Martial Sage

Chapter 782: The Evil Invades the Body

Surprised back to astonishment, but the habit cultivated in the past for a long time still preserves the last medical ethics of this medical officer.

"You should feel the symptoms of these days and tell them the truth!"

"There are also these days, what food and food, and some abnormalities, tell me all."

The actions of the leading medical officer immediately shocked many of the medical clinics of the same group, who gathered around, watched, and listened carefully.

Listening to the woman whispering, looking at the terrifying sight in front of her, a solemn color gradually appeared on the faces of the medical officers.

Even if he listened carefully, without showing any corners, for a full quarter of an hour, the doctors did not hear anything unusual in their narration to this woman!

Looking at the puzzled faces, the woman knelt and sobbed.

"Fairy medical officer, please save us!"

"Now the people in the entire city, seeing us are like seeing half of demon, closing the door and retreating."

"I heard that this is a madman, but our family has never done anything that hurts the truth!"

At the end of the day, the woman almost thought of one place, and then talked to one place.

The leading physician understood this desire to live, and after the initial shock, it gradually calmed down.

In his consciousness, such deeds had happened before.

During the Qin Dynasty, leprosy was rampant, causing harm to the country and the people, and it was also a flourishing malaria at that time.

As if suddenly thinking of something, the leading medical officer looked at the official hiding in the door and said.

"Let me ask you, at the time of the illness, how many patients were like this woman?"

"How many are there now?"

In ancient times, people were afraid of an infection. Although they didn't know the method, the doctors knew that malaria would spread from person to person.

The official's face was pale, with one hand on the door, his facial features were wrinkled together, and he said anxiously.

"At the beginning, only a few of them were found in the East City. At that time, it was only a wind chill and did not take it seriously."

"But Lao Zhang in East City, after a few days, he was like a madman, scratching his whole body until he scratched the bleeding..."

As if saying this, the official returned to the same condition that day, trembling all over, and his lips trembling slightly.

"I...I saw with my own eyes that Lao Zhang wailed feebly, smashing the sores on his body like crazy again and again, the blood flowed unceasingly, and finally... he died in the end!"

The official trembled his lips, stretched out trembling fingers, pointed at the woman who was kneeling on the ground, and said.

"Later...Later Zhang's family was Ah Hua, with red spots and bright bubbles all over her body,..."

"Finally, the madman's upper body was scratched like crazy, the old Zhang family, the Aniu family next door, the Tiedan family, and finally the Huzi family a little further away!"

As if these words had magical powers, just after saying a few words, the man kneeling on the ground scratched his wrist through his shirt.

Speaking of ordinary officials, suddenly panicked, the boss with staring eyes looked at the tickling man.

"I'm coming!"

"The madman is coming!"

The sound of the broken sound suddenly rose up, and the medical officers who listened carefully were suddenly startled, and only then did they pay attention to the man who was kneeling on the ground.

I saw the man pulling up his sleeves, the dense sores on the back of his hand and wrist made goosebumps all over his body, and he scratched his eyes in front of the crowd.

The sore bubble pierced and the abscess burst, but it seemed that the man's itch could not be relieved at all, and he was still scratching.

The woman kneeling beside her suddenly screamed.

"Husband! Don't do it!"

"Can't scratch, can't!"

The figure moved suddenly, rushed forward, pulled the man's arm, and separated it forcefully.

With a crying voice, China has a touch of endless pleading.

"You can't scratch, you will die if you scratch!"

"can not……"

The pleadings were concealed in the repeated "can't", and in the end only heartbreaking crying remained.

The man struggled for a while and relaxed, half of his cheeks full of sores appeared among the loose hair, and tears dripped down his chin.

"Too itchy...this is torture..."

"I don't want to scratch... let me die."


The doctors who saw this scene took a breath.

How powerful is this!

Is this disease possessing such magical powers, or is this madness evil not completely invading this person?

The leading medical officer was fairly calm, hearing the man's words, his consciousness was clear, there was no rumored powder evil, and his mood slowly relaxed.

After loosening the tight fist that had just been tense, he found that he was already very tired.

Wipe the cold sweat between the forehead lightly, squirming the corners of the mouth.

"Send these two to a house and be guarded by someone. I will treat them myself!"

Currently, as a medical officer, there is no way out.

It is a method handed down by our ancestors!

In the current situation, only by clarifying what the disease is, can we solve its foundation.

Thinking about this, the medical officer looked at the man and woman, and pointed at the soldiers who were far away, said.

"This is a disease, not a demon evil!"

"Don't be afraid, just stay away from these two people."

After all, point to the fearful official.

"Pass the order on, collect the sick people in the city, gather all of them, and report by name!"

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