Martial Sage

Chapter 816: Three Kings Confrontation

The scene turned over, making Tang Hao sitting in the second-story attic watch with gusto.

Originally, I wanted to see if this kid Li Zhi had any eloquence, but unexpectedly watched a big show that took the lead.

Looking at Li Zhi who was standing in front of the porridge bucket with a smile on his face, Tang Hao shook his head slightly and took a sip of hot tea.

"Really a silly boy."

Wu Tong sat on the opposite side with a solemn expression on his face.

I don't know whether this Li Zhi only cares about whether the patient is filling his stomach, or he has a deep affection for the Big Brother, and he has not even noticed the exclusion of Li Tai's words.

Wu Tong, who is also an honest man, looked a little worried.

"Hey! King Jin is not an opponent of King Wei at all."

"When the crown prince meets such an opponent, King Jin is afraid that it will be missed. The reputation gained from the trip to Qingzhou and the hard trek has also disappeared."

Tang Hao was about to reply, only to feel that there was an unusual movement from the corner of the street.

Glancing at it, Tang Hao's face was amused, and he smiled and spoke.

"Look, the show has just started."

Just as Wu Tong looked around Tang Hao, Tang Hao slowly waved.

"Little Er, come to a pot of tea again."

Sipping tea and watching a play, sitting high by the window, overlooking the whole world, it’s a different kind of taste.

At the end of the street corner, five carriages cleared the way, gilded beasts carved on the four corners of the carriage, agarwood carriages, pearl and jade curtains, and silver inlaid peony patterns gleaming, very eye-catching.

Accompanied by the "driving" of the coachman, the wheel rumbling rumbling against the stone road with wind blowing.

Li Ke was dressed in purple and beautiful clothes, standing proudly in front of the carriage, holding a folding fan, and smiling.

When this place of porridge was near, the speed of the carriage slowly dropped, and finally came to a halt with the sound of a ‘call’.

The armored guards on both sides jumped off their horses and supported the carriage steps before Li Ke slowly walked down.

Glancing at the long porridge-producing team stunned in the same place, Li Ke's free gaze fell on Li Zhi.

"Hey, King Jin, I haven't seen him for a long time, but he has grown into a tall and tall boy."

For some reason, Li Zhi honestly felt that this smiling face didn't look real, as if there was a scary figure hidden behind it.

Li Zhi respectfully arched his cupped hands, with an awkward smile on his face, and said in a low voice.

"His Royal Highness King Wu."

The stalking posture paused for a while in front of Li Zhi, with his hands behind his back.

"Yes, I have it, but I lacked a boy's Blood Qi!"

After talking, take two steps slowly and look at Li Tai.

"It's a coincidence today, and Wang Wei is also there."

"In a once mixed East Market, three princes gathered at the same moment, which is incredible."

Li Tai didn't look directly at Li Ke, and twisted his body with his hands behind his back.

"The disease in the imperial city is raging, and the people have been displaced. They are now trapped in this East City, separated from their relatives and families."

"If this congee-making team blocked King Wu's way of traveling in mountains and water, please take a detour and don't delay your time here."

Li Tai, who was enjoying the praise of the people, was proud of the natural spring breeze in his heart, and now he was dissipated by Wu Wang Li Ke, and it was inevitable that he confessed a little bit between his words.

To be honest, Li Tai never wanted to see this person.

It was not just because of the position of the prince, but the prince always put on a high and aloof accent, which made people annoyed to listen.

Wu Wang Li Ke was not annoyed by this, but laughed, cupped hands.

"Guildness and sin, I just focused on chatting with the two brothers, but I didn't see the king of Wei, who has always loved the people like a child, is here to show great fanfare and save the people."

"This is a move that is dedicated to the people and the world. I think the father will see it, and he will definitely be amazed."

After that, Li Ke looked at Li Zhi on the side and said slowly.

"What do you think? His Royal Highness King Jin?"

The sudden questioning caused Li Zhi's head to be stunned. He looked at Li Ke in amazement, and couldn't say a word for a while.

The plan in his heart was dismantled by Li Ke on the spot, Li Tai's face was blue and red, and his heart was filled with anger.

Clenching his fist behind him, Li Tai gritted his teeth and turned his head away.

"Li Ke! You are not here, Yin & Yang is weird!"

"Thousands of people are still waiting to warm up with porridge, don't make trouble here!"

Hearing this, Li Ke straightened up and waved his hand again and again.


"His Royal Highness the King of Wei gave congee intimately and shared the worries for his father. These things are meant to show the benevolence of the royal family, and they should be worthy of emulation by the princes and grandchildren."

After that, Li Ke opened the paper fan with a ‘pop’, and laughed.

"Just what's the reason for not eating the staple food and only drinking tea?"

Slightly tilted his head, and said to his subordinates.

"Distribute the meatloaf and let the sick people eat."

"The sick body is already weak and does not have some oil and water as a staple food. How can it fight against the disease?"

With an order, the soldiers next to the carriage started to move, and the meatloaf wrapped in rough greased paper was taken out one by one and stuffed into the hands of the sick people.

The stunned people were holding the warm meatloaf, smelling the fragrant meat and scallion oil, and they were addicted to their hearts.

But in this case, the three princes stood in weird confrontation, making everyone afraid to speak, and faintly afraid.

Looking at the three people on the field in a dull manner, it was impossible to eat or not to eat.

Seeing that he was robbed of the limelight, Li Tai didn't hit him with anger, but he couldn't help but stuck there, flushing his cheeks.

It was Wu Wang Li Ke, looking at these indifferent people, his eyes gradually sharpened.

"What? Isn't it delicious?"

"If you don't want to change tomorrow, I will get some big fish and meat, and how many tables will I put on it?"

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