Martial Sage

Chapter 815: Sorry

After all, age is limited.

This is the first time I have experienced this kind of thing that thousands of people kneel down and cannot kneel for a long time.

At this moment, Li Zhi was quite confused, chopping his feet back and forth, repeating the phrase "Get up quickly, completely at a loss."

Bang bang bang.

Three loud applause sounded.

Li Tai, dressed in a cotton-padded coat and holding a folding fan, appeared on the streets of Dongshi with his head high.

Seeing Li Zhi on the wooden platform, Li Zhi smiled and strode forward.

"Zhier Little Brother has a heart for the sick, and he is with the people. He actually rushed ahead. It was quite embarrassing for me to be the Big Brother."

The words are not loud, but they faintly carry a dragon and tiger power of royal blood.

Just now, they were still shouting to all the patients of King Jin in unison, and they all said nothing.

Two princes appeared in the land of the East City, and the seriously ill patient had a bad premonition.

Now that the position of the prince has not been determined, it was originally a dispute between Li Tai and Li Ke. At this time, another active Li Zhi came in. In the end, the position of the prince was still unknown.

Don't say that it is these common people, that is, the important ministers in the central government, who stand in the wrong position and will suffer the disaster.

Seeing Li Tai walking over, all the sick people lay down on the ground, not daring to raise their heads, and their hearts were very flustered.

When Li Zhi turned his head, seeing Li Tai, who hadn't seen him for a long time, come, and the two brothers met again, and Li Zhi, who was pure-hearted, was overjoyed.

Jumping off the wooden platform, he didn't notice the slight anger in Li Tai's words just now, and rushed toward the energetic pro Big Brother excitedly.

"Eldest brother! I haven't seen it for a long time, and never came to find Little Brother to play, you make Little Brother miss it so much!"

As before, Li Zhi rushed to the figure, took Li Tai's arm, and pressed it next to him.

Feeling the familiar temperature sticking to his arms, Li Tai's expression suffocated.

In fact, after the failure of the Qingzhou plan last time, Li Tai has been cautious, lest he end up like Li Chengqian.

Although the doors were closed and all literati and scholars were not allowed to visit, all the wind and grass in the imperial city were brought by the guards and passed into the ears.

The rise of Li Zhi's different army has recently shown his talents and received praise from many ministers, making Li Tai more or less flustered.

The position of the prince has not yet been determined, and Li Ke is already a strong opponent. Now that the addition of a Li Zhi, the determination of the position of the prince has become even more confusing.

Even worse news is that Tang Hao, the young superstar of Datang, seems to have a close relationship with Li Zhi.

If this person helps, the position of the crown prince will most likely fall into the hands of Li Zhi!

I wanted to suppress Li Zhi's momentum in front of patients, but I never thought that this stupid Little Brother was unaware, even as innocent and pure as before!

Li Tai's original anger was also hidden under this kid's joyful smile.

The anger faded, Li Tai turned to smile, and stretched out his hand to stroke Li Zhi's head.

"Yes! The eldest brother has a lot of work to do. Hearing about the imperial city disease, he privately searched for a famous doctor."

"Hearing that Tang Hao had developed all medicines in the imperial city, he hurried back."

Looking at the huge team closely following Li Tai, Li Zhi was quite curious, pointed behind him, and looked at Li Taidao.

"Eldest brother, what are the barrels pulled on these carriages?"

"Could it be that some gruel and meals are used to give these patients?"

Looking back at the huge wooden barrels neatly arranged on the five carriages, Li Tai smiled, with his hands behind his back.


"The father is busy with the vaccination, and he has to review the memorials in the Tang Dynasty.

"Dage went to Qianzhou, and the task of sharing the worries for his father fell on the eldest brother."

While speaking, Li Tai glanced at Li Zhi intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing that Li Zhi's face was not too turbulent, he sighed inwardly, this stupid Little Brother, he might not understand the position of the crown prince, and what is this authority over the sky.

Condensing his mind, Li Tai turned his head, looked at the patients who were kneeling in the distance, and added.

"The tax and food rates from various places have not yet been fully transported to the imperial warehouse. It is not easy for my father to collect some rice gruel for these patients."

"How can you manage a meal of gruel a day?"

"The eldest brother bought some of the money from his mansion and bought rice millet to make gruel to give these patients a meal."

After all, Li Tai patted Li Zhi on the shoulder.

"Go! Let's cook the porridge!"

Under the small grass nunnery, Li Tai took a wooden spoon and personally scooped two scoops of gruel and placed them in a pottery bowl, smiling at the long dragons in front of the wooden barrels.

"People of Datang!"

"It is your misfortune to be caught in the devil's claws!"

"But your Majesty has not given up on you! The lonely will not give up on you either!"

The voice just fell, the sentiment was exciting, and it was even louder and more excited than Jin Wang's wave of voices.

In contrast, King Jin’s promise is quite a bit of a cake to satisfy one’s hunger, while King Wei’s wave is a real gruel right in front of his eyes!

"His Royal Highness, with benevolence and virtue and loving the people like a son, is really a model among princes!"

"Be with the people, be compassionate to the common people, Wei Wang Zhennai inherits His Majesty's benevolence, we Datang, blessed!"

"It is Bodhisattva's heart that His Royal Highness Wang Purdue all the people! This great kindness is engraved in our hearts."

The people's aspirations are endlessly praised.

Listening to the words in his ear, Li Tai's smile was even brighter, and he waved his hand.


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