"I can't help myself, since I don't want to go, then stay!"

The ancient man, who was locked by the immortal gold chain, was extremely indifferent, and opened his mouth to spit out a sword glow. The sword glow was extremely terrifying, as if it could easily slash a star field.


At this moment, the old man Meng Tianzheng sprang out and smashed the sword light.

"Fellow daoist, you are here. It seems that you are involuntary. You can't keep this tree of ten thousand daoist today."

Meng Tianzheng stepped forward to stand in front of everyone, and said in a calm tone.

"You only have a breath of energy left to hang your life, why bother?"

Supreme Zhu Diming also stood up, and the Supreme Prestige on his body crushed the past little by little.

The guardian's complexion changed drastically, and the most worried thing happened. In his state, desperately able to push his back.

However, I always feel that things will not be that simple. These people brought their disciples to the tomb to collect immortal seeds, and they must have a strong backing.

Just when the guardian hesitated, the furnace with the big fist in the hands of Dean Bai, the nine-colored light soaring to the sky, was extremely dazzling. This was a fairy soldier. It was probably a fairy king soldier, but now it's not working.

Even so, it was enough to resist his dying counterattack.

"No matter, you can take the Ten Thousand Paths Tree, but not everyone is qualified to use this tree, and the consequences are at your own risk."

When the words fell, the man closed his eyes simply.

The old man Meng Tianzheng didn't get out of the big picture either. Between his hands, the map of the ten worlds moved, "Wow!" Dao pictures swept across the entire void island, lightly traversing the fairy gold chain, and thousands of roads collided and rusted. The chain broke instantly.

The next moment, Dao Tu rolled up the Void Island and put it away directly.

"Unexpectedly this baby."

The man's eyes were like a torch, looking at the ten worlds map, with a lot of thoughts.

Sure enough, his speculation was not wrong, these people still have a back hand, this treasure, even if the immortal king comes, can resist it for a while, he can't resist it even in its heyday.

That's it!

That's it!

He had done enough to do what he needed to do. In the end, someone picked the peaches, but no one stopped him. The situation in that place didn't seem to be too good.

"Presumably, another era is coming to an end. It is just a waste of you to take the Ten Thousand Paths Tree."

The man sighed slightly, endless vicissitudes, and some unwillingness and regret.

"What is the result, seniors might as well try to live and see if our juniors will waste the Ten Thousand Dao Tree."

Shi Hao stood up, his tone firm, and said seriously.


The man looked at Shi Hao, his eyes flashing like lightning, but he had no intention of attacking, just pure observation.

However, it was directly blocked by Mr. Meng Tianzheng.

"Yes, it seems that in this generation, some good seedlings have appeared again, which can be regarded as the sublimation of the extreme, and the last is shining!"

That person is a nonchalant way.

There is nothing to say, this guy is perfect because he can't see hope, and his heart is full of despair, sleeping forever, and still can't wake up from the nightmare of the end of the ancient immortal.

"Then, let's say goodbye, we have to collect some more seeds, so I won't bother too much."

Old Man Meng Tianzheng spoke.

He didn't mean to stay, he was not familiar with it, lest there be a sudden change, this guy didn't know who it was.

"Hey, talking boy, dare you take me with you, maybe you are in a big disaster, I can help you one or two."

At this moment, the man looked at Shi Hao and said.

"Why not dare!"

Shi Hao said directly.

"Ha ha……"

The man looked up to the sky and laughed. After laughing a lot, he closed his eyes directly, and the whole person seemed to be dead in an instant.

"He fell asleep with a secret method, hung a sigh, unwilling to swallow it, Haotian, you put him away!"

Meng Tianzheng spoke in a leisurely tone.

Shi Hao took out a small cauldron and put the person in it directly.

Shi Zhongyu was silent and unreasonable, obviously he was the first person to speak.

He was a little more handsome than Shi Hao, and a little stronger than Shi Hao. Why, this old ghost fell in love with Shi Hao and didn't want to follow him.

The journey continues!

Sure enough, along the way, the golden sacred tree left a lot of marks, all of which were dangerous places, but they were bred by fairy seeds.

Everyone obtained a Void Seed in a void burial ground, a place full of space storms.

Encountered a small river of time, reference to the fragments of time, and collected a kind of time.

Encounter a mist formed by fairy blood and obtain a blood essence.

Encounter a torrential rain consisting of Star Rain and get a Star species.



On the whole, the harvest is huge. The key is that there is no Tianjiao falling. There are two old men, Meng Tianzheng and Zhu Diming, staring at them, and the old man holding the Jiufeng furnace support, even if it is in danger, he can be rescued in time.

The point is that most of the Celestial Immortals species were directly violently collected by Father Meng Tianzheng.

Taiyin fairy species, Taiyin fairy species, and other fairy species are extremely precious.


A hand suddenly fell, with a large shadow, many big stars trembling, moving with it!


The tomb was shaking, the surrounding endless Star was wiped out by a palm, and the big hand was pitch black like ink, and grabbed it towards the silver warship.

Such an attack is nothing more than his leaked power, but it also possesses such a terrifying power.


The old man Meng Tianzheng ascended to the sky, extremely domineering, and blasted out with a punch, stiffening the big black handprints.

The next moment, the handprint exploded and turned into black fragments all over the sky, and was abruptly defeated by him.

Supreme Zhu Diming looked stunned, even if Immortal vented his breath, it was terrible, Meng Tianzheng was really hidden.

"Brother Zhu, you and I joined forces to refine the another world Immortal with the ten world map and the original seal."

Meng Tian said to Zhu Diming vigorously.


Zhu Diming was also agitated by the Blood Qi stimulated by Meng Tianzheng's demeanor, so fuck him.

Immortal, another world royal family who didn't know how long had been sealed, must be very weak, and even dared to attack them and seek death.

There are Shijietu, which is good at defensive and sealed immortal king soldiers, it is indeed very safe.

"Let the Qiankun bag senior also join the war!"

Shi Zhongyu spoke, and the Universe Bag flew out. The Fantian Seal on his body is now inconvenient to use. He wants to seal the Five Elements continent.

The purple gold bowl can be used, but there are too many treasures sealed inside, which is very inconvenient.

Of course, when it's really there, you can use it when you need it.

"It's so good!"

Meng Tianzheng said with satisfaction.

There are two support of the Immortal King soldiers, and the support of the original Sealed Immortal Array. This time, it will be necessary to refine the Immortal of another world imperial family.

Being sealed in the boundary grave, you are restless. Do you really think that no one can clean you up?

The old man Meng Tianzheng was murderous, dissatisfied with the peace in the usual days, and the Ten World Map was under his control, sealing the world, and flew towards a huge scarlet Star.

Elder Zhu Diming was also urging the universe bag, turning it into an infinite size, and directly took this scarlet planet into it.

In the next battle, everyone can't intervene and can only wait.

The immortal king exists, can open up the world alone, it is almost impossible to be sealed, and that can be sealed, that is, Immortal.

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