Martial Soul Of The Perfect World

Chapter 762 Two Elder's Eyes

Everyone was looking forward to it, but they couldn't see anything. The Universe Bag directly took the Scarlet Star in, and then the two rushed in with a picture. The battle inside was not something Realm below the Supreme could touch.

In theory, the Supreme could not fight another world Immortal, but the victory is that the opponent is in a sealed state, endless years have passed, and only a little power can be infiltrated.

It proved that at that time, the true immortal who arranged the seal had at least two or more, extremely powerful existences.

If it were the immortal king, he would have been refining and beheaded a long time ago, and he would not stay.

Another situation is that a true fairy desperately tried to seal it, and he was exhausted, unable to kill the enemy.

Regardless of the situation, Shijietu is best at sealing and defending, and can protect both of them.

When the seal formation was completely activated, the two Immortal King soldiers refining the another world Immortal at the same time, the other party would definitely not be able to hold it.

This time, the harvest was huge, and finally a precious Yin & Yang Dao Seed was obtained. This Dao Seed was a perfect seed that Tianshen Academy had prepared for millions of years.

In addition, the seeds of the Wandao Tree and the two seeds of the Emperor, the Five Elements fairy seed and the mysterious heaven seed, can be said to be a bumper harvest.

As for how to distribute seeds, it is obvious that some people do not need seeds at all.

For example, Huo Ling'er, and Qing Yi, the fairy fire on the two of them had never left.

Especially in the situation of Huo Ling'er, even the old man Meng Tianzheng is very surprised, why so many top fires can be so peaceful in her body.

It stands to reason that after the Divine Fire Realm, the fire will leave naturally.

It seems that all of this has something to do with the human emperor, and the Tao fruit Huo Ling'er chooses is all the human emperor's guidance.

In theory, this is a dead end, and one person cannot have multiple Dao types at the same time.

However, Huo Ling'er's Dao fruit is fire, six burning fires.

Anyway, it gives people the feeling that these children have already walked out of the own way a long time ago and consciously developed the own way.

Many people are very low-key, but their combat effectiveness is amazing.

If it weren't for Huo Ling'er who almost burned Duguyun to death, no one would have known that she was so powerful.

The point is that no one knows that Shi Zhongyu is consciously opening up to people around him.

For example, he couldn't directly pass the two kinds of Cultivation Techniques from the tomb of the gods, but he could pass his own infinite profound arts to everyone after his own magic transformation.

Anyway, his practice Realm is high enough, and he is not afraid of that bit of punishment.

They have practiced along the way, and are also adapting to their own Tao and Dharma, slowly changing.

The law of this world lacks true people who can go to the extreme, and it is not possible to blossom into a hundred flowers.

That's because I didn't meet a real arrogant person.

Shi Zhongyu was also worried about everyone's future Dao, which was caused by his hard work and their own talents and perceptions.

The road behind is getting harder and harder, and you need to break the shackles and rush through it little by little.

Originally, facing the Ming Dao realm, understanding one's own Dao fruit, perfecting own Dao, in this regard, Shi Zhongyu has a direction, but it is not as clear as it is now.

After the development of Dantian, he seemed to have opened the Seven Orifice Exquisite Heart all at once.

He is ready to develop a new cultivation system, with his strength, to develop a system that corresponds to his Realm, and it will not attract the terrible Heavenly Tribulation.

After all, Dadao cannot allow the creation of the law, and whoever creates the law will kill anyone.

It can be said that now, his small group, lacking his guidance and leading the way, is likely to collapse directly.

There will be very few who can go to the back.

Meng Tianzheng faintly noticed this.

Therefore, he must follow this trip. Some people are born with leaders and hopes and cannot die.

Shi Zhongyu didn't know that Meng Tianzheng had such a high evaluation of him in his heart.

In the same way, Shi Hao gradually calmed down his thoughts. He felt that something was wrong with what he had seen before, and his judgment must have been wrong.

He didn't think that such a powerful stone jade would fall halfway, and the future would no longer exist.

Fortunately, there was no accident. Next, Dean Bai was greeted by Qiankun Bag.

When everyone appeared, they were all surprised to find that the old man was a lot younger.

This old man has gained a lot in it, and the benefits of refining a true immortal are all rare experiences and opportunities for them.

Obviously, they succeeded, refining an Immortal of another world ancient royal family.

This is also an ancient emperor of another world who once broke into here, looking for a heavenly seed for his descendants, but just died here.

Boundary Tomb is boundless, and theoretically, the degree of danger is one grade lower than that of Boundary Sea.

Jiehai is an immortal king who will be lost when he enters. Here, if there is no coordinate star map, Immortal will be lost when he enters.

Fortunately, everyone has the anchor points and coordinates left by the fairy king's exploration before, and they dare to explore carefully along the fixed route.

Moreover, he also killed a weak Immortal by the way.

This trip can be said to be a complete success.

The road was created by oneself, and the Tao was also created by the ancients.

Along the way, the second Elder has given full play to his talent in Fudge, and it cannot be said to be Fudge. In some people, he really saw the possibility and opportunity.

For example, the human emperor and the Huang emperor, these two boys, created the virtual realm on their own.

Moreover, the two boys, both the current world law and the immortal ancient law, are practicing together. Perhaps this is the most perfect way. If there is no weakness, it will not be targeted.

In the future, we will not be afraid of beating, coughing and coughing.

A certain Elder knows this, he coughs twice, and he feels a fierce look in his eyes.

Your old man is revealing his ancestors on his own. Nine Heavens has many scandals that he doesn't want to mention.

The most famous sentence is, "Go the invincible way, and never be afraid of being surrounded and beaten."

This is definitely a sad black history. It's not that they haven't seen outstanding people and talents, but they are too few, and their teammates are still fucking hips, they can't beat them!

Just ask how many powerful heroes of Nine Heavens are not so dead.

Just hitting, hitting, he (she) is the only one left.

There are also some longevity families who secretly sign an agreement with another world, which is no different from Jie Jian.

Under the cover of the nest, are there any eggs?

The truth that mortal people understand, some people just do it brazenly.

Second, Elder couldn't tell to go down, and felt sad.

The end of another era has come, and it depends on these younger generations.

They are no longer able to practice, until now in Realm, it is difficult to make progress, and they are all abandoned.

Hope is all on the young people in front of them, but I don’t know how much time is left for them to grow up peacefully.

Especially, when he saw Shi Zhongyu's body, his eyes were extremely hot, Shi Zhongyu wanted to draw people, but the old man's kind and hopeful smile and the old father's eyes made him unable to take it off.


Lots of meat!

Soon, the old man's gaze fell on Shi Hao, and Shi Hao shuddered subconsciously.

Under Erder's scorching gaze, the warship finally returned to the Celestial Academy and came back, not missing one.

The big guys shouted and ran away. Second, Elder was irritated. The eyes on the road made everyone "tremble". It was too eager to make everyone feel heavy and uncomfortable.

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