Martial Sage

Chapter 818: The Secret

back yard.

The pile of memorials has already been reviewed, and Wang Wang rubbed his sour eyes and got up and went to the back garden.

Father Rong held a fox fur cloak and followed closely.

Before the third nine, the weather seemed to have some traces of the third nine, and the white breath that he exhaled could already be clearly seen.

Slowly put the clothes on the Tang Wang, Tang Wang pulled the corners of the clothes hand in hand, and said solemnly.

"I heard that Zhi'er learned from Tang Hao the way of merchants, is there such a thing?"

Rong Gonggong slightly bowed his body, followed behind Wang Wang, and replied.

"Your Majesty, there is indeed such a thing."

"Although His Royal Highness King Jin is young, it is a good thing to be self-reliant and self-reliant."

"The old slave also heard that Tang Hao gave His Highness King Jin an idea, which is a business that will not lose money."

Hearing this, his slow pace stopped and turned his head.

"Is this merchant's business still profitable without losing money?"

Although he started with soldiers in war, Tang Wang also understood in his heart that in addition to reselling the price difference, in addition to invention and creation, where is there a shortcut to this merchant's way?

Even those large and experienced merchants who have been in business for dozens of years, always have the time when the gutter is overturned.

What kind of uncompromising business is there?

Meeting the eyes of King Tang, Grandpa Rong hurriedly added.

"The old slave was also sending some sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus cakes to His Royal Highness Jin. He heard that His Highness Jin mentioned it."

"I only knew that it was about the sale of beans. The old slave didn't ask more about the details."

Bean trading?

Isn't this the kind of business that ordinary villagers in the countryside would do?

Can such an ordinary merchant's business make a profit without losing it? Wouldn't it be that Datang merchants are already rich and oily?

King Tang frowned, touched his beard under his jaw, thinking quietly.

Why would such an ordinary transaction be such an existence in Tang Hao's eyes?

Is it possible that there is actually any mystery at all?

I haven't figured it out yet, Li Junxian, who is wearing silver armor, has already risen to report.

"Your Majesty, King Jin is going to the epidemic area today to comfort the patients and do a good job of guiding them."

"And I paid my own pockets to buy food and fill up their stomachs for the people in the sick area."

When he first heard about it, Tang Wang didn't feel the wrong thing, but instead became confused.

"Zhier is still young, so where does the money come from?"

"Furthermore, for the thousand patients, when did he get so much money?"

Since the Tang king started to let Li Zhi occupy the position of the prince, he privately inspected the character of this son, and Li Junxian became the eyes and ears of the Tang king's place next to the Jin king.

Using private money to buy food for the patients, these things seem to be benevolent, but they are naive.

One or two victims must be feasible, but if they sit in the seat of the monarch, how can they all use royal expenses for relief in this world?

It is not only a question that cannot be redeemed, but also a matter that will affect the overall situation of the world.

Li Junxian raised his eyes to look at the majestic King Tang, and responded truthfully.

"It is from Tang Guogong, the specific amount is unknown."

Speaking of this, Li Junxian paused, hesitated for a moment, and said cautiously.

"In addition, Wang Wei and Wang Wu also came to the scene one after another."

The three of them appeared in the same place. Needless to say, all three of them could guess the stakes.

Li Zhi is still young, not to mention the first experience of personnel, he may be unaware of the vortex of power, and he did not feel the crisis at all.

King Tang's face became a little dignified, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, said.

"My two sons are really uncomfortable!"

"Previously, every evacuation had an excuse."

"Now that the disease is contained, it's anxious to come, it's lively."

Li Junxian had a slight disagreement with Tang Wang's remarks.

Since ancient times, princes have fought openly and secretly, and the fight for the crown of the prince has been a normal state.

But after all, it is a strategy to save the people and settle down. It represents the royal family, which is really a good strategy.

"His Majesty."

"Perhaps Wei Wang, Wu Wang just happened to come, and I didn't expect that Jin Wang would also go."

Tang Wang's face didn't improve, but he lowered his face gloomily.

"That's good."

"As the eldest brother, retreating in the face of difficulties, he is not as meticulous as a Little Brother who is less than twenty years old. When I speak, my face is dull."

Since the Qingzhou incident, Li Ke and Li Tai were involved in a ghost story after they were found out.

King Tang had quite a disagreement with these two people. In this matter, King Tang only hopes that these two people are from the bottom of their hearts, and sincerely want to do things for the Tang Dynasty.

"However, in the end, Tang Guogong arrived and eased the embarrassing situation in the court."

Li Junxian bit the bullet and said the final outcome.

Tang Hao?

When Wang Wang heard this, he was slightly taken aback.

After thinking about it, he laughed loudly.

"This is interesting!"

"I said that Tang Hao, this kid is a leafless person, and will not help anyone, but I never thought of going back to resolve this embarrassment."

"Um~ I don't need to mention this again, just pay more attention to the treatment. Tang Hao is here, I don't worry."

When the palace changed, if Tang Hao was not there, blood would definitely splash in the Tai Chi Hall.

This time to appease the disease and epidemic patients, Tang Hao was infested again, and Wang Tang had already vaguely felt that Tang Hao was also concerned about the candidate for the position of the prince.

Regardless of the outcome, King Tang firmly believed that the blood-stained royal family would never happen again.

As for the position of the crown prince, whether Li Zhi is competent or not depends on Tang Hao's training and Li Zhi's good fortune.

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