Martial Sage

Chapter 817: Fighting

The simple words were completely savory in Li Ke's mouth.

Not a threat, but better than a threat.

The people in the audience were startled, looked at each other, and then took the meatloaf in their hands and ate them together.

They are just ordinary citizens of a small imperial city, how dare they go against the wishes of these princes?

This scene fell in Tang Hao's eyes.

With a smile on his face, Tang Hao slowly took a sip of hot tea.

"Wonderful, really wonderful."

"The two princes are competing, but they have to use these innocent people as tools."

"Sure enough, this gift from the prince is not easy to take."

After listening, Wu Tong looked down and stood in the field, Li Zhi, who said nothing, sighed.

"Yes! How is this alms food."

"Pity those helpless people, as well as King Jin, are also caught between the two."

Putting down the tea cup, Tang Hao smiled in the same situation on the court.

"The dispute between the prince and the prince, that boy Li Zhi doesn't want to get involved!"

After that, Tang Hao slowly got up and said.

"Let's go, let's go and see too."

The situation in the epidemic area was exceptionally weird. The patients lowered their heads and ate the bread silently, and the audience was quiet, without a single sound.

"The three princes cared about the sick, and they served porridge and made cakes, which is really the welfare of the Tang Dynasty."

Tang Hao's voice was especially loud in this neighborhood.

Many people and the three princes who were confronting each other heard these words and turned their heads to look at them.

Taking a big stride, Tang Hao, with a calm expression on his face, led Wu Tong to say hello to the princes.

When Li Tai and Li Ke saw Tang Hao coming by Yingying, the corners of their eyes twitched a few times, and a complex expression flashed in their eyes.

Li Zhi knows that the two Big Brothers had been together, but now they are in a fight. Li Zhi has long wanted to escape from this place of right and wrong.

Seeing Tang Hao's arrival now, as if seeing a savior, he strode towards Tang Hao and smiled.

"Sister-in-law! You are here!"

"The two Big Brothers are here, serving meatloaf and porridge, and they are settling the patient."

Tang Hao patted Li Zhi on the back and led him towards the two princes.

Li Tai looked at Tang Hao who was standing still a few steps away, with a gleam in his eyes, said.

"I often heard that Beihou Xiaoyi was eating, and this time he did not hesitate to test poison with his own body to develop a strange medicine for the people of Datang. I didn't expect to come here today but I am free."

"I don't know if you are here to check the condition, or to come to condolences the people?"

This sentence is a rhetorical question, but also a temptation.

The timing of Tang Hao's appearance was too coincidental, and it happened to be the most critical moment for the rise of this confrontation.

Looking at Li Tai, Tang Hao looked ashamed and said.

"Ashamed, Tang has only developed a vaccination strategy to prevent others from getting sick and slow the spread of the disease, but he has never developed a new medicine to treat people who have been infected."

"It's only to come to give more guidance, so as to soothe the people's mood."

Hearing that, Li Ke smiled loudly, showing Tang Hao on his face, and said.

"Dingbeihou, no, it should be Tang Guogong."

"We in Datang's response to the disease means that Tang Guogong has done his best and is not afraid of life and death. This passionate, ethical ethics of saving the country and the people is enough to become a model for the young people of the world, and it is worthy of young students to emulate it."

Having said this, Li Ke cupped hands and said.

"Master Tang, you have worked hard."

These words sounded unusually plain, as if they were sincere, and it was difficult for Tang Hao to hear the true intentions in the words.

But even if there was no malice, Tang Hao responded with a smile.

"Wu Wang, it's absurd."

Li Ke is also a master of advance and retreat, knowing that Tang Hao has made a lot of contributions to Datang during this year, and his reputation is quite high.

This person's appearance here will inevitably become the target of these people's pursuit, and these efforts that he has just made can be regarded as a waste of all previous efforts.

But at this moment, any fight between the two parties will allow the third person to enjoy the profit.

Rather than head-on to the end, it is better to retreat as an advance and take the lead in evacuation.

Yingying arched cupped hands towards Tang Hao, and Li Ke glanced at the audience and smiled.

"Since the loneliness has been done, and the people have food, they will leave first."

After all, he really strode forward, and when he passed by Tang Hao, his slow pace stopped.

Turning his head slightly, Li Ke approached Tang Hao slightly and said softly.

"Tang Guogong, you have to think twice about some things."

"Just like this epidemic area, some people see it as honorable to others."

After all, he waved his hand.

"Departure, return home."

Watching a large number of soldiers and horses slowly ripped away, Tang Hao's thoughts surged.

This King Wu is really not simple. A single sentence not only implies that he has the same purpose as Tang Hao, but also truly means doing things for the people.

He pushed Tang Hao to the opposite of Li Tai, so that after he left, the two people in the field would only be two parties that were difficult to tolerate.

May the situation in Ben be better, and the two groups of people have arrived one after another, making Li Tai a little embarrassed.

The act of charity has become something that wins the favor and wins the hearts of the people.

Although it is not stated clearly, between the lines, the inner heart of own is completely analyzed in front of the patients.

An angry gaze fell on Tang Hao, hesitated for a moment, Li Tai cupped hands.

"Tang Guogong came, it must be good, and the people's aspirations are what they want."


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