Martial Sage

Chapter 804: The Return of the Hero

Tang Hao and his party were still trimming and camping at the foot of the mountain, and the news that the pox had become successful had already flown back to Chang'an City.

The Minister of Humerus in the Tai Chi Hall heard that these people put on the clothes of the patients and spent seven days.

All of them felt their cold hair standing upright, and their backs were cold.

Is it easy?

To say that the three Tang Hao prisoners are young Lisheng.

This Sun Simiao was an elderly man who used himself as a medicine man, regardless of his life and death, and still had close contact with the disease. He still had such a fearless attitude, and it would not be an exaggeration to call him a genius doctor.

Changsun Wuji slapped his tongue and admired the group again and stood up.

"Your Majesty, now the Chang'an City area is stable, and all the patients are gathered together, and the healthy people cannot go out behind closed doors."

"The whole street is empty. We can't let these heroes go home quietly, at least to prepare the necessary rituals."

Hearing this, the Book of Rites walked out with joy.

"Your Majesty, the veteran has not used pen and ink for many years. This kind of national salvation should be watched and sacrificed to the heavens, to promote their morality, in order to inspire the people of Datang to learn from these blood and brave people!"

"I implore your Majesty to approve the veteran's preparation."

Wang Wang laughed and listened to the praise of the people in the court, standing proudly.

"Tang Hao and his party have put aside their lives and deaths. They tried drugs for me in the Tang Dynasty and the people. The courage is commendable and deserves to be commended!"

"I'm allowed!"

After pondering for a moment, King Tang raised his head and glanced among the crowd, his eyes stopped on Cheng Zhijie.

"Gong Lu, I'll bother you this time."

"Use soldiers to collect cowpox, which has been used later."

Cheng Zhijie accepted the order with cupped hands, and then went down to prepare.

King Tang glanced at the officials and waved.

"Ready to prepare, let us Datang heroes meet the dust!"

The entire minister of the DPRK prepared hurriedly. Although it was a piece of impromptu, one or two hours of circumstances, this specification really shocked Tang Hao.

The nanmu inlaid with gold silk sits and the umbrella-shaped canopy is red and yellow, and the pretty ladies are holding huge Kongling barrier fans.

Gao Shilian, the head of the military commander, personally guided the way, and the eldest grandson Wuji of the civil minister personally helped him out.

King Tang, dressed in a dragon robe, stood in the Vermillion Bird Street to greet him personally, saying that he had worked hard.

Tang Hao stepped up and down from the leader's seat, still a bit spinning, this time he really felt the treatment of the emperor!

Looking at the empty sitting next to him, Tang Hao sighed in his heart.

"This old man Sun is still a medical idiot, and this kind of treatment is no blessing."

It turned out that Sun Simiao had already escaped long before he entered the city.

The old man who was thinking of the world's patients couldn't stop for a moment, saying that he wanted to record the prescription in detail and spread the territory of the Tang Dynasty so that more rural people would be vaccinated with vaccinia, and take precautions in advance.

Tang Hao didn't cling to it either. After all, the situation was urgent and the people were scattered, and only people like Sun Simiao could summon them quickly.

Such a big movement from the heights not only makes people living in the mansion curious and watching.

Many people squatted on the wall and shouted in unison when they saw this magnificent scene.

"Dingbei Hou is unparalleled in the world, and it is Datang's lucky star to save the people."

"Zhenshi Nengchen, Martial Sage!"

"Dingbeihou is unparalleled in the world, and Datang can be prosperous and prosperous forever!"

After meeting with King Tang, Tang Hao smiled.

"Your Majesty, the disease is critical, we still discuss it in Great Hall."

Tang Wang Xinran agreed, grabbed Tang Hao's arm, boarded the dragon frame, sat down, and walked toward the Taiji Hall.

You can sit twice a day, and once you ride with King Tang, looking at the entire Datang, I'm afraid only Tang Hao!

The lively and lively atmosphere of celebration finally settled down in the Tai Chi Hall.

Tang Hao stood in the Great Hall, cupped hands said.

"Today, the experiment lasted less than seven days, and it was already effective."

"At this time, it is for those who are healthy to be vaccinated quickly to avoid the infection."

This sentence was quite a bit beyond the expectations of the ministers, who originally thought that this method was to fight poison with poison, and did not expect it to be prepared for healthy people.

The whole court was silent and the audience was silent.

Gao Shilian frowned and said.

"But in this imperial city, there are now nearly five thousand people who have contracted this disease. What should we do?"

Tang Hao slowly shook his head, a touch of sadness flashed across his face, cupped hands said.

"Shuchen is incompetent, these sick people can only rely on hot compresses to cool down and slowly heal themselves."

"If you can't pass this level, you can only sleep under the loess forever."

After hearing this, the ministers were shocked.

Fortunately, this control is timely, and I am still a lucky bunch! Otherwise, look up at the sky, and the one who lives and die is himself.

Changsun Wuji glanced at the faintly dimmed atmosphere in the hall, walked out of the crowd, and cupped hands towards King Tang in the dragon seat.

"His Majesty."

"In the entire imperial city, the sick are only a minority after all."

"The most urgent task is to vaccinate healthy people in the imperial city with vaccinia to ensure safety."

After that, Changsun Wuji glanced at the ministers and said solemnly.

"It's just that this person who was the first to vaccinate, where do you start?"

Upon hearing this, King Tang on the dragon seat moved his heart slightly and looked at Tang Hao, his Highness.

When the eyes crossed, there seemed to be the same answer.

"The order goes on, medical officer and soldier take the lead in vaccinating!"

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