Martial Sage

Chapter 810: Tang Guogong's Mansion

Before Tang Hao returned to the mansion, he saw the servants in the mansion all a long way away.

Those who hang red silk, those who wipe the gates of the vermilion lacquer mansion, and those who lift and change the water, are like the end of the year.

Before the carriage stopped at the gate of the mansion, the servants bowed and stood in a row, waiting for Tang Hao to return to the mansion.

After getting off the carriage, Tang Hao landed and saw that a long snake on both sides of the mansion gate stretched out into the house, which was quite spectacular.

"Waiting for Tang Guogong to return home."

Amidst the shouts in unison, the servants placed their hands in front of their abdomen and bowed again.

Tang Hao glanced at this decent formation, curling up his mouth.

"Yeah, the news is very fast!"

"Come on, don't mess around! Go on your own."

Striding across the mansion gate, Tang Hao waved his hand at the respectful and bowing servants on both sides of the road.

"Even if the title is changed, this house will be called Tang Mansion from now on!"

"Tomorrow, make a plaque and hang it up!"

As soon as the voice fell, a slightly gleeful scold came from the end of the corridor.

"Look at what you did! Those who don't know think that the mansion is about to marry a new love again!"

Lifting his eyes slightly, he saw Li Wanqing coming in, with a smile on his face, and gave Tang Hao a blank look.

Tang Hao smiled, walked forward, put his arms around Wenxiang Nephrite, and laughed.

"There is a tigress in this family, who just beats me with awe-inspiring majesty."

"If you marry another one, wouldn't it be able to lift the whole thing?"

Hearing this, Li Wanqing was taken aback for a moment, and then she saw the reaction in an instant, giving her a pink punch.

"You are the only one! There is no such thing as a pleasant word!"

Tang Hao caught Rouyi, clamped it under his arm, and changed the subject.

"What? Princess Changle is all right?"

Now Princess Changle's bulging belly is obvious. When it is quiet, you can see the fetus in the Fuzhong kicking on the belly and the bulging bag.

From now on, everything must be careful. Tang Hao would ask every time he returned to the mansion.

Fortunately, with Li Wanqing, who knows his roots and knows his roots, but is accompanied by playmates, Tang Hao can go out of the house with peace of mind and do his own things.

Speaking of this, Li Wanqing fiercely twisted a handful of flesh beside Tang Hao's ribs and glared at Tang Hao angrily.

"You still have the face to ask!"

"When I went to the barren mountain, I left without saying a word and left my sisters in this mansion. For this reason, Changle Little Sister will go to the North House every day to see if you return!"

"During these eight days, I didn't shed tears. I was dry and dry when I was persuaded."

Li Wanqing was a person who was accustomed to holding guns and knives. With such strength, Tang Hao grinned in pain and bounced off quickly.

Clutching the screwed place, pointed at Li Wanqing.

"You are trying to murder your husband! You don't know the depth of the attack!"

Li Wanqing shook her head triumphantly, staring at her beautiful eyes, with an expression of what you can do with me.

After making a fuss for a while, he had already crossed the front hall, Li Wanqing took out a letter from the pale blue cotton-padded coat and handed it to Tang Hao, said.

"have a look."

"The situation in Yangzhou is very good. The house is half built, and the two-story attic is to be built. The public transportation has also made new seats. I want you to help you look at the correction and correction drawings."

"Then Sanniang Yu is a ruthless person. She got up early all day long and was greedy for the dark. She just got the bottom of the boat early in this short period of more than two months."

"Fortunately, those coins were used at the right time. Sanniang Yu bought a new batch of materials and recruited many famous craftsmen from the Zheng family."

I was going to take the letterhead apart and look at it. Seeing Li Wanqing's explanation in such detail, Tang Hao put the letterhead away.

"It is really a blessing to Tang Hao to have such a shrewd and virtuous Lady Li in this life. It saves a lot of trouble in reading letters!"

"Can there be other news?"

Li Wanqing met for a while, looked at Tang Hao, who was walking slowly, and said in confusion.

"Have you ever been acquainted with General Yan in Quanzhou?"

"This General Yan has done a lot of work and brought in a lot of soldiers, saying that they are all serving for Datang, and if one step is approaching, they should support each other."

After all, Li Wanqing held the delicate minibus with a look of doubt.

"When I was in Yangzhou, many people who came to block us to bid, but they all had an affair with General Yan."

"It's so generous this time, I don't think this is a good thing."

Tang Hao naturally thought of what Li Wanqing could think of.

With a disdainful grunt, Tang Hao said.

"General Yan's careful thought, isn't it because I feel sorry for the navy under his hand!"

"In three years, there was no breakthrough in shipbuilding. Now we are building ships. He can take advantage of the opportunity to reap the benefits and find ways to install his own navy."

One out of the boat, one out of the people.

When I think about it, General Yan’s abacus is quite good. Although it is a bit crude, it is reasonable.

Li Wanqing was a little nervous, and her eyebrows were also twisted at The next moment.

"In that case, the boats we worked so hard to build, in the end, we made wedding dresses for others?"

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Hao's hearty laughter came from beside him.

"The firearms I want to make, the armour-piercing crossbows agreed to by Gong Yu Qu, and the secret weapons are in my hands. What use is it for General Yan to think about it?"

"Goguryeo has excellent weapons, it is by the sea, and the development of the navy is not bad. Also, the dream of dominating Baekje is not arrogant, but their navy, but they are superior."

"No hurry, no hurry. Since General Yan wants the warship, you might as well let them use it, and it's good to take the lead in exploring the bottom of the two countries."

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