Martial Sage

Chapter 811: The Voice of Talent

Talent Palace.

The sunlight slanted on the window lattices, and the dappled light spots reflected on the rough paper.

A pair of jade hands gently turned a page, folded the footer, and closed the scroll.

Wu Cairen let out a light sigh in his nose, and slowly stood up. Get close to the carved window lattice, stretch your muscles and bones.

The sunshine with a touch of warmth outlines the exquisite figure, shining on the brand-new cotton clothes.

There were subtle footsteps, and a pleasant female voice followed.

"There are really skilled craftsmen in the Tang University Artificial Workshop, and they can cut out such fit clothes."

"Even in winter, Wu Cairen's coquettish posture is fully displayed."

Tang Hao's cotton-padded clothes can be described as tailor-made, specially made to waist version.

Even in the cold winter, it is not bloated and plump.

Since the opening of Jingbao, this cotton-padded jacket alone has become a favorite dress in the harem.

The talented martial artist, long before the sale started, selected the maids with similar postures and went to buy a few sets.

Hearing the praise behind him, Wu Cairen did not turn around, Fengyan looked at the rose blooming outside the window, and a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"so what?"

"The one in Tai Chi Palace, for so long, has never been summoned to me."

"Even if this posture is beautiful and sultry, it's just looking at the bronze mirror and admiring herself alone."

The close-fitting maid behind him heard the loneliness in the words, and slowly moved forward.

"Wu Cairen, in recent days, the imperial city has been disturbed by the disease. Your Majesty is just worrying about it."

"Now that Master Tang has developed a new drug, he thinks it won't take long before the disease will be eliminated."

"At that time, your majesty will be summoned by himself, maybe he will be happy in his heart, and he will leave the dragon seed."

Wu Cairen has heard too many words of encouragement.

That is, this close-knit maid who has been playing with herself since she was a child, dares to say so happily.


Youyuan sighed like a deep boudoir woman.

Wu Cairen looked at the rose in a daze, and muttered.

"Women, women!"

"This world is the world of men after all, even if it is smarter, as beautiful as Celestial Immortals, it is just a king's plaything."

The maid beside her seemed to have been used to such cynical words a long time ago. She lightly embraced the arms of the Wucai man and leaned her head on the fragrant shoulders.

"Wu Cairen, are we so bad?"

"Men will either fight on the battlefield and fight bloody battles. Or they will study hard to obtain fame and fame. They have worked hard all their lives, and in the end they are nothing more than a handful of loess and sleep in Jiuquan."

"We girls, as long as they are beautiful and well-know, serve the nobles and enjoy the prosperity and wealth for the rest of the life. The poor can also be a beautiful maid. The maid, although she is humbled, is better than losing her head on the battlefield. !"

After all, the close-fitting maid raised her head and looked at Wu Cairen with envy in her eyes.

"If I had the skin of a talented man, His Majesty King Tang, who can dress more than 10,000 people, would die without regrets in my life."

The babbled words that came to Wu Cairen's ears did not resonate, on the contrary, there was a touch of hurt.

The three guides and five constants, the rules set by Sage, continue from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the present day.

A husband is the key to his wife, and the wife's duty is to teach her sons and husbands, and to be submissive.

This is true for the emperor's concubine and the wife of the villager.

However, Wu Cairen seems to be born with a rebellious attitude, but he has this idea of ​​half the sky.

"Caihuan, there are some things you don't understand."

"Just like this talent, it's actually not what I wanted. But after all, the reputation of the Wu family belongs to me. There is a person next to the emperor, and there is always a hope for promotion."

Less than twenty Fanghua, but said a taste of old-fashioned autumn.

The girl named Caihuan frowned slightly, looking at the beautiful curve of the jaw of this talented man, and asked.

"You know that tens of millions of women in this world are looking for a glimpse of the king, but you are saying such nonsense.

"I don't want to serve the aloof King Tang, what else do you want to do?"

A gleam of light flashed in Wu Cairen's eyes. He raised his head and looked at the Walanwalan sky, his faint smile gradually filled his face, and his lips lightly opened.

"Your Majesty can't be called an old-fashioned man, but it's also a good year."

"Although I have a low status, I am still like a flower. Instead of being locked in this golden wire cage, I would rather wander between heaven and earth and be happy and happy."

While speaking, Wu Cairen raised his jade finger and pointed at the flying bird in the sky, with a brighter smile on his face.

"Look, it's so enviable that it flies with wings and flaps its wings."

"When you return home, you can comb each other's wings regardless of superiors and inferiorities, and be warm and harmonious."

The Caihuan beside him gently pulled Wu Cairen's arm, put one hand on her forehead, and whispered.

"It's not hot to touch, but it's nonsense. If you let others listen to it, you will lose your head!"

"From now on, don't talk about this kind of nonsense."

Wu Cairen turned a deaf ear, his eyes moved slowly along the trajectory of the flying birds.

Until it shrank to a black spot, the appearance was no longer visible.

The smile on his face also faded away, Wu Cairen's expression gradually dimmed, and he murmured.

"Cai Huan, you said that if this Tang Dynasty is ruled by a woman, what would it be like?"

As soon as the voice fell, Cai Huan was shocked, and she covered her wriggling lips.

"Hey! Say it again! Shut up!"

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