this battle and look majestic."

"Isn't it! Dingbeihou made something bad? I just hope that I can catch up with it once in my life, to see the Lushan face of these treasures."

"You still don't think about it! Commoners like us, who have been digging through the mud for a long time, can't make up the ticket for admission."

"Come on, this is a rich world, how can we poor children start extravagantly?"

A word and a word fell in Tang Hao's ears, and his mood fluctuated with the swaying carriage.

One or two years ago, when I first entered Chang'an, there was no such thing as much attention, but now it has changed and is well-known to every family.

But on the whole, I still feel that there is always something missing in this Hou Ye's reputation.

Maybe if you really spread this cotton-padded coat, you can accept everyone's words of Hou Ye with peace of mind.

Between thoughts, the carriage slowly stopped and came to the entrance of Imperial Treasure Xuan.

Imperial Treasure Court, in the imperial city, where there are many precious treasures and treasures everywhere, rich people spend money like money and spend money for their beloved things.

This is the beginning of his own fortune.

The shopkeeper, dressed in luxurious brocade clothes, personally lifted the curtain to welcome Tang Hao's arrival.

"Master Tang, everything is ready, and come with the little ones!"

Tang Hao didn't say much, he likes the master who sees the truth like this, following after him, listening to the welcome words in his ears.

The land of the treasure is very large, the huge orange-yellow dome supported by the vermilion lacquer pillars, the roof beams are inlaid with hundreds of night pearls, set against the burning paraffin, and the whole house is translucent.

In the center is a whole piece of square white jade stone platform with two big hands carved, holding up a large colored glaze lamp, which must be a treasure in full bloom.

The golden nanmu table seats are generally distributed around the stars and the moon. There is the place where the nobles with heads and faces in the imperial city sit.

As he went back, the number of visits to the seats in the case gradually became dense, and even Tang Hao wondered whether the seats in the back row could clearly see the treasures on the stage.

The shopkeeper smiled and bowed.

"This is the place of our treasures. I wonder if Master Tang has any more orders?"

Glancing around, Tang Hao lightly supported his chin.

"It's too solemn here. His Majesty Jingbao will also be there this time. What Tang wants to do is more in line with public opinion, warm and comfortable."

As soon as the voice fell, the shopkeeper bowed.

"It's easy."


After two high-fives.

The curtains covering the surroundings were pulled open, revealing the beautiful scenery outside the house.

Pavilions, terraces, ponds, fishery, green grass, blooming flowers contend, a pleasant scenery surrounds the entire house.

There is a sense of being in the lake and mountains, swimming.

Tang Hao is satisfied with the scenery. In short, it is not better to hold it in this seemingly confined space, otherwise he always feels a little depressed.

"It's so good, no more requirements."

"It's just that my Jingbao will be slightly different. There will be a feast besides the venue, inviting guests from all over the world to enjoy the food."

The shopkeeper gave a gift with a smile on his face.

"Master Tang, please feel free. The living room is very smooth. These are all trivial things."

Being able to carry out a gourmet feast is nothing more than Tang Hao's promotion of coal stoves, as long as there is a venue, there is no requirement for luxury or not.

In short, this time is not only a real treasure, but also a coal stove and cotton clothes.

Anyway, Tang Hao made careful calculations, and the rare thing is the most expensive.

The production of colored glaze will not decline, and the value of colored glaze will inevitably decrease.

It can be said that the last time this kind of competition is held, there will be one less time. Why not replace the vacancy of the falling glass price with other things?

After all the negotiations were over, Tang Hao politely cupped his hands.

"As for the sale of this colored glaze, Tang does not intend to participate in it."

"Only afterwards, explain the situation of the final food and clothing."

"Everything else is arranged by the shopkeeper."

As soon as this remark came out, the shopkeeper was slightly surprised.

In the past, the auctioneer, which is not the price. Own treasures are more precious than gold, and more valuable than life?

Ask the east and ask the west not to say, but also pick up some harsh requirements to mention.

Today can be regarded as the lord who has encountered a sharp encounter. It seems that in Tang Hao's eyes, these treasures are just human vulgarities.

Tang Hao can treat these treasures as ordinary objects, but the shopkeeper must never do it.

Once and again, all the treasures were moved in, and they kept telling them to handle them gently, for fear of bumping into the corners and corners.

In the venue, there is a coal stove in the living room. After the preparation is complete, you can enjoy the food, plus a cotton coat display in the backyard.

For the entire three hours, Jingbao's work was completely arranged.

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