Martial Sage

Chapter 805: The Fame

Medical officer and soldier!

Strengthening the prevention of people who are closest to the disease today is not only to ensure their safety, but also to reduce the spread of the disease.

Worthy of being a wise Tang Wang, such a decision is undoubtedly prescient.

Although the officials in the DPRK were also afraid of the disease, they were also eager to become the first group of people to be vaccinated, but after all, the emperor's order is hard to violate.

Seeing that the officials had no different intentions, Wang Wang strode to his feet, and the four of them in the competition hall looked at him, always feeling that something was wrong.

After a moment of contemplation, his brow furrowed.

"Where is Dr. Sun?"

"Why didn't you see Dr. Sun? Is it possible that you didn't return to the court with you?"

After this mention, the clamoring officials calmed down instantly and scanned the four people in the hall. This talent found that Tang Hao and his group were missing the genius doctor Sun!

This discovery immediately made many courtiers alert.

"Yeah! What about people? Could it be that Dr. Sun is still in the valley?"

"Oh! I just wanted to celebrate, but I forgot about it!"

Yuchi Jingde pulled his thick throat, laughed loudly, stood in the hall, and said to the king of Tang on the dragon seat with cupped hands.

"Your Majesty, Dr. Sun got off the carriage midway, saying that he was going to write a pharmacopoeia and prescription, and he had to tell the people in the countryside to leave alone."

"The old minister and Dingbeihou tried to persuade each other, but they always failed to keep it, ashamed and ashamed."

Hearing this, Changsun Wuji held the white beard under his forehead and narrowed his eyes.

"Doctor Sun has a high moral character and a good hand and kind heart. He has long been a fairy like Hua Tuo Bianque."

"This reputation is already a burden to him."

"With all one heart to the people, this kind of benevolence is really an example of our Datang doctors!"

The sound of high praise filled the entire Great Hall, causing the officials to nod their heads in agreement.

Gao Shilian stood up with a smile, looked at the grandson Wuji on the other side of the Great Hall, pointed at Tang Hao, and said.

"Zheng Guogong, don't forget that Tang Hao has also made a great contribution to this kind of acne eradication!"

"From the point of view of the old man, one old man and one young man are connected with each other, which reflects that our Datang has a successor and will continue the legend of medicine!"

The two of them sang and praised each other in turn, which made Tang Hao feel a little embarrassed.

The serious illness will be cured, and the hanging heart will eventually be able to let go, how can the veterans who are good at making things give up such a good time to flatter.

Fang Xuanling glanced around the chaotic hall, her gaze first fell on Tang Hao, and said.

"Dingbei Hou, both civil and military, is brilliant, and now he is outstanding in the field of medicine, and he is in fact a role model for today's Datang talents."

"If we find out the reason, it is our majesty who has chosen such a shining pearl from among the many beings."

After that, I bowed to the cupped hands of King Tang who was sitting on the dragon.

"The ancient genius of Dingbei Hou Kuang, the proud son of heaven, is my great fortune in the Tang Dynasty."

"Your Majesty's eyes are like a torch, better than the first emperor of Han, and he is actually the Emperor Mingjun of the Tang Dynasty, the emperor through the ages."

From praising the absent Sun Simiao, to Tang Hao’s unparalleled talent, to the Tang Wang’s wise and wise, Tang Hao was a little embarrassed. These people are worthy of Tang’s literary ministers. This turning point has made even the heads of later generations a little bit more embarrassing. Not going there anymore!

Circles of clever praise, only let the officials in the hall clapped their hands and applauded again and again.

The lofty King Tang finally settled on himself after hearing it, and it was Long Yan joyous, laughing.

The heavenly crown on his head trembled with the hearty laughter, and Wang Wang slowly got up with the armrest of the dragon chair.

"The ancients often said that the cream Sage was born five hundred years ago, and now we have an endless stream of noble and noble people in Tang Dynasty. The doctor Sun tried to poison with his body, and he flew away after the illness. It is really an expert demeanor. Tang Hao has repeatedly developed strange strategies to stabilize the troubled world. It’s my blessing to have other capable ministers and dissidents helping each other!"

"The harm of a sore is known to all. It is better than a tiger or a poisonous snake. If you are lucky enough to survive both, you will probably get disabled. The face is full of holes, and it does not look like a human form. Make."

"Today, God Doctor Sun and Tang Hao worked together to develop a magical medicine, which eliminated this evil beast that hovered in the sky of the Tang Dynasty, so that the people of Tang Dynasty would not be afraid of sores and benefit for life."

After that, Wang Wang half-handed his palms, and cupped hands toward Tang Hao on the Great Hall.

"Come on! Love Qing, congratulate me for the heroes of the Tang Dynasty and for the world!"

As soon as the voice fell, the cupped fist of the hundreds of officials in the court was in front, bowed deeply, and bowed to Tang Hao.

"Dingbei Hou rescued the people of Lebanon. He was a hero and a role model."

To be honest, these big scenes were still what Tang Hao had seen in his life, and his mind was also excited by the voice of Man Chao.

The self-conceited cupped hands returned to the four seats, and Tang Hao smiled and said.

"It is the duty of a courtier to provide relief to the people of Lebanon. It should be, it should be."

Wang Wang smiled and stood on the Great Hall, his majestic voice full of joy.

"Presenting my will, Dingbei Hou has contributed to the relief of the common people in the world, and ranks among the country's princes, giving thousands of acres of fertile land and thousands of silks and satin."

"An image of a genius doctor is built in the imperial city for the doctors to emulate, and the world admires it."

In his gaze, he caught sight of the three kneeling prisoners shivering, and said loudly.

"You and the three of you were dying. I think you will wait for meritorious deeds and great Tang to give you freedom and reward thousands of dollars."

"Since then, you waited for the three to return to the countryside and make a living separately!"

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