Martial Sage

Chapter 783: The Secret

The disease is first, the symptoms are crazy, and everyone is in danger. It is also normal.

The words of the leading medical officer seemed to have revealed the doubts in the hearts of these people, and the officials were slightly relieved.

Unlocking the door frame, the officer glanced at the man and woman who was ill with caution, and said cautiously.

"A Hua, the medical officer has already come, you two stay there and obey the orders."

"I have no enmity against you, so don't cheat me!"

This official is not a timid person, but the people in the city half a month are panicked, and the situation is strange when the madness broke out.

Imagine that during this day, the East family screamed and the West family wailed, and no one was a little afraid.

Cautiously bypassing the two, the officials hurriedly bowed.

"I also hope that the medical officer will help you. The whole city is counting on you!"

"Xiaguan...Xiaguan will go and find those who are sick."

Seeing the official rushing out of the door, the medical officer sighed slightly.

The sickness is better than war.

In the uncertain hour, no one can think of who will be infected next with this thing, and no one can think of who will suddenly die next.

Even this veteran who is on the border and stationed in the city is the same, I am afraid that the situation of the entire city is much worse than I thought.

Looking back at the two male and female patients, he led the medical officer.

"I will prepare all the meals in the future. You two will follow orders."

"Besides, don't scratch these sores!"

Perhaps it was the intuition of a doctor. The leading medical officer felt that this sore bubble might hide a secret, and kindly reminded the last sentence.

Contagion did not have a better solution to this ancient time where medical and health care was still underdeveloped.

But the method handed down by the ancestors is to concentrate on isolation.

Convenient and fast, with quick results.

Looking at the medical officers who were still in confusion, the leading medical officer spoke.

"Go and record the abnormalities of the two patients in detail."

"Also, write down the names of the people they contacted in detail, and we will visit them house by house later."

The disease is in front, and the leading medical officer also doesn't know much about this new type of disease.

But there is an old saying that disaster comes from the mouth, and illness comes from the mouth.

Perhaps from daily life, we can also understand some clues and find some ways to come!


The treasure of the imperial city will come to a successful conclusion.

As the king of Tang came to the meeting hall, everyone sat down one by one.

Looking at the cylindrical thing in front of me, there are many doubts in my heart.

Throughout the ages, whose iron pot for cooking and cooking will stand on top of this cylinder?

If it weren't for the rich aroma from that pot, these ministers and foreign businessmen would really not believe that this thing can be cooked!

Many people bent over and looked at these circular objects squatting in the hall, curious.

"What is this? How can a flame come out? Could it be burned by itself?"

"Also, it must be charcoal! Charcoal cooking, this Lord Tang's financial resources are quite amazing!"

Some people are puzzled by this coal stove, while many people are interested in the food in the pot.

"Before uncovering the pot, there is such a strong aroma coming out, and I don't know what kind of food is in it?"

"It seems to have cornel, with a touch of acridity, and like pepper, with a tingling smell."

King Tang, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruhui were three of them. They were completely familiar with the road, holding the bowl in one hand and the chopsticks in the other, waiting for the lid to breathe.

Seeing this situation, Tang Hao smiled.

"Everyone, this cylindrical object is a kind of coal stove I made, and it mainly burns coal."

Hearing the word "Carbon", the noisy and excited hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Tang Hao with a touch of horror.

These foreign businessmen, Datang Hundred Officials are not those wild people who have never seen the world before. Naturally they know what this coal is, and they also know that this thing will generate poisonous smoke!

Meeting countless horrified eyes, Tang Hao smiled.

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

"These coals have been specially treated by me to remove the poisonous smoke, so I can burn them with confidence."

I didn't bother to talk to these people about the suffocating things about carbon monoxide, so I simply said it all.

People who say it believe it, but people who hear it don't dare to be sloppy. After all, this thing is deadly!

In the midst of suspicion, Wang Wang slowly opened the lid of the pot and exclaimed.

"Um~ Fragrant!"

As soon as the words fell, the dishes were held in the bowl as if nothing had happened.

The last time I ate hot pot in the Marquis's Mansion, there was nothing unusual. This time, King Tang looked like he was afraid of poisonous smoke, so he ate it himself.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui next moved the chopsticks. They fished for meat and vegetables, but they were not ambiguous at all!

The venerables of a country are not afraid of them. What doubts do these officials and merchants have?

Seeing the three people eating and drinking, he just woke up.

Hurrying to learn the appearance of King Tang, he fished the remaining dishes in the pot.

For a table of nearly ten people, how can a small iron pan fit so many people?

The hand is fast, but the hand is slow.

In a moment, where are there people thinking about so many things, one after another scrambled to pick up dishes.

At first glance, this posture looks like a century-old hot pot restaurant in later generations.

Up and down, two hundred people, or add vegetables or fish meat, some simply stir the dishes in the pot with chopsticks, for fear that they will be taken away by others when they let go.

Standing in the hall, Tang Hao smiled at everyone's busy scene.

"Everyone, eat slowly and scald slowly."

"Fate and drink later, there will be cotton-padded clothes on display in the next wing."

"The lines are beautiful and the shape is unique. Wearing this cotton coat, everyone is Xi Shi, and everyone has competed with Diao Chan..."

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